Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

^Sugar-y things work for me. Today I had the opportunity to try this new drink at the California bike race called FRS. Non-carbonated and it didn't taste too bad...probably one of the better energy boosters I've had. Oh yeah, saw Lance Armstrong too 

Man today's workout kinda sucked...

Everything was smooth until overhead press, which is the hardest exercise for me in my routine...

I just couldnt get the bar up, kept taking the weight down on a already low work weight, and still couldn't get it up,,,,,

Felt like the whole gym was starting at me, I hate that feeling, $#!* I hate when anybody look at me in the gym....

That threw my whole psyche, had me ready to just leave & stop lifting period (which I don't like doing & 1st day of second week lifting period)...

But I know that lifting helps burn more fat than just cardio alone, so I have to stick it out...

Originally Posted by Durden7

Taking protein as a pick-me-up??

It sounds weird but I like testing new things to see what works constantly...I can't take caffiene at all due to a minor heart problem as well as any other stimulants.  I could try taking some type of carb such as a banana pre -workout but I've done that before and I felt that even with the b-vitamins in the banana about 10-15 min in I felt sluggish.  Any type of food pre-workout is a no-no to me because of indegestion and just a general feel of energy being low.  I started taking half a scoop (12g) of whey pre-workout and it's quelled my slight hunger as well as keeping me going through my workout.  Since it's in powdered it's easy on the stomach atleast in my case and I just decrease my protein I take post-workout...So far so good.
Originally Posted by iLLest

How do ya'll feel about Top Ramen Noodles? I'm on a calorie deficit meal plan. Some days it's hard to eat everything I need to be eating. I went down to make some oatmeal and my mom had Top Ramen Noodles with veggies already cooked so I had a bowl. What ya'll think?

The salt content in Ramen is unreal.  You want to stay clear of it as much as possible.

Man today's workout kinda sucked...

Everything was smooth until overhead press, which is the hardest exercise for me in my routine...

I just couldnt get the bar up, kept taking the weight down on a already low work weight, and still couldn't get it up,,,,,

Felt like the whole gym was starting at me, I hate that feeling, $#!* I hate when anybody look at me in the gym....

Thatthrew my whole psyche, had me ready to just leave & stop liftingperiod (which I don't like doing & 1st day of second week liftingperiod)...

But I know that lifting helps burn more fat than just cardio alone, so I have to stick it out...


If its only your second week of lifting how do you know it was a light work weight?
My dad was at Costco and I told him to pick up some Greek yogurt for me, he got me a 32oz of plain.....what are some ways to make it taste better, I tried putting some blueberries in it but it didn't help much?
Originally Posted by Durden7


Man today's workout kinda sucked...

Everything was smooth until overhead press, which is the hardest exercise for me in my routine...

I just couldnt get the bar up, kept taking the weight down on a already low work weight, and still couldn't get it up,,,,,

Felt like the whole gym was starting at me, I hate that feeling, $#!* I hate when anybody look at me in the gym....

Thatthrew my whole psyche, had me ready to just leave & stop liftingperiod (which I don't like doing & 1st day of second week liftingperiod)...

But I know that lifting helps burn more fat than just cardio alone, so I have to stick it out...


If its only your second week of lifting how do you know it was a light work weight?

Well it was on 17.5 on each side on the smith, on my heavy day....

But I think it may be because I do overhead right after bench and that takes alot of my strength out of me....
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

My dad was at Costco and I told him to pick up some Greek yogurt for me, he got me a 32oz of plain.....what are some ways to make it taste better, I tried putting some blueberries in it but it didn't help much?
I eat it with blackberries and I think it's sooo much better than just plain. I unno, maybe I'm used to the bland/crappy tasting food associated with healthier eating. 
Originally Posted by iLLest

How do ya'll feel about Top Ramen Noodles? I'm on a calorie deficit meal plan. Some days it's hard to eat everything I need to be eating. I went down to make some oatmeal and my mom had Top Ramen Noodles with veggies already cooked so I had a bowl. What ya'll think?


Sodium will kill you. Plus the bleached noodles isn't the best for you. You should look for the whole wheat variety. Not that white crap. You can make you own Ramen. Google the ingredients. Really simple. Stay away from the Ramen.

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

My dad was at Costco and I told him to pick up some Greek yogurt for me, he got me a 32oz of plain.....what are some ways to make it taste better, I tried putting some blueberries in it but it didn't help much?

I often eat Bananas + Grape Nuts in my Yogurt. You can add berries but the grape nuts really give it a very nice crunch. Also a great source of Fiber.
Funny question for anyone that can answer. I have a friend that isn't terribly out of shape. He is like 6'2 - 207. No muscle but he isn't a HUGE dude. Hides his out of shape-ness pretty well.

But this is his plan. INSANITY. He plans on using INSANITY forever. How long will it take for him to not get any more gains/loss from this? It is supposed to only last for 2 months.

I said, "WHat will you do after the 60 days?" - Him: "Do it again" - LOL
Originally Posted by nealraj006

I've never tracked my calorie/nutrient intake before. It's interesting to see just how much I get regularly. So many discrepencies with the DRI. Low in carbs, high fat, high in vitamins, etc. For those wondering, I'm doing this for a nutrition class that I'm taking. The damn textbook is 900 pages, and I'm supposed to read the whole thing by the end of july.

