Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

whats the proper number of sets and reps when doing something like lateral raises? im scared of going too and hurting my wrists.
Originally Posted by chino905

Are leg extensions bad for your knees? Some dude at the gym told me to not do them bc I might injure my knee. I usually do those last and I don't do much weight since I'm drained by the time I'm done with squats and leg presses.
I see no point in working with leg extensions unless you are a rehab patient or correcting a muscle imbalance. I also dislike the leg press. Having overly strong quads compared to hamstrings can certainly result in injury and knee pain. In most cases, if you use enough intensity with squats, you shouldn't need to need to do any other movements for the quadriceps.  The only exception would be a VMO movement, but that's a different matter altogether.

I3 wrote:
Quick question, how detrimental is caffine to overall health in the long run? I don't drink coffee, maybe had 10 cups of it my whole life. But tonight im rather sluggish and I want to hit the gym, had a strait coffee (no sugar, milk etc) as a pre-workout pick me the +@*@ up..
Drink it in moderation. If you start to feel tired and dependent, stop drinking for a bit.
Originally Posted by ricerocket1

so ive been losing weight since i started lifting again. my stats was 175lbs which was in may now i am currently in 155 range.

bench press 150 - 45lbs plates x 2, 25lbs plates x 2
dead lifts 150 - 45lbs plates x 2, 25lbs plates x 2
Squats 150 - 45lbs plates x 2, 25lbs plates x 2

me in ma

 me in june

 me in july

right now im switching up my routine to 5x5 and changing the eating habits, since i was pretty much on calories deficit for the past 3 months.
Good motivation.  
I've been trying to shed weight...over the past few months dropped 13lbs 

Now sitting at 176lbs. (5'8 in height). 

Still have a long way to go, I think a solid 155-160 should be where I want to be.  Basically just trying to lose my gut. 

I've been shedding via cardio though.  Strictly Running and Cycling. 
Originally Posted by Josednk1068

I was considering taking a eca stack but was doing some research and found that alot of the fat remains in the fat cells instead of releasing, making it even harder to burn the fat. I am no workout/science guru but could anyone chime in on this ?

i heard ECA and EC is pretty much the same....i can vouch for EC, ive been using it for 1 week now and seen and felt fat lost. go to and search EC stacks, the guy pretty much explain the whole thing. just be careful though on the dosage, and side effects since its no joke, i take it twice when i work on my 8 hour shift graveyard and it feels like
but the side effects is SWEAT, SWEAT, DEHYDRATION. and i mean that A LOT. i have to change uniform every day since i sweat like no other and drink water consistently and piss.
Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

whats the proper number of sets and reps when doing something like lateral raises? im scared of going too and hurting my wrists.

i usually use 20s or 25s. 3 sets or 8-12. light weight with a good number of reps to get a good burn since this is not a main workout for my shoulders ( shoulder press/military press would be)
LMK if that helped at all

Originally Posted by topherr

Originally Posted by Dakingii

brettTHEjett you gotta start hitting your back way harder.

Really start focusing on dead-lifts and pull-ups. Your lower back and lats are severely lacking

Dead-lifts, T bar rows, close grip lat pulldowns, wide grip lat pull downs.... did we mention dead-lifts?

hit those hard and you will see a significant improvement on your back fam
Nah, I'm just really skinny all around. It's a SLOW but sure work in progress.
My back workout is always weighted pullups and deadlifts. Strongest aspect of my body
Originally Posted by topherr

Originally Posted by CasperJr

For some reason dead lift scare the @%%% out of me

they did at first, then i did them.
now power cleans... no thanks

tried power cleans in hs damn near broke my Wrist
Question when is the best time to do deadlift is it when I'm doing my back or legs or both?
Originally Posted by topherr

Originally Posted by itzbooranss

Spoiler [+]

Current Stats:

146 LBs

This is off a 4 set / 4-6 rep 

Bench: 175 LBs.

