Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

For the deadlifts hold the bar in your fingers rather than your palms. gravity is going to bring it there anyway.
I dont wear gloves.. only people at my gym who wear gloves are the new people. chalk is good though/ good grip/
Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

For the deadlifts hold the bar in your fingers rather than your palms. gravity is going to bring it there anyway.

I'll def have to google that.  I don't mind gloves to be honest, helps me with my deadlifts and pull ups.

Anyways, first time hitting squats and deadlifts this week after a month's lay off cant wait
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

the best way to clean your workout gloves is to throw them away. real men don't wear gloves! RAWR


and leave your straps, lifting belt, and fancy footwear at home!

(unless your a power lifter or hockey/football player and need to do insane weightage)
^ I would say incline BB and DB and flies too.

I tried doing the strength programme, but the only chest exercise was bench. I find myself doing a whole chest + squat day now. Maybe get some volume too with the chest - I think one of the fellas here posted some info a few pages back on how to get past a plateau.
Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by Durden7

Its sort of broscience.

Heavy compound lifts do increase test, however, the increase in test  doesnt mean an increase in muscle strength, size, or power.
But increased testosterone levels do increase the rate at which muscles grow right? Why else would people take testosterone boosters as "roids"?
Which leads me to my next question... has any research been done on the effects spiking ones test by not ejaculating in relation to muscle growth? Apparently guys see a 50% increase in their natural test levels at the end of a 7 day period, and then the test levels return to normal. Is a 50% increase significant enough to make a difference on the rate of muscle growth? I've been googling, but it seems like no research has been done.

It's not just about total testosterone levels. Free testosterone count is far more important. You can have total test levels over 1200 and still have a low free test count. Testosterone can be aromatizing into estrogens. It's not so simple as squats = increased testosterone = increased muscle mass. The increase in testosterone is only temporary. Look up the half-life of testosterone. If you want to increase testosterone, there are many other(natural) ways than simply squatting. These will also create long-term increases compared to the short term response to exercise.

Originally Posted by R23J

ALright so I figure I would try this thread for my problem. I lift 5 days a week. Chest, back, shoulders, arms, and legs. I have done a 4 day split as well but whatever. I do everything right, I rotate exercises, switch things up, have done 5/3/1 and currently on FST-7. I have been lifting like this and also been on my nutriton as well ( getting about 4000 calories a day) FOR TWO YEARS! And everyweek I just kinda do the same weight on EVERYTHING. Maybe 5-10 pounds overall increase in my lifts. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? Why have i not seen gains?  I keep track of my lifting stats and its just all so similar.  PLEASE HELP
There could be many problems. Weak links(scapular retractors, external rotators, vastus medialis, etc.) depending on the movement, not enough volume being done, not enough intensity, etc. I'd suggest to build up significant amounts of volume with your plateaued weight. Escalating Density Training by Charles Staley works well for this end. When you can do 50 reps in 15 minutes, add 5-10 pounds. After 3 weeks of building up volume, intensify. I've said it before, Dual Factor Theory is a very useful concept that is extremely underutilized. Alternate accumulation and intensification phases. Regularly(every 2-5 workouts) deload. Results WILL come.

As for the use of gear in lifting: the only things you should use are weightlifting shoes and chalk. Belts, wraps, etc. are useless unless you're a powerlifter prepping for a meet. Straps are conditionally useful(front squats if wrist flexibility is not permitting)
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

My upper chest lacks so hard....How do I fix this? More incline presses?

Do incline flyes with a SLIGHT incline (not 45 degrees)
Do more incline presses

Do more overhead presses

Drop the weight down and really focus on form. This statement gets beat to death but until you do it for real you won't see the real benefits. 
How can I make my chest more complete?

Right now when I flex, the bottom of my chest is like a V. Across my chest, it looks like a W with the lower pecs ending in like a point. That, and there's like a triangle of nothing between the bottom of my chest and the top of my first set of abs - between the "legs" of the W.

I'm trying to get a nice, solid, full chest, but right now it's kind of strangely shaped and smaller than everything else.
Can someone please show a picture that demonstrates the proper angle for incline presses? every time I do inclines I feel 75% of it in my shoulders rather than my chest. Is it just bad form?
Originally Posted by scshift

How can I make my chest more complete?