Now I get why people say to track your calories if you want to eat less. It's a lot of work to track everything. I'd rather not eat than write everything down. 
It makes things soooo easy. And just for a little perspective, I have vowed to cut down on the amount of take-out food I have now because of it. I'm used to getting chinese takeout (general or orange chicken) on the regular because its so cheap and filling. In comparison to the day where I ate clean entirely and the day where the only dirty meal i had was chinese takeout, my macros went from 40-40-20 to 50(carbs)-15(protein)-35 (fat)
Man that calorie counting system is for folks that are either:
A. Perfectionists
B. Just starting out o trying to make serious losses.

I tried to write down what I ate but that mess is tiring man. Seriously. I have enough trouble writing down my workouts. Well I do keep a spreadsheet so I am not "writing" anything but you know what I mean.
^That's the thing...I wanted to lose weight but I wasn't for writing everything down and calculating it. I just go on there type in what I've eaten and the rest is done for me. They have damn near everything listed. Now for the chinese food, I obviously can't calculate it THAT accurately, but I gauge it by entering the equivalent that is served at Panda Express.
I don't find it hard to track calories at all. I just use a 3x5 index card or a book of them and basically write like, 12:30
chicken 111 24 1.5. I don't track carbs, but given that I keep the other 3 totals it would be easy to find that # algebraically if I wanted to.

For the dude looking for something to mix in his plain yogurt, I use frozen strawberries and don't even thaw them first. It makes it come out kind of milk shakish. is another good website like

I guess I'm going to take the week off from weight lifting
. Damn you know how much that sucks!!? oh well rather not hurt myself
^Dude, you can't be having a net caloric intake of 0 per day. LOL. It takes into account what you need for daily functions as well. If you exercised ALL you ate in 1 day I'm pretty sure your body would be eating itself alive or hording fat...and/or your organs would stop working. Trust me, at your body height/weight that's not very many calories at all, if you keep that up for a week you'll be losing 3 lbs easily. I put myself on that 2 lbs a week thing and It's been working for me. I actually eat less on off days and maybe a little more than im sposed to on specific workout days, but at the end of the week, I've lost an average of 2 lbs so far both weeks.
Originally Posted by iLLest

I tried the MyDailyPlate site. 
I put 190 pounds at 5'11. Want to lose 3 pounds per week. Said I needed 1,921 calories to reach my goal. 

[font=Helvetica, Arial]

[font=Times, Arial]I then put in everything I ate today and it came out to 1,537 calories. [/font]

[font=Times, Arial]

[font=Times, Arial]I needed [/font]

[font=Times, Arial]48 grams of protein, I ate 101.[/font]

[font=Times, Arial]38 grams of sugar, I ate 109.[/font]

[font=Times, Arial]62 grams of fat, I ate 27.[/font]

[font=Times, Arial]

[font=Times, Arial]My totals was:[/font]

[font=Times, Arial]25.6% Protein[/font]

[font=Times, Arial]15.31% Fat[/font]

[font=Times, Arial]59.23% Carbs[/font]

[font=Times, Arial]

[font=Times, Arial]I then put it what I worked out today:[/font]

[font=Times, Arial]90 minutes weight training[/font]

[font=Times, Arial]20 minutes jump roping [/font]

[font=Times, Arial]Total: 1178 calories burned[/font]

[font=Times, Arial]

[font=Times, Arial]

[font=Times, Arial]I ate damn near nothing and didn't burn more calories than I consumed?!? And in order to lose fat you burn more than you consume. 

[font=Times, Arial]Makes NO God damn sense. [/font]

[font=Times, Arial]

[font=Times, Arial]iLLest![/font]
Dude you have to take into account the calories your body naturally burns too. You are burning TONS of calories. You definitely have a deficit. If anything, you should be eating a bit more.

Your basal metabolic rate is 2015.4 calories based on your height, weight and age (I used 20).
Originally Posted by rhester

Originally Posted by Durden7


Man today's workout kinda sucked...

Everything was smooth until overhead press, which is the hardest exercise for me in my routine...

I just couldnt get the bar up, kept taking the weight down on a already low work weight, and still couldn't get it up,,,,,

Felt like the whole gym was starting at me, I hate that feeling, $#!* I hate when anybody look at me in the gym....

Thatthrew my whole psyche, had me ready to just leave & stop liftingperiod (which I don't like doing & 1st day of second week liftingperiod)...

But I know that lifting helps burn more fat than just cardio alone, so I have to stick it out...


If its only your second week of lifting how do you know it was a light work weight?
Well it was on 17.5 on each side on the smith, on my heavy day....

But I think it may be because I do overhead right after bench and that takes alot of my strength out of me....

IMO the smith machine is your first mistake. Maybe try standing over head press and find your weight there. It's going to be extremely difficult doing OH press after bench b/c its essentially the same movement, vertically. I'd go as far as to do the exercise on an entirely different day, or even with a day of rest between.
You use your shoulders alot in bench press
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Funny question for anyone that can answer. I have a friend that isn't terribly out of shape. He is like 6'2 - 207. No muscle but he isn't a HUGE dude. Hides his out of shape-ness pretty well.

But this is his plan. INSANITY. He plans on using INSANITY forever. How long will it take for him to not get any more gains/loss from this? It is supposed to only last for 2 months.

I said, "WHat will you do after the 60 days?" - Him: "Do it again" - LOL

honestly, just let him do it if he wont listen..sooner or later he's going to get bored of it and realize he needs to switch it up

and btw, DC, how long you been working out? i know you been in here past couple pages, good to see new heads in here
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