Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by 18th letter

Squats for me

is there a difference between overhand and underhand chin ups?
I don't know the spelling..
Supinated grip (palms facing away from you) is a pull up
Pronated grip or something (palms towards you) is a chin up
Originally Posted by Andrew630

Can anyone give me some tips or advice on a workout routine?

I'm currently 6'0 and 150lbs. I'm not in great shape, but I can hold my own. My target weight is 165lbs.

Would a 2500 calorie/day diet be sufficient or should I up it? (I also take optimum nutrition protein post-workout).
So it's almost been about 2 weeks now and I'm hovering around 153-154.
Monday: P90X Ab Ripper X
Tuesday: Shoulder/Triceps
Wednesday: P90X Ab Ripper X
Thursday: Back
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Chest/Biceps
Sunday: Pilates/Legs

Here's a rough diet schedule:
6:45am 3/4 cup of oatmeal, 2 tbsp of flax, scoop of whey, cup of water, 3/4 cup milk
9:00am 2 hardboil eggs (1 yolk)
10:30am peanuts, veggie chips, or other snacks (maybe PBJ)
12:00pm ham, cheese, avocado on wheat bread with juice box and chips or peanuts
1:30pm 1.5-2 servings of salad with vinergrette and grilled chicken strips
4:00pm snack
6:00pm glass of milk
7:00pm homecooked dinner (most of my calories here)
9:00pm protein after workout
9:30pm fruits
10:30pm milk before going to bed.

Hopefully I can hit 165 in about 3 months.
My lifts are all over the place, I can deadlift 315 x 5, Squat 275 x5, Clean + Press 185lbs (New PR 2 days ago), and only bench 205 x2. How in the hell is my clean and press so close to my bench?! Being ectomorphic with a weak chest sucks.
brettTHEjett wrote:
18th letter wrote:
Squats for me

is there a difference between overhand and underhand chin ups?
I don't know the spelling..
Supinated grip (palms facing away from you) is a pull up
Pronated grip or something (palms towards you) is a chin up

   Youve got em' backwards.

Supination is palms toward and its a pull up.
Pronation is palms away and its a chinup.

(The chin/pull up definition is debated, but the most common one from my experience is pull is palms toward and chin is palms away.)
Originally Posted by WarMachine

My lifts are all over the place, I can deadlift 315 x 5, Squat 275 x5, Clean + Press 185lbs (New PR 2 days ago), and only bench 205 x2. How in the hell is my clean and press so close to my bench?! Being ectomorphic with a weak chest sucks.
our lifts are pretty  similar except bench is 215 x 4 what do you weigh?(im 168)
you could try the add 50 program on this page it worked pretty well for me
Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

Originally Posted by WarMachine

My lifts are all over the place, I can deadlift 315 x 5, Squat 275 x5, Clean + Press 185lbs (New PR 2 days ago), and only bench 205 x2. How in the hell is my clean and press so close to my bench?! Being ectomorphic with a weak chest sucks.
our lifts are pretty  similar except bench is 215 x 4 what do you weigh?(im 168)
you could try the add 50 program on this page it worked pretty well for me
Thanks for that website, I'm going to try one out.
My lifts are off!
315x5 DL
225x5 squat
135x5 Military

....170x5 bench
Originally Posted by Durden7

I noticed a weird quirk of mine today.

If theres 2 sets of dumbbells, ill grab the set thats next to the lighter dumbbells.

If im using 40s, ill grab the set of weights that is next to the 35s and not the 45s.

Im weird.
Not weird.. for me, I grab the set that is closest to the ground..
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by Durden7

I noticed a weird quirk of mine today.

If theres 2 sets of dumbbells, ill grab the set thats next to the lighter dumbbells.

If im using 40s, ill grab the set of weights that is next to the 35s and not the 45s.

Im weird.
Not weird.. for me, I grab the set that is closest to the ground..
I grab em' because I think theyre lighter.
Okay so a nutrition related question...since casein comes from milk and is known as a slow absorbing protein would it make better sense to have a pwo shake with water so that it absorbs quicker?

Also If anyone has cut out ramen noodles from their diet because of all the unecessary ingredients I found these at a health food emporium next to my college:



the koyo brand also makes soba noodles albeit not as good as the real kind but i figure i'll try it out next week.  Both are not as salty as top ramen or nissin. about 1.5 grams of fat 7 grams of protein and under 200 calories. 
Ate a creamcheese bagel on a Cinnamon bagel with a quickchek 6inch sub...and i already had my cheat day. Damn, i feel like i failed myself.
Originally Posted by NjCollector

Ate a creamcheese bagel on a Cinnamon bagel with a quickchek 6inch sub...and i already had my cheat day. Damn, i feel like i failed myself.

Easy on the self loathing.

