Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by theblack Mamba

HIIT> any type of cardio, you'll burn way more fat then treadmills or whatever. What you guys think is the best program for someone to get to 225 benchin? I've been at SS for a while and seen some dope gains, but idk if i should keep goin till I hit 225. My squats and DL's are always goin up, but im like plateuing at 175 for bench
Maybe 5/3/1? Or switch to dumbbells for a month? Or maybe even try strengthening your upper back?

Kinda hard to give any input without knowing what the problem is specifically.. is there a point in your ROM where you feel week?

Originally Posted by jorrdanfan23

what is HIIT. and how do you do it?? i heard it from magazines but i don't know much bodybuilding terms.. someone told me to get arms in shape is to do 5 sets of 10 of dumbells..

anytruth to this.. how many different exercises should i do? And can someone give me an upperbody workout to get me ripped and cut? and neeed help with abs too
Google HIIT. That dumbbell routine is garbage, forget it. It sounds like you need to do some reading/research. Head over to and start reading about All-Pros beginner workout or Starting Strength
Originally Posted by kidKiDd

I'm 6'0, 170 lbs and about 6-7% body fat. At this point in my life I'm pretty much body sculpting. Give everything you do 100% (diet, routine, sleep) and you'll see results.

Anyone try the Ronnie Coleman routine?
I got a boy 295lbs solid doin this, crucial 
Pics? (nk) Im 6 foot 185 and just starting to cut, not sure about my BF%
Originally Posted by scshift

What are you guy's body fat percentages?

Is there a place where I can see pictures of examples of people with different BF%s? I'm trying to figure out where I want to be later on. Of course, the plan is to keep trimming until it looks good regardless of the numbers, but some actual examples would be helpful.

Also, what are appropriate weights for people who work out? I'm 5'8" 160lbs right now... I'm not sure if that's solid or not but I hate to lose weight and find out I'm frail
HAM's right about it being really hard to judge an individual's BF% but maybe can try to see what beginner's starting stats are and try to find one close to yours here?

I use that site as motivation because "motivational phrases" just don't get me fired up more than seeing other people's before/after pics for some reason. 

As far as appropriate wights for you, think of it this way, the heavier you're able to lift, the lesser the chance of you being frail are.
I'm going to start heading back to the gym next week. I been pretty sick with my stomach that i have lost weight.

I started to eat a lot healthier than before but i am not gaining any weight. Can anyone recommend me any weight gainer?

Should i even consider taking that or should i just buy some whey protein? Which exact whey protein should i buy?
Originally Posted by solematic j21

I'm going to start heading back to the gym next week. I been pretty sick with my stomach that i have lost weight.

I started to eat a lot healthier than before but i am not gaining any weight. Can anyone recommend me any weight gainer?

Should i even consider taking that or should i just buy some whey protein? Which exact whey protein should i buy?

Protein does not equal weight gain. You need Calories. I keep telling people this, you need to EAT.
Do any of you use a home gym? I'm looking to buy one since I don't really have time to go the gym all the time. Any suggestions on which would be best for the money. I'm looking to spend no more than $500.
I was looking at this[/color]
Started supplementing with Gluta-lyn within the last 2 weeks and lean muscle is definitely noticeable. I had a $50 certificate to Vitamin Shoppe so I burned it on that and some MP Combat Powder 

Starting a slow cut on Monday...adding in 30 minutes of inclined 4mph walking without tweaking my eating habits too much. Early April I'm going full on diet/HIIT
Is it true that is better to workout in the morning like after you get up before eating anything, because you havent ate anything so your burning fat and it helps to keep you body active throughout the day so you burn more calories?
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by scshift

What are you guy's body fat percentages?

Is there a place where I can see pictures of examples of people with different BF%s? I'm trying to figure out where I want to be later on. Of course, the plan is to keep trimming until it looks good regardless of the numbers, but some actual examples would be helpful.

Also, what are appropriate weights for people who work out? I'm 5'8" 160lbs right now... I'm not sure if that's solid or not but I hate to lose weight and find out I'm frail
I'm 5'11," 169.5lbs at about 10% body fat, that will drop down to 7% by summer.

Looking at pictures wont help you, everybody's body has a different appearance.