Right now when I flex, the bottom of my chest is like a V. Across my chest, it looks like a W with the lower pecs ending in like a point. That, and there's like a triangle of nothing between the bottom of my chest and the top of my first set of abs - between the "legs" of the W.

I'm trying to get a nice, solid, full chest, but right now it's kind of strangely shaped and smaller than everything else.
I noticed a similar thing with my pecs myself. I started doing cable workouts (flys, crossovers) and its really started to shape out the lower areas. Going with lower resistance and higher reps is the way to go when doing this.

Heres an example. Dont mind the guy, but this is my #1 cable workout for chest.

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Can someone please show a picture that demonstrates the proper angle for incline presses? every time I do inclines I feel 75% of it in my shoulders rather than my chest. Is it just bad form?
I'd say you are probably sitting to upright. With elbows bent at 90 and fists forward, try externally rotating about 45 degrees maybe?
It could also be that your shoulders are not as strong therefore they have to output a higher force. 
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by Durden7

Its sort of broscience.

Heavy compound lifts do increase test, however, the increase in test  doesnt mean an increase in muscle strength, size, or power.
But increased testosterone levels do increase the rate at which muscles grow right? Why else would people take testosterone boosters as "roids"?
Which leads me to my next question... has any research been done on the effects spiking ones test by not ejaculating in relation to muscle growth? Apparently guys see a 50% increase in their natural test levels at the end of a 7 day period, and then the test levels return to normal. Is a 50% increase significant enough to make a difference on the rate of muscle growth? I've been googling, but it seems like no research has been done.
It's not just about total testosterone levels. Free testosterone count is far more important. You can have total test levels over 1200 and still have a low free test count. Testosterone can be aromatizing into estrogens. It's not so simple as squats = increased testosterone = increased muscle mass. The increase in testosterone is only temporary. Look up the half-life of testosterone. If you want to increase testosterone, there are many other(natural) ways than simply squatting. These will also create long-term increases compared to the short term response to exercise.

Originally Posted by R23J

ALright so I figure I would try this thread for my problem. I lift 5 days a week. Chest, back, shoulders, arms, and legs. I have done a 4 day split as well but whatever. I do everything right, I rotate exercises, switch things up, have done 5/3/1 and currently on FST-7. I have been lifting like this and also been on my nutriton as well ( getting about 4000 calories a day) FOR TWO YEARS! And everyweek I just kinda do the same weight on EVERYTHING. Maybe 5-10 pounds overall increase in my lifts. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? Why have i not seen gains?  I keep track of my lifting stats and its just all so similar.  PLEASE HELP
There could be many problems. Weak links(scapular retractors, external rotators, vastus medialis, etc.) depending on the movement, not enough volume being done, not enough intensity, etc. I'd suggest to build up significant amounts of volume with your plateaued weight. Escalating Density Training by Charles Staley works well for this end. When you can do 50 reps in 15 minutes, add 5-10 pounds. After 3 weeks of building up volume, intensify. I've said it before, Dual Factor Theory is a very useful concept that is extremely underutilized. Alternate accumulation and intensification phases. Regularly(every 2-5 workouts) deload. Results WILL come.

As for the use of gear in lifting: the only things you should use are weightlifting shoes and chalk. Belts, wraps, etc. are useless unless you're a powerlifter prepping for a meet. Straps are conditionally useful(front squats if wrist flexibility is not permitting)

Damn looks like I need to some volume training on my chest.. will look up those things you suggested and give them a go.

Also are cable exercises necessary? Or are they a more aesthetic thing? Dont get me wrong I love the compounds, but looks like some isolation exercises every now and then wont hurt.. Need that CHESTBRAH.

Did some squats yesterday - 5x5 100kg ATG (like literally) - feels good man.  Had maybe 2mins rest between sets and my @$% began cramping as I sat down.  Will try bounce it at 105kg next week, 107, 110 etc..
#NT Need your help..

