statute of limitation on an,wife, mistress etc...vol would you drive 95 miles

Feb 5, 2013
with the news of Matt Barnes driving 95 miles to confront a man who is dating his ex, that man who turned out to be Matt's ex-teammate  and who is  now an NBA head coach in Derek Fisher

Barnes is a timebomb and probably wouldve done this regardless of who this man was, but did former point guard and head coach D-Fish call the right play (pun intended) by dating her? 

whats the hood statute of limitations on dating a friends/relative/co-workers ex  ( gf, wife, mistress etc) ?  

truth be told, i hooked up with a former friends ex years back

i was mad cool with this dude in HS, they were HS lovers but broke up after graduation. hooked up with her in spite of her friend who i was on and off with and didnt really think about my former friend since he wasnt part of the picture anymore...found out they re-connected and got married a few months back 
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Personally I say never just cuz if it gets serious it would be awkward to see someone your not on good terms with at all the functions. And you have to be cordial at minimum cuz that's your boys lady.
Also for the girl some people mgiht say she was double dipping in the homie pot
If I loved her then she's off limits forever. If I didnt care about her then it's free game whenever.
any feelings from a friend towards her means they're off limits...whether that be they just hooking up, gf, etc.
link to the story.

If he the homie, she off limits in my book.

Yall not that cool, or he give the nod go right ahead.

cant think of any girls i smashed that had any real ties to my real friends.
I agree. If the two were good friends, then yes, she is off limits. But, if they are acquintances or they don't really have a connection to one another, then I think it's fair.

They are divorced or leading to be divorced, Matt Barnes can't really do nothing about that.

Goons gonna goon.

Good for D-Fish lol.
I had a situation with this chick that I grew up with. She always had a crush on me for the longest in HS. She was really cute but kinda chubby with braces and I swore I was too fly to give her the time of day but she lived in my neighborhood and I was always joking around with her cracking jokes and she became like my best friend. Both her parents were in the army overseas and so she had to go live with her grandmother in the country and moved away. I remember the day she left and I was pretty hurt I was losing my friend. Fast forward about 5/6 years later and one of my boys who still lived in my mom's neighborhood tells me that the chick (let's call her K) moves back into her moms house by herself and is banging. I'm like "huh, k from back in the day??" About 10 minutes later I get a FB message from her saying she's back in town whatever whatever and I hadn't seen her in almost 6 years and barely talked to her through social media. We set up a meeting and she looks AMAZING. She's all into fitness and has lost 72lbs. She looked like a supermodel...anywho we start dating...for a the point where I'm on the verge of proposing but the thing is the friends I kept around me at the time were in a smoke weed, do nothing type stage all the time and it was rubbing off on me. She was so focused and I was so...not focused. Long story short we get into a horrible fight because she catches me smoking weed after repeated attempts of trying to get me to stop and we end up breaking up after about 3 years being together. I had this dude around me at the time that I had met through other friends (we'll call him C) that was kicking it within our circle. He was always being funny telling me how fine K was and asking if she had sisters. When me and her broke up all my boys knew how broken up I was and were all consoling me but this ***** C went ghost. About 3 weeks later one of my boys sit me down and show me an IG pic of the "homie" C and K cuddled up with no clothes on. The first thing that came over me was pure anger and I honestly was ready to kill the both of them but I chilled. It hurt and I took me a while to get over it but I found out who my real friends were in that situation and they stepped up to the plate to get me outta that funk. The relationship between the two of them lasted another week after I found out but K called me and explained to me that it was something that she did to make me angry and she realized how stupid she was being and that the sex wasn't good between them and blah blah and the "homie" tried to reach out to me via another friend of mine and my boy told him don't ever come around again. This was about 4 years ago. I haven't seen or heard from C since he tried to reach out to me and I never want to because I've never gotten over this situation. K works for a huge accounting firm in downtown Atlanta and lives in a 6 bedroom house. She often hits me up on birthdays, holidays or randomly throughout the week asking if "she can have her bestfriend back" or "do you remember when we were 15 and would talk about getting married" I've beaten the guts up again plenty of times since then but anytime I'm with her I bring up the situation and she calls me immature for still clinging on to it or changes the subject entirely. She thinks I'm gonna marry her and I feel bad because I think she truly is waiting for me but I can never get over the vindictive snake in the grass **** both of them did to me and I know I never will. That situation taught me something you could never learn in a book. I can't trust any female, I looked at my mom different after that.