Its just a meal.
anyone do front squats? I like em way more then squats and so much harder usually do em on 2nd lower day dlift, front squats, ham curls, calve raise and im dead
My knees has been hurting me like crazy.. It started about two months ago after my indoor soccer ended.. I think i twisted both of them at some point and now it hurts when i get out of the car, pivot.. They swell after I run, and when i drive long distances i can't even walk.. This shh was happening to my dad when he was like 50!! WT.F is wrong with me!?!

and yes i need I need to pay a visit to the doc, but i don't have the money for xrays and MRIs
Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

Originally Posted by WarMachine

My lifts are all over the place, I can deadlift 315 x 5, Squat 275 x5, Clean + Press 185lbs (New PR 2 days ago), and only bench 205 x2. How in the hell is my clean and press so close to my bench?! Being ectomorphic with a weak chest sucks.
our lifts are pretty  similar except bench is 215 x 4 what do you weigh?(im 168)
you could try the add 50 program on this page it worked pretty well for me

I'm 6'2 around 185-190 @ 11-12%
Some of you dudes obsess like teenage girls over diet, relax. Plus dudes having a panic attack over a sandwich then goes and pops a bol this and a bol that.
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

My knees has been hurting me like crazy.. It started about two months ago after my indoor soccer ended.. I think i twisted both of them at some point and now it hurts when i get out of the car, pivot.. They swell after I run, and when i drive long distances i can't even walk.. This shh was happening to my dad when he was like 50!! WT.F is wrong with me!?!

and yes i need I need to pay a visit to the doc, but i don't have the money for xrays and MRIs
you should probably hold off on the running for a while.  do some foam rolling (self myofascial release) on your legs, especially your IT band.  ()
this should help relieve any muscular imbalances that could be keeping you from recovering.  you may have an overuse type injury.

do you do any lifts for your lower body?  if so, have someone check your form.  if not, you might want to start off with some bodyweight squats.

consider taking joint supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin.  

if you're dying to run, try barefoot running on grass.  actually, try staying barefoot or as close as possible for as long as you can manage each day.  
My left wrist gets super sore from any outward-side movement. espec if it has stress put on it.
What can I do to save it from snapping during a bench press or something
Ok I need some help NT. Im good when it comes to my workout and strength im 6'3 250 and my body is good, I personally need help with my food intake. Here is my daily
6am-8am workout with my trainer 8am-9am Basketball workout 12-4pm Basketball workout 7-10pm weight room. As you can tell I do a lot and I need a meal plan to keep my weight stabilized. Please help if you can or recommend any products that will help keep my weight up with all the cardio and working out.
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

Originally Posted by Durden7

I noticed a weird quirk of mine today.

If theres 2 sets of dumbbells, ill grab the set thats next to the lighter dumbbells.

If im using 40s, ill grab the set of weights that is next to the 35s and not the 45s.

Im weird.
That's not weird.
i do quite often because a lot of people do not put the dumbbells back in their right location
Originally Posted by ccobryan173

anyone do front squats? I like em way more then squats and so much harder usually do em on 2nd lower day dlift, front squats, ham curls, calve raise and im dead

I like Front squats, but I prefer to alternate because I like the control and stability I have with back squats.  I've so far worked my way up to 315 on front squats for 6 reps, but the last time I did a front squat workout, I don't know if it was the weight belt, or the fact that I already bruised my left hip-flexor but I strained the !@#$ out of my hip and it still hasn't fully recovered.  I can still train, but some days it just acts up, so I haven't touched the front squats since then.
Originally Posted by WarMachine

My lifts are all over the place, I can deadlift 315 x 5, Squat 275 x5, Clean + Press 185lbs (New PR 2 days ago), and only bench 205 x2. How in the hell is my clean and press so close to my bench?! Being ectomorphic with a weak chest sucks.
Wow, that is pretty weird. You got some strong shoulders, decent leg strength and a weak chest

I think almost everyone has their weaknesses. I can squat more than I can deadlift and my chest is way stronger than my shoulders. I hate my gym right now...they dont have 65, 70 and 75 pound dumbells (all broken) so I cant go more than 65 pounds when doing dumbell shoulder press. Neadless to say my shoulder strength has not progressed much in the last year (only about a 20-pound improvement in seated barbell military press).

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by ccobryan173

anyone do front squats? I like em way more then squats and so muchharder usually do em on 2nd lower day dlift, front squats, ham curls,calve raise and im dead

Ilike Front squats, but I prefer to alternate because I like thecontrol and stability I have with back squats.  I've so far worked myway up to 315 on front squats for 6 reps, but the last time I did afront squat workout, I don't know if it was the weight belt, or thefact that I already bruised my left hip-flexor but I strained the !@#$out of my hip and it still hasn't fully recovered.  I can still train,but some days it just acts up, so I haven't touched the front squatssince then.
Front squats are by far my most hated exercise in the gym. I rather do power cleans or deadlifts than front squats. The god damn exercise destroys your quads, lower back and abs. It's probably the only exercise that causes me to feel sore the next day. It's a damn great exercise though and great for want to add size to your quads? You want to burn fat? You want to become a better athlete? You want veins to pop out of your neck and your face to turn red? Do front squats.
Might give front sqauts a go after the 5x5 programme.

Im assuming the body doesn't remember the same protocols as back squats, meaning lower weight. Lol, might just start with the bar.. are front and back squat #'s relative? Or should you be squatting more on back squats?
Im going to begin circuit training for the first time, and was looking for some input. Would I be better suited to go on a Upper/Lower body split, or a routine Chest/Tri, back/bi, etc. I also plan to incorporate HIIT into the regimine.
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