5'8" 160lbs sounds out of shape to me but Idk your natural body type. Being frail > being overweight.

You're at the prime age to start weight training, go get that %!##.

Oh no don't get me wrong, I've been lifting for about one and a half years and I'm nearing the end of a bulk so I was wondering about body fats and stuff.

Normally I would be around 140-145, but I did a dirty bulk starting in October or so and therefore I gained that weight. In March I'm going to start dieting again, but I decided I needed to put some weight on my frame because beforehand, I looked small even though I lifted. Now I'm better.

JayPesoz - In terms of weight I can put up, I'm pretty good with that too. 190 bench, 250 squat and my deadlift is around 270-280 (it dropped since last year).

I used to just lift and focus on the numbers I put up and not care about how I looked, but now I have an obsession with trying to get lean and cut.
Ayy guys i recently got into going to the gym and i was wondering about your opinions on the best protein shakes/drinks yall use and when you use them? Also any other workout regimens or supplements that work best for bulking up as well?
Originally Posted by sammy863dade

Is it true that is better to workout in the morning like after you get up before eating anything, because you havent ate anything so your burning fat and it helps to keep you body active throughout the day so you burn more calories?

Originally Posted by TJ Detweiler

Do any of you use a home gym? I'm looking to buy one since I don't really have time to go the gym all the time. Any suggestions on which would be best for the money. I'm looking to spend no more than $500.
I was looking at this[/color]
Waste of time. You need a power rack if you want to get real workouts in at home.
i need to get back to the gym. maybe this thread will motivate me.

i always liked doing cardio. never really liked lifting. when i was in my routine of working out(4 years ago) id do about 60-90 mins of cardio a day and a light weight lifting session. id say maybe 30 mins total. pretty much basic dumbbell lifts and incline benches. and like 400 ab crunches through the day. ate nothing but fruits,veggies, chicken, and fish. only would drink water. you know, enough to get that "ripped" look. worked great for me then, wonder if itll have the same effects now. any suggestions for someone that doesn't like "hitting the weights"? would like to drop like 20 lbs by summer.
to give you an idea of my body type, im 5' 11" , 170 lbs. most i ever benched was like 160 lbs
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by scshift

What are you guy's body fat percentages?

Is there a place where I can see pictures of examples of people with different BF%s? I'm trying to figure out where I want to be later on. Of course, the plan is to keep trimming until it looks good regardless of the numbers, but some actual examples would be helpful.

Also, what are appropriate weights for people who work out? I'm 5'8" 160lbs right now... I'm not sure if that's solid or not but I hate to lose weight and find out I'm frail
I'm 5'11," 169.5lbs at about 10% body fat, that will drop down to 7% by summer.

Looking at pictures wont help you, everybody's body has a different appearance.

5'8" 160lbs sounds out of shape to me but Idk your natural body type. Being frail > being overweight.

You're at the prime age to start weight training, go get that %!##.

Oh no don't get me wrong, I've been lifting for about one and a half years and I'm nearing the end of a bulk so I was wondering about body fats and stuff.

Normally I would be around 140-145, but I did a dirty bulk starting in October or so and therefore I gained that weight. In March I'm going to start dieting again, but I decided I needed to put some weight on my frame because beforehand, I looked small even though I lifted. Now I'm better.

JayPesoz - In terms of weight I can put up, I'm pretty good with that too. 190 bench, 250 squat and my deadlift is around 270-280 (it dropped since last year).

I used to just lift and focus on the numbers I put up and not care about how I looked, but now I have an obsession with trying to get lean and cut.
I'm the exact same height/almost same weight as you(162) and people still think I'm at 140 (my original weight before I started bulking)
I started bulking in October too, and I started cutting from the beginning of January. @#$% is frustrating because everyone keeps saying "you gained weight??? where???" The only time people can tell I've gained weight is when I have my shirt off/wear t shirts that are tight around the biceps, otherwise my wrists and ankles are so @#$@%@ narrow that they make me look underweight
Originally Posted by Dunkfest12

Check out my boy's vid. Pretty funny stuff. Things we hate at the gym.
should spend less on protein and more on proactiv. 
btw did not laugh. not even crack a smile. 
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