I'm scarred OP
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I had a situation with this chick that I grew up with. She always had a crush on me for the longest in HS. She was really cute but kinda chubby with braces and I swore I was too fly to give her the time of day but she lived in my neighborhood and I was always joking around with her cracking jokes and she became like my best friend. Both her parents were in the army overseas and so she had to go live with her grandmother in the country and moved away. I remember the day she left and I was pretty hurt I was losing my friend. Fast forward about 5/6 years later and one of my boys who still lived in my mom's neighborhood tells me that the chick (let's call her K) moves back into her moms house by herself and is banging. I'm like "huh, k from back in the day??" About 10 minutes later I get a FB message from her saying she's back in town whatever whatever and I hadn't seen her in almost 6 years and barely talked to her through social media. We set up a meeting and she looks AMAZING. She's all into fitness and has lost 72lbs. She looked like a supermodel...anywho we start dating...for a the point where I'm on the verge of proposing but the thing is the friends I kept around me at the time were in a smoke weed, do nothing type stage all the time and it was rubbing off on me. She was so focused and I was so...not focused. Long story short we get into a horrible fight because she catches me smoking weed after repeated attempts of trying to get me to stop and we end up breaking up after about 3 years being together. I had this dude around me at the time that I had met through other friends (we'll call him C) that was kicking it within our circle. He was always being funny telling me how fine K was and asking if she had sisters. When me and her broke up all my boys knew how broken up I was and were all consoling me but this ***** C went ghost. About 3 weeks later one of my boys sit me down and show me an IG pic of the "homie" C and K cuddled up with no clothes on. The first thing that came over me was pure anger and I honestly was ready to kill the both of them but I chilled. It hurt and I took me a while to get over it but I found out who my real friends were in that situation and they stepped up to the plate to get me outta that funk. The relationship between the two of them lasted another week after I found out but K called me and explained to me that it was something that she did to make me angry and she realized how stupid she was being and that the sex wasn't good between them and blah blah and the "homie" tried to reach out to me via another friend of mine and my boy told him don't ever come around again. This was about 4 years ago. I haven't seen or heard from C since he tried to reach out to me and I never want to because I've never gotten over this situation. K works for a huge accounting firm in downtown Atlanta and lives in a 6 bedroom house. She often hits me up on birthdays, holidays or randomly throughout the week asking if "she can have her bestfriend back" or "do you remember when we were 15 and would talk about getting married" I've beaten the guts up again plenty of times since then but anytime I'm with her I bring up the situation and she calls me immature for still clinging on to it or changes the subject entirely. She thinks I'm gonna marry her and I feel bad because I think she truly is waiting for me but I can never get over the vindictive snake in the grass **** both of them did to me and I know I never will. That situation taught me something you could never learn in a book. I can't trust any female, I looked at my mom different after that.

I'm scarred OP

I bet you smash like you're trying to murder her. Young girls do dumb **** though, can't hold that against her forever. Then again you're in ATL, you could flourish forever.
I bet you smash like you're trying to murder her. Young girls do dumb **** though, can't hold that against her forever. Then again you're in ATL, you could flourish forever.

