Started watching DBZ again: Some observations

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

goku sounds like a little girl in japanese

vegeta = alpha
goku is a little girl in japanese an little old girl but its way more 
 then the american voice overs imo. i remember a thread on a new db coming out so wassup with that?
Originally Posted by AirForce1King

For those that care, here is every DB/Z/GT episode for free streamed here. I ask of one thing and one thing only. That you do NOT waste your time watching in GT episodes. That is all.

Thanks anyone have a japanese version? Watched the first episode brings back memories. Also remembered I use to play WOW with the Funimation voice of Piccolo, dude was a cool guy always doing voices in Vent. Made raiding a ton of fun. 
Grew up with the series, used to love it, just came to say Naruto is better and One Piece is the greatest.
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