Squat: 205 LBs.

Deadlift: 205 LBs.

Quite literally, I just added the deadlift into my workout routine a month ago and the results are 
.  Add to the fact that I do HIIT for 30 minutes after every workout and dropped my BF% and weight but still putting on more muscle.

I'm tryna reach at LEAST 180 on the bench, 225 on the squat and deadlift by the end of August.
Nice stats bro, keep up the good work.
if you don't mind me asking, what is your current workout looking like, split wise?

and how is your dieting?

100% sure you can reach your goals by end of Aug!
Set Split for 3-4 days
Day 1 - Chest

Bench Press

Incline Bench Press

Cable Crossovers

Seated Flyes

Day 2 - Back/Legs



Lat Pulldowns

Back Extensions

Leg Presses


Day 3 - Shoulders / Traps

Seated Dumbbell Presses

Seated Lateral Raises

Front Raises

Seated Backward Flyes


Day 4 - Biceps/ Triceps

E-Z Bar Curls

Hammer Curls

Barbell Curls


Tricep Extensions


I really dont have a set diet but I try to keep most of my carbs in the morning and before my workout. I eat alot of egg whites, chicken breasts, veggies but I sometimes slip up and have an occasional filipino meal here and there
Yo Someone please point me to the direction of a good fat burning diet, I`m about to get a gym membership in August when i move into my new place, but I want to get on a good diet, I was gonna do low carb, but I`m tryna see my options.
can anyone recommend me some good work out shoes? i work out in space jams and they're too heavy and lock my ankles so its not that comfortable when performing certain moves. i tried looking back in this thread but i cant go through 800 pages to find the shoes.

Originally Posted by diew its james

can anyone recommend me some good work out shoes? i work out in space jams and they're too heavy and lock my ankles so its not that comfortable when performing certain moves. i tried looking back in this thread but i cant go through 800 pages to find the shoes.

get some nike prestos

or the new nike frees
^i seen a couple people in my gym wearing those and a trainer.

but dang workin out in space jams huh lol. Something adidas shelltoes should be good enough

Not sure how legit that is. I've been doing decline BB bench press seriously for the past 1.5 months and i was able to climb up weight very quickly. My chest looks much fuller as well. Brett, if you're still lagging in chest, I suggest trying decline as your main chest exercise. I've been doing 2-3 reps for 10 sets (Last 5 sets are actual heavy working sets, with the previous 5 being warmup sets) ,and my body has been responding well. The link above says that Decline dumbbell might be a better choice, so I might give that a try. I don't know how I'm going to get the weights on the bench though haha. Anyone with experience getting the weights into position for this exercise?
After reading on here about Keto from camel I gave it a try. Im entering my third week and have lost over ten pounds so far, and have gotten a lot more muscle. My only concern is how will I be able to get off it without gaining it all back, as Ive read thats a common problem. Camel whats your experience with that?
Originally Posted by upandcoming

After reading on here about Keto from camel I gave it a try. Im entering my third week and have lost over ten pounds so far, and have gotten a lot more muscle. My only concern is how will I be able to get off it without gaining it all back, as Ive read thats a common problem. Camel whats your experience with that?

KETO long-term is quite bad for you...just keep that in mind.
FINALLY!!!!MAN ******* GONE!***CHRIS BROWN!!- LOOK AT ME NOW!!!!!!!***big ups to homie from muscleknowledge ..thanks for the help fam//why yes, ill take a cookie,,,lol
Originally Posted by j671

FINALLY!!!!MAN ******* GONE!***CHRIS BROWN!!- LOOK AT ME NOW!!!!!!!***big ups to homie from muscleknowledge ..thanks for the help fam//why yes, ill take a cookie,,,lol
What's your diet like?  I'm from Guam and was so used to rice w/ everything, now I've cut rice out damn near completely.  GJ btw. 

