Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Cole World

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by gConquer

i never understood why people do abs when they have high body fat %..
Not everyone trains for aesthetics...having a stronger core is never a bad thing, especially if you're an athlete.
obviously to have a stronger core.
Exactly, so why are they wasting their time with ab workouts?
Stronger core comes from deadlifts, pullups, squats, and military presses...

I just finished arguing with a man who has been lifting for 15 years, competed in a national bodybuilding competition and is 5'8" @ 240lbs 8%BF.....he SHOULD know his stuff... but he was giving an overweight colleague of ours advice on isolating abs during medicine ball crunches 
Originally Posted by MoreUptempo

Originally Posted by pianoman52

Does L-Glutamine really help in preventing you from entering a catabolic state during longer workouts?

yes, it can. glutamine works wonders, so long as you stick to the schedule. 20 minutes before, 20 minutes after, 2 hours after if i'm not mistaken. i've been too poor to reup on supps for going on 6 months now, jonesing for my first paycheck next week

Yo, for real... L-Glutamine REALLY does wonders, but you are getting it in a lot of the foods you are (or should be) eating. Supplementing with Glutamine won't help you reach your goals faster.
RaWeX05 wrote:
proper english wrote:
how i get bigger chest?
srs question btw 

Eat, eat, eat, lift heavy, sleep, repeat.
YES! and decrease the weights (ego) and really focus on the muscle tissue you are putting under stress...
I've been lifting for two years now and my chest only recently started really growing. and I haven't even really increased my bench press.. it's said so often it's almost cliche, but it's seriously all about form. 
Originally Posted by MoreUptempo

Originally Posted by Based Mod

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Assuming you're talking lower body plyos, as long as you can squat 1.5x your bodyweight, it's fine.  If not, work on your squat first.

general question:  when people talk about lifting "x" amount of weights, are they talking about max or working weight?
my working weight is 185, doing 6x4.  i weigh in at 145.  doubt i'm ready to squat 4 45lb plates
last I checked, 1.5x your body weight would be less than two plates? you should be able to REP 1.5x your body weight before getting heavy into plyos
for basketball (or any other vert heavy sport), it's usually suggested that you do plyos in the offseason (or when you're not playing over a period of time)

you can still hoop, you just might not see the same gains as if you were to dedicate two months to plyos without any hooping

anyway, i usually do explosive lunges and box jumps for vert training. throw in some jump squats with about a plate on each side, and some weighted ankle hops for good measure. 

if you do the jump squats, make sure that your squat technique is impeccable and you're not coming down stiff legged. jump squats can really %$## you if you're not careful.

by 4 plates, i meant 2 on each side

thanks for the advice, i'll try those out
alright so back in the summer i used to lift. all i would do is bench, then curl. i did this in my friends basement every other day. i used whey and it worked pretty well. i havent worked out since like august.

friday is payday so im gonna join this gym by my house. you think if i stick to the workout regularly i can put on a good amount of muscle by the time summer arrives? im 20 and im 5'10" and weigh about 122.

also what should i be eating so i can bulk up? for breakfast i have 2 hard boiled eggs, bacon, a bagel and cereal. lunch ill get something like subway and dinner usually something good i take from work (i work in a kitchen) or whatever mom cooks
Originally Posted by TroyD

alright so back in the summer i used to lift. all i would do is bench, then curl. i did this in my friends basement every other day. i used whey and it worked pretty well. i havent worked out since like august.

friday is payday so im gonna join this gym by my house. you think if i stick to the workout regularly i can put on a good amount of muscle by the time summer arrives? im 20 and im 5'10" and weigh about 122.

also what should i be eating so i can bulk up? for breakfast i have 2 hard boiled eggs, bacon, a bagel and cereal. lunch ill get something like subway and dinner usually something good i take from work (i work in a kitchen) or whatever mom cooks

ol kevin durant a__  ____


i think everyone's going to give you the same advice of eat a ton and lift heavy.  load up on chicken breasts, eggs, oats and yams.
Originally Posted by ricerocket1

Originally Posted by Dunkfest12

The hell did I just watch? No hateI mean the video is some guy doing 2 plates on chest and some dips with a r&b background musicYou auditioning for something?
No hate at all but beast?  He's in shape no doubt, but no beast.
Originally Posted by TroyD

alright so back in the summer i used to lift. all i would do is bench, then curl. i did this in my friends basement every other day. i used whey and it worked pretty well. i havent worked out since like august.

friday is payday so im gonna join this gym by my house. you think if i stick to the workout regularly i can put on a good amount of muscle by the time summer arrives? im 20 and im 5'10" and weigh about 122.

also what should i be eating so i can bulk up? for breakfast i have 2 hard boiled eggs, bacon, a bagel and cereal. lunch ill get something like subway and dinner usually something good i take from work (i work in a kitchen) or whatever mom cooks
If you're serious 4000+ calories a day. Keep a log and count the amount of protein you eat and the calories you take. You can eat whatever you want if you're bulking(imo, that's what I do. Beware of acne as well lol). Just make sure you hit the weights hard and be strict about it and you might put on some muscle (varies per body type).

Also, it's been 3 months since I started working out and I went from 129-150. Feels good, but I hope I can put on atleast 10 more pounds before april. 150 was my goal, but 160 sounds better now

scshift-check your pm fam.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by VoidEmperor

Originally Posted by scshift

A while back I posted saying I had a tough time with barbell military press even though my dumbbell shoulder press is fine. Couldn't put up any kind of weight on the BB, but could do 55s with DBs.

Today I managed to get 95 up 5x5, then 115 up 3x3. Feels good to catch up.

Standing millitary press is the worst

I do them seated. When I stand I have a tendency to either use help from my legs or round my back, when I sit I can use strict form.
Try tightening up your glutes and make sure you sort of rock back and forth when you do them standing. As soon as the bar clears your forehead you should get back under it. Have you read Starting Strength? It explains them really well.

I definitely prefer standing to seated. Hit 115 for 8 reps yesterday, had me feelin like a boss
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Try tightening up your glutes and make sure you sort of rock back and forth when you do them standing. As soon as the bar clears your forehead you should get back under it. Have you read Starting Strength? It explains them really well.

I definitely prefer standing to seated. Hit 115 for 8 reps yesterday, had me feelin like a boss

Nope, I haven't read Starting Strength, I've just read the program outline. I'll definitely look into that though.

I also prefer seated DB shoulder press... I hate using the barbell and having to move the bar from in front of me to over me.
Taking a break from bulking...starting to get stretch marks on the inner parts of my biceps 
Looks like I got attacked by a cat or some @#$%
You got that man...

Went to play bball at my college gym today... Couldn't breathe like after only 10 plays
I take Optimum's Superior Amino 2222 Tabs now. Would I be overlapping some things if I started taking Optimen multivitamins?
So would February be a good time for the gym?
I was going to open one up this week but I figure everyone is doing their new years resolutions and by February a majority of 'em would have given up on them.
Originally Posted by ErickM713

So would February be a good time for the gym?
I was going to open one up this week but I figure everyone is doing their new years resolutions and by February a majority of 'em would have given up on them.

Start know y wait to get in shape
Originally Posted by ErickM713

So would February be a good time for the gym?
I was going to open one up this week but I figure everyone is doing their new years resolutions and by February a majority of 'em would have given up on them.
Here's your answer. 
 funny thing is I'm a huge procrastinator but I'm dead serious about the gym thing.
also because my schedule clears up in February since I'll be out of work and have more than enough time on my hands.
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