Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by nealraj006

I got approached by some kid today while I was squatting. Told me I shouldn't do full range of motion because it's bad for my knees
Unsolicited advice in the gym is definitely unappreciated.

Wawa, can you dunk? I'm just curious because I know you mentioned that you did Oly Lifting, and Oly lifters have great vertical jumps.
Everyone I talk to says that. For me, I always break parallel (or achieve parallel on really heavy sets cause of flexibility). When you think about it, if you don't go past parallel, that's bad for your knees. Instead of the weight being supported by your quads/hamstrings/glutes as you would parallel and past, it's all on your knees and calves. I guess some people just try and justify easier workouts
When he said it, I wasn't really paying attention and just said "alright". After my set was over, it finally hit me that he was dead serious

I should've seen how much he knows and asked why he thought so. His answer would've probably been "I read it somewhere online" or "I know a guy whose uncle's brother in law has bad knees because of squatting below parallel".

Wawa, thanks for the link. I've seen it before. There's one that's closer than I thought though. I might check it out soon.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

yo this keto diet is fn awesome

i been reading up on it more an more, but my results are great and the 1st week isnt even over................on saturday ill carb up 200 grams but sun-fri its good fats, egg/egg whites, huma pro, chicken, bison

im also on a 3 day full body routine

Insight to where I could obtain more info on the keto diet that your doing?

Is there anything wrong with going to the gym 4-5 days straight?

I know it's good to take a couple days to recover but since there's been no school, less hours at work and the snow in NYC, all I've been doing is going to 4-5 days straight for 2-3 weeks now.
Originally Posted by itzbooranss

Is there anything wrong with going to the gym 4-5 days straight?

I know it's good to take a couple days to recover but since there's been no school, less hours at work and the snow in NYC, all I've been doing is going to 4-5 days straight for 2-3 weeks now.

It's what you do at the gym that matters. If it's all different muscle groups or a different emphasis such as, cardio instead of strength training, then thats perfectly fine.
Originally Posted by nikestreetdotcom

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

What's everyones workout today???

Make sure to take your multi 

Audi... what are you paying for bison??? Any specific method of cooking it???

WOTD: 5 set ramp up to 105x5+ military press. Hope to hit ten reps.

Then 2x10 lateral raise, 2x10 s/a db press, 2x10 upright row, 2x10 BB shrug
Originally Posted by air234ever

for those of you who been working for 6+ months i recomend mhp dark matter a post work out drink. It helps you recover faster does contain a little creatine and it taste soo damn good.
What makes it so good?
Are you drinking it with anything? or just in water?

Would it be better than whey+oats+pb+glutamine+creatine??? 

Maybe I could just take the oats shake half hour after I take this DM?
Originally Posted by air234ever

for those of you who been working for 6+ months i recomend mhp dark matter a post work out drink. It helps you recover faster does contain a little creatine and it taste soo damn good.


info on this? How much did you pay and how long will this last me. Im going to gym about 4 times a week right now trying to build muscle fast. Might give this a try. Would i use this in place of a protien shake after a work out? (all i currently do)
Been slackin on my water consumption lately, just started upping intake a lot more (about 120oz/day at 200lbs) and I noticed a HUGE difference. Cut out a lot of carbs from my diet as well and just in the past week the bloated look vanished 

Side note: started last Feb at 260...strictly cardio until I hit the 235 mark around May and started adding in consistent high intensity strength training. 198 as of today feelsgoodman. It's crazy how big of a transformation you're capable of making by educating and motivating yourself. I can't remember the last time I was a 34 waist
Originally Posted by Al Audi

yo this keto diet is fn awesome

i been reading up on it more an more, but my results are great and the 1st week isnt even over................on saturday ill carb up 200 grams but sun-fri its good fats, egg/egg whites, huma pro, chicken, bison

im also on a 3 day full body routine
ive been wanting to try keto diet so i can cut quicker but my cholesterol has been a bit high and didnt want to sit there and eat bacon and fat all day
im still confused on it but ive heard nothing but great things about it
I'm at roughly 250 right now, give or take a few pounds, and wanted to get down to about 220 $$+ by June. Should I do all cardio until then or would cardio plus weights be better?
Originally Posted by SdotCAR619

I'm at roughly 250 right now, give or take a few pounds, and wanted to get down to about 220 $$+ by June. Should I do all cardio until then or would cardio plus weights be better?

cardio plus weights
Originally Posted by SdotCAR619

I'm at roughly 250 right now, give or take a few pounds, and wanted to get down to about 220 $$+ by June. Should I do all cardio until then or would cardio plus weights be better?
Cardio and weights, but make sure you eat right. I was at 245 and now im 226 and it's only been week 5 for me. i did 15 min on the treadmill and increased it by 5 mins each week. 1 min at 6.0 and 1 min at 3.0
Originally Posted by jdidkc

Originally Posted by SdotCAR619

I'm at roughly 250 right now, give or take a few pounds, and wanted to get down to about 220 $$+ by June. Should I do all cardio until then or would cardio plus weights be better?
Cardio and weights, but make sure you eat right. I was at 245 and now im 226 and it's only been week 5 for me. i did 15 min on the treadmill and increased it by 5 mins each week. 1 min at 6.0 and 1 min at 3.0
I used to be 296 last Feb, but changing my eating habits and walking have helped me get to where I'm at right now. What do you do on those days you feel real lazy and don't want to work out? Should I buy something like jack3d to give me that energy?
Originally Posted by blacktopking319

word if you are really overweight.....the initial plan of attack needs to be all cardio


Adding a strength training program will start the muscle atrophy process, will assist in burning more calories.
Originally Posted by sloanboy

should i stop strength training while trying to lose some weight got a lil carried a way with eating
I'm with you man... this mid section is getting mad flabby.
cut down on calories slightly... get enough on workout days but ease up on rest days... do some slow pace cardio to help... take a week off to deload/cut a bit... intermittent fasting helps..
I'm really curious about triceps....

these two guys at my gym are doing the most ridiculous workouts and getting so big.
curling 25lbs for reps... tripcep extensions with the rope doing half reps...
not sure how they have so much muscle doing that garbage... but I digress.

their tricep looks like this

literally... anyone I've seen with really developed triceps have that 'horse shoe' look.
im really trying to avoid that meat slab look. it isn't even about BF becuase these guys are shredded
Second day back in the gym after my P90X experiment.

Did overhead squats, squats, cleans, and good mornings to get back into it. Felt amazing.
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