I have finally successfully toned down and lost about 50lbs in about a year and 30lbs in about 3 months.. I lost like 4 pants sizes this is a pretty annoying change clothing wise but i am enjoying the more healthy feeling.. Even though i cheated and used phentermine the combination of that for a month straight and good eating i lost the extra 30lbs after already losing 20lbs.. NO SODA and NO FAST FOOD FOR 30-45 DAYS WILL DO WONDERS!!
Now everyones body is different and I am pretty much a descendant of slaves (my family is southern black) which scientifically means i will gain muscle quicker due to genetics (lol don't start a flame war or debate about this do your research)

Now my issue is this DIET! Now that i lost the weight i have to keep it off.. In order to KILL the beach come South Beach SIX filming..

I have totally went from cardio and free weights to Calisthenics and soon boxing. Looking to continue to get cut up!

I have a pretty OK budget i am thinking of just eating heavy weekends (steaks and outside foot)

During my week (work out twice a week minimum) eating healthy homeade foods..

I just need recipes and ideas and a grocery list i can go out and buy.. At the end of the day I'm a computer guy and spend at least 8-12 hours a day at my desk perfecting my small business and i sleep ridiculous hours..(No sleep for 24-26 hour periods at times) Since i have finally gained my apetite back i have rested for 2 weeks and I have gained 5 pounds back which is ok because I'm looking to be a SOLID 200lbs.. Im at 195-7lbs up from my all time low of 190 lbs (too small i felt like crack fiend)

Also some Calisthenics work outs and something to work on my pencil forearms+wrists which affect drastically me controlling weights..

All help is appreciated thanks !

P.S. Me and the team are working on some work out videos and fun get READY for Spring Break videos in January which will be on our Youtube channel as mainstream attention for our South Beach Series so if you want some work out related laughs tune in!





Originally Posted by PltcsAsUsual

#NT Need your help..

I have finally successfully toned down and lost about 50lbs in about a year and 30lbs in about 3 months.. I lost like 4 pants sizes this is a pretty annoying change clothing wise but i am enjoying the more healthy feeling.. Even though i cheated and used phentermine the combination of that for a month straight and good eating i lost the extra 30lbs after already losing 20lbs.. NO SODA and NO FAST FOOD FOR 30-45 DAYS WILL DO WONDERS!!
Now everyones body is different and I am pretty much a descendant of slaves (my family is southern black) which scientifically means i will gain muscle quicker due to genetics (lol don't start a flame war or debate about this do your research)

Now my issue is this DIET! Now that i lost the weight i have to keep it off.. In order to KILL the beach come South Beach SIX filming..

I have totally went from cardio and free weights to Calisthenics and soon boxing. Looking to continue to get cut up!

I have a pretty OK budget i am thinking of just eating heavy weekends (steaks and outside foot)

During my week (work out twice a week minimum) eating healthy homeade foods..

I just need recipes and ideas and a grocery list i can go out and buy.. At the end of the day I'm a computer guy and spend at least 8-12 hours a day at my desk perfecting my small business and i sleep ridiculous hours..(No sleep for 24-26 hour periods at times) Since i have finally gained my apetite back i have rested for 2 weeks and I have gained 5 pounds back which is ok because I'm looking to be a SOLID 200lbs.. Im at 195-7lbs up from my all time low of 190 lbs (too small i felt like crack fiend)

Well you want to be looking at getting such things as:

Chicken Breast,
Brown Rice,
Cottage Cheese,

actually was at  a restaurant with my girl the other day.

waitress was FINE, and my girl gives me $hit 24/7 about my calluses

so i asked the waitress, and she said "i noticed them when you first got here, all my x boyfriends always had them, i liek them

case closed
Originally Posted by I3

Damn looks like I need to some volume training on my chest.. will look up those things you suggested and give them a go.

Also are cable exercises necessary? Or are they a more aesthetic thing? Dont get me wrong I love the compounds, but looks like some isolation exercises every now and then wont hurt.. Need that CHESTBRAH.

Did some squats yesterday - 5x5 100kg ATG (like literally) - feels good man.  Had maybe 2mins rest between sets and my @$% began cramping as I sat down.  Will try bounce it at 105kg next week, 107, 110 etc..

