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Rings, as in Olympic rings?

I have used them for dips, inverted rows, and pullups.

Definitely involves more muscular control.

yea olympic rings. saw some decent workouts on youtube involving them

i work out from home and just finished building a bench/squat rack for cheap


(not my pic but i made the exact same thing, took about an hour)

Saw some videos on olympic rings and how to make your own setup so was wondering if their workouts were effective.
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That looks like a bunch of bad bolted together..

No offense.

I can just picture all of that collapsing.
That looks like a bunch of bad bolted together..

No offense.

I can just picture all of that collapsing.
It is screwed wood set in cement in the orange pails.

It would be quite strong if the wood was pressure treated.

I wouldn't go this route but I think it is safe.
Yea its two pieces of pressure treated wood screwed together in concrete(4 in total)

i had a real good bench but no rack so went this route

been using it for the past two months with no issues and ive had up to 300lbs on it no problem
Hope everyone staying true to there work out plans since its still the beginning of the year. Need to find some other snacks outside of almonds, cashews, and Greek yogurt.
Ditched tilapia awhile back, been eating wild caught Alaskan cod. More expensive than tilapia but cheaper than wild caught salmon, usually catch it for around 5.99/lb.
Exquisite lighting. But I have come along since not being able to work out for a month. Repaired leg finding some life too. Anyone going through rehab, those bikes with adjustable seats (for height) are clutch. I found peddling for a few minutes at a "high" height, then working down a seat notch every few minutes (until as low as you can go) is pretty helpful for getting ROM back. I don't like the permanently "low" seated bikes.

You can get 4lb of Tilapia for like 10 dollars. Whiting is really cheap too, around the same price. Don't know if the price is the same everywhere but I usually buy chicken breasts just because it's like 1.85 a lb at Sam's so by far the cheapest protein source per serving at 46 cents (assuming a 4oz seving size).
Squats/Push movements earlier today :pimp:

Ended up in a food coma after carbing up, bulk life is glorious.
Today, I took off work early and headed to the gym for chest & tris. I'm doing weighted dips and during my rest in between sets. A lil guy asks me if he can jump in real quick. I didn't really look at him as I was adjusting my weight belt. When I look up at the person during his set. I realize it lil cease :lol: He was there with one of his non lifting friends (I guess he's trying to get in shape). I snap a ninja pic towards the end of my workout. I didn't have a full conversation with him as I don't like doing that.

worked on biceps today. i havent isolated bi's in a while. i usually work on them at the end of my back days and i'd be dead like spaghetti by then
has anyone ever lack wrist control when working on biceps? i feel like controlling your wrists would have to do with the form in some way
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