STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Been winging it in the gym the last month. Cardio and random lifts. Lost 16 pounds so far, but found a structured workout plan. I'm excited.
Went to the gym. Haven't really gone HAM on the deadlift in a long time. I have been pulling 405 the past few weeks for a top set. Decided to just go and pull and pulled 545 for the first time in several months.

Pretty cool.
Bodybuilding is allll subjective.

you can't say it's all subjective, when you have to have all the criteria I listed above.

they dont look at Phil, say oh he's handsome, bald, lightskin and good smile and just give the medal away...
Come on you know it's not as subjective as that there are criteria that each judge for any contest have to look for...

If you want to know them all take a little time to go to the IFBB website and research it. look at comparison pics of winners to the rest of the field.

Im serious when I say this and Im not trying to be a smartass about it either, but do you know what objective and subjective are?
This is the worst topic ever.

I'd rather see people asking about the best kind of protein.

I'd love to discuss the merits of using a more vertical position with loaded quads and emphasis on a lat sweep on cleans as opposed to a more horizontal cleaning position with emphasis on shoulders staying over the bar with loaded hams/glutes and using more of the shoulder shrug but pretty much no one would care =(
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rode skateboard this weekend. first time doing that in many, many years. really showed me how badly i'm lacking in agility and i'm a little sore this morning even though i didn't fall. i have to start doing more than just lifting weights and the occasional mountain hike.
Crossfit is a sport... The sport of exercising

Damn right...

Just like...

Running, Swimming, Gymnastics, Football, Baseball, Basketball...etc, etc. Exercising takes place within the competition, along with strategy and skill.

Them feel bruh, they're hurt. :lol:

I'd rather see people asking about the best kind of protein.

Nothing is worse than the protein debates...nothing.
What's with all the consternation about calling it a sport.  So what if it what if it isn't....i don't get it.

Chest day! had two soccer games this past weekend my gains...slowly fading into the distance.  Started the season right around 188-190lbs.  I weighed myself after my game yesterday and i was 178lbs.  Rehydrated back up to 182.  I usually hold around 180 during soccer season.  But since this stress fracture in my foot i might try to cut down to about 175 walking around weight.   
What's with all the consternation about calling it a sport.  So what if it what if it isn't....i don't get it.

Chest day! had two soccer games this past weekend my gains...slowly fading into the distance.  Started the season right around 188-190lbs.  I weighed myself after my game yesterday and i was 178lbs.  Rehydrated back up to 182.  I usually hold around 180 during soccer season.  But since this stress fracture in my foot i might try to cut down to about 175 walking around weight.   

Just banter to be honest...

There are people that say NASCAR isn't a sport...

That Golf isn't a sport...

That Baseball isn't a sport...
Trying to figure out how I missed this clean :lol:
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Couldn't stand it up maybe?

Is that 335?

Na I can stand it up easy it just wouldn't stay racked. Maybe I dropped my elbows idk. 320

Edt: the pic is when the bar first contacted my shoulders on the catch
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Speaking of the best type of protein. Y'all have any recommendations. Starting to get low
earlier i said, i started using platinum whey and love it
before that I was using Dymaitize Elite Gourmet & Casein.

both have great taste, also make great bars (if you're in to homemade protein bars)

Do you guys in here use PB2?
Define a bodybuilder though. Must you compete to be considered one? And otherwise you're just another dude that works out? I'll accept that if thats the general idea
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