Choking and all smh It hurts fam because it's like I can't TRULY trust her. I'm not for that vindictive ish. Females get a bum wrap for doing that stupidity but never realize what that does to us. Just building up nothing but men who don't want real relationships because I know that's me now, eh it is what it is. +1 for reading my sap essay :lol:
yeah sometimes i'm in the game scoring but other times I just gotta sit like your avy and watch from the sidelines. I'm scarred too. Sad thing is my devaluation of womens worth and integrity, makes me more likely to smash whoever i feel like, just because birds gonna bird. Which leads to the cycle repeating with the next dude. I've been good lately. Tryin to hold off on chicks that my boys are remotely interested in. Sometimes its tough because I come across as the alpha often in a group setting and that makes them subconsciously flirt i think. Gotta kid on da way... really wanna get away from the life. But in committed relationship makes me feel like a mobster in witness protection. 
I had a situation with this chick that I grew up with. She always had a crush on me for the longest in HS. She was really cute but kinda chubby with braces and I swore I was too fly to give her the time of day but she lived in my neighborhood and I was always joking around with her cracking jokes and she became like my best friend. Both her parents were in the army overseas and so she had to go live with her grandmother in the country and moved away. I remember the day she left and I was pretty hurt I was losing my friend. Fast forward about 5/6 years later and one of my boys who still lived in my mom's neighborhood tells me that the chick (let's call her K) moves back into her moms house by herself and is banging. I'm like "huh, k from back in the day??" About 10 minutes later I get a FB message from her saying she's back in town whatever whatever and I hadn't seen her in almost 6 years and barely talked to her through social media. We set up a meeting and she looks AMAZING. She's all into fitness and has lost 72lbs. She looked like a supermodel...anywho we start dating...for a the point where I'm on the verge of proposing but the thing is the friends I kept around me at the time were in a smoke weed, do nothing type stage all the time and it was rubbing off on me. She was so focused and I was so...not focused. Long story short we get into a horrible fight because she catches me smoking weed after repeated attempts of trying to get me to stop and we end up breaking up after about 3 years being together. I had this dude around me at the time that I had met through other friends (we'll call him C) that was kicking it within our circle. He was always being funny telling me how fine K was and asking if she had sisters. When me and her broke up all my boys knew how broken up I was and were all consoling me but this ***** C went ghost. About 3 weeks later one of my boys sit me down and show me an IG pic of the "homie" C and K cuddled up with no clothes on. The first thing that came over me was pure anger and I honestly was ready to kill the both of them but I chilled. It hurt and I took me a while to get over it but I found out who my real friends were in that situation and they stepped up to the plate to get me outta that funk. The relationship between the two of them lasted another week after I found out but K called me and explained to me that it was something that she did to make me angry and she realized how stupid she was being and that the sex wasn't good between them and blah blah and the "homie" tried to reach out to me via another friend of mine and my boy told him don't ever come around again. This was about 4 years ago. I haven't seen or heard from C since he tried to reach out to me and I never want to because I've never gotten over this situation. K works for a huge accounting firm in downtown Atlanta and lives in a 6 bedroom house. She often hits me up on birthdays, holidays or randomly throughout the week asking if "she can have her bestfriend back" or "do you remember when we were 15 and would talk about getting married" I've beaten the guts up again plenty of times since then but anytime I'm with her I bring up the situation and she calls me immature for still clinging on to it or changes the subject entirely. She thinks I'm gonna marry her and I feel bad because I think she truly is waiting for me but I can never get over the vindictive snake in the grass **** both of them did to me and I know I never will. That situation taught me something you could never learn in a book. I can't trust any female, I looked at my mom different after that.

I'm scarred OP

how come u didn't kill that lame?
Just gotta ask yourself if she's truly the one for you
On paper it might seem so but man that feeling that she let ol dude smash is the hit that takes your breathe away. And I mean it levels you, feeling stone and breathless. Like you were mine to claim cause that's what you guys wanted, and then she flips the script and is with another dude. Almost taints her to an got all that history though lamekilla lamekilla
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high school love of my life/ ex now lives 3 hours away from me which is Las Vegas. Always tempted to find out where she be at when i'm in Vegas 
  *forgot to mention that shes with a friend of a friend lol
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man you know how many brothers or sisters ive met where they have kids from the same girl or guy. plenty.  i have that in some of my not immediate family . thats what consider dirty but thats just my opinion  ...

friends arent ish .they arent related to you , they dont have to remain loyal to you. people are out for themselves and what they can get. thats just life...... 
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