-On the other hand I've been doing "Insanity" for almost 3 weeks and I have only seen the scale move 2lbs.  My maintenance calories are 2309 and I'm taking in 1800-2000 calories a day.  I started at 185lbs and I'm at 183 lbs right now.  Should I change anything?  I noticed that my legs are sore every day so I'm guessing my quads and hamstrings are gaining muscle,which is why I'm not seeing the scale move.  Isn't the rule of thumb usually that we lose weight from our extremities first and then our stomachs?  Thanks
Originally Posted by upandcoming

After reading on here about Keto from camel I gave it a try. Im entering my third week and have lost over ten pounds so far, and have gotten a lot more muscle. My only concern is how will I be able to get off it without gaining it all back, as Ive read thats a common problem. Camel whats your experience with that?

Never had a problem with rebound, in fact keto is so great I'm back on it.
A lot of people who tell you you gain the lost weight back on Atkins/Keto/other low carb diets ate like *!** before it and go back to eating like *!** after it

And then they think "oh it's temporary, it doesn't work, etc."

Wrong. If you eat above maintanence after keto you will gain weight. If you eat at maintainance you will maintain your weight. If you eat under you will lose weight. Doesn't really matter how many carbs you eat after keto, it's about total calories.

The only "weight gain" you should experience when coming off keto is a few lbs of water/glycogen, which is not fat. But in ketosis you are glycogen-deprived and so you get it back when you start eating carbs again (also temporarily every time you carb up)>

The glycogen+water you get isn't = fat, if anything it makes you look better, a little less "dry" but bigger and more "full." 

I'm at the end of my second week, will be carbing up for the first time tomorrow.....blueberry pancakes + syrup for breakfast will be heaven 

Oh and congrats on the weight loss so far!
 Keep in mind that prob 5+ lbs of that is glycogen+water but don't let that discourage you, you should continue to drop a steady amount of fat as the weeks roll on. It's very effective. 
OK serious question. And I don't know how this happened.

But lately I'm noticing that my left pec is getting bigger than my right. But my right arm is getting bigger than my left. It's not significant but noticeable.

If this keeps progressing I'm going to look like a knockoff picasso. Any advice on how to even this back out would be greatly appreciated.
dumbbells bro
as for lateral raises....for me more is less. i do like 35lb DB's with slow good form and i get a ******ed burn

not a fan of swinging/cheating on those, feel like there's a high risk for injury and it's not exactly a huge mass builder so i don't see how much extra benefit it gives you

one of my buddies does like 65's and he has to cheat on every im good on that
I didn't work out all week just bball mainly), so I punished myself with this circuit training
Flat Bench (245lbs) /arm curls (40lb dumbells)....the worst

Deadlifts/tricep extensions

Power Cleans/Deltoid raises

Squats/back rows

jog/calf raised/hamstring curls

Safe to say I was feeling it (especially super setting the pairs), but it felt good challenging myself mentally.

I just hate that I can bench a lot more than I squat, mainly since I have always been scared to do heavy weights with legs since I got my surgery, plus my lower back issues
Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

OK serious question. And I don't know how this happened.

But lately I'm noticing that my left pec is getting bigger than my right. But my right arm is getting bigger than my left. It's not significant but noticeable.

If this keeps progressing I'm going to look like a knockoff picasso. Any advice on how to even this back out would be greatly appreciated.

I read somewhere that the left should be slightly bigger because your heart is under the muscle mass making it wider. I have the same problem with my chest but just keep doing what you're doing and you'll be fine
Got a few questions for you guys. My girl has been on a diet for the past few weeks, just eating healthier basically. She's also been working out 3-5 times a week with me. She can't do to much cardio because she has bad knees from basketball. Her goal is to lose 25-35 lbs in the next 4-6 months.

Are there any substitutes she can do for her cardio? Also would incorporating a protein shake after her workouts be a good idea? Just want to know if that would help with her weight loss.
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