Cables are good tools for certain movements. They're great for things like external rotations. Isolations will not necessarily hurt you if you're doing a balanced routine. Meaning, if you're training the muscles of the upper back properly(all the functions of scapular and humerous movement), it wouldn't hurt to put a few sets of isolation chest work at the tail end of a workout. They're only good for accessory work though, not for main movements.
^ Thanks man! In terms of if main movements - I usually do a mix of Pull Ups, Deads, Lat Pull, Seated Row/BOR. I will definitely look into using some cable work on my chest days.

Another thing I wanted to ask you was about volume training - I had a read of the DFHT - and it has me confused. Is this for advanced lifters? Im quite happy with my routines but I am always keen to switch things up if it means I can lift a bit more weight in my compound movements.

Would you be able to write a simple volume training programme with the big lifts? and the de-loading/loading phases? - Other NT's may benefit too.

I came across this and not sure if its for me?
It really depends on the goals of the lifter. I strongly recommend getting the book "Modern Trends in Strength Training" by Charles Poliquin. It explains many of the loading parameters and how to manipulate them for optimal gains. Frequency, tempo, reps, sets, rest, exercise selection, grip/foot positioning, force curve(band/chain use) etc. are all factors that need to be taken into account as well as individual factors: structural imbalances, goals, recovery ability, muscle fiber type(mostly fast or slow twitch), etc.

The one thing I hate seeing is that very few people get away from 3-5 sets of 5 and 3 sets of 10-12. If you want to make progress, you need to work through more rep/set combinations. 6 sets of 2-4, for example, works well. As does 10 sets of 1. So does 7 sets of 5 and 8-12 sets of 3. Very few people pay attention to tempo, and a lift with a 4 second eccentric will elicit a different response than a lift with a 1 second eccentric and bounce at the bottom. I'm not saying one is necessarily better than the other, but that you need to vary your stimulus in order to keep making progress.

I wouldn't write a program, but I can make some recommendations. German Volume Training, Escalating Density Training, and Smolov Jr. are good examples of accumulation microcycles. Every 3-5 workouts, deload. So do 40-60% of the last session's volume. Never deload by intensity, always deload by volume.

So, for the hypothetical trainee doing EDT with bench press and chin ups:
1st workout: 30 reps each
2nd workout: 34
3rd workout: 37
Deload for the 4th session and do 18 reps each. It shouldn't take more than 5-6 minutes if your PR Zone is 15 minutes.
5th session: 41
6th session: 45
7th session: 50
8th session: 25 - DELOAD

That's a month of training if done 2x per week or 3 weeks of training if done for 3 weeks. Many people like to have deload weeks, I am not a fan. I'd rather ingrain deloading into the training process. It can certainly be useful when overreaching more than a normal accumulation cycle(Poliquin's Superaccumulation program, for example).

For intensification, something like Poliquin's 3/2/1 wave loading, 1-6 method, or 6x2-4 reps will work well. Deload regularly and be consistent. This is a phase that is focusing on training the nervous system, not metabolic adaptations. Focus on adding weight to the bar or doing harder variations of a movement.
NT BROS, can yall help me out?

I been hittin the gym 4 times a week for the past 2 months trying to get bigger. I like my progress, im getting alot of people saying im getting more brolic but there is one thing I would critique.

During the development of my arms, i am noticing that my chest and tris and becoming way bigger ratio-wise than my deltoids. Like if you looked at my silhouette my traps would be bigger than my delts. my traps are getting there but my deltoids are slacking hard. I do shoulders/biceps once a week and now I want to add maybe an extra day to that.

So i come here to ask, can anyone give me a crazy Deltoid workout that will really target the 3 deltoid muscles? I've been going:
-Shoulder Press
-Arnold Press
-Dumbell Raises
-Side Dumbell Raises

and some other stuff, but if anyone has a great excersize or shoulder regimen, please let me know. Is it perhaps I just need to kick up the weight/resistance? I want arms where deltoids are the widest. Thanks in advanced yall.Im tryna make this a lifestyle not just a "wait till summer" thing. Lets get this fellas !
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