STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I had similar lower back stuff. Luckily, it feels like squats and deadlifts have only helped the issue. Still real careful, been moving up in weight very slowly. Sitting for too long is a pain though smh
I am about at that point. So i hurt my back squatting and its as if the weight buckels my back. The hardest part for me is staying super tight on walk out and re-rack. When im a lean 175 lbs and im supposed to be (according to my strength program) doing 10 sets at 295 for 3 reps. By set 4 my back from just the weight bearing down on it starts to hurt. Then by set 6 i can't continue becuase when i put the weight on my back the compression alone is painful.

Its like whelp looks like im just not build for this type of weight :lol:. If you want to hit these numbers something has to change and i am not going to put on more weight for the sake of it because i play soccer so the added weight is a determent to me at the sport i enjoy playing
Screw it man. It's not like you need to squat more than 295. I'm sure my back would feel that too. As long as you're eating enough you're going to get bigger regardless. Yeah 3 plates would look cool but tbh you rarely see anyone putting up more than 295 anyway.
Bros... I hope you never have to experience what I just did, although I'm sure many of you already have. I just found a shaker that had been lost for a little over a week. It had some residue left over and was shut the whole time. Man...when I opened this thing up it smelled like absolute death. I almost puked.
Bros... I hope you never have to experience what I just did, although I'm sure many of you already have. I just found a shaker that had been lost for a little over a week. It had some residue left over and was shut the whole time. Man...when I opened this thing up it smelled like absolute death. I almost puked.

We all experienced that b. Smells SO BAD. :pimp:
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If they're that bad I just throw them away :lol:

That stench never comes out completely

Yup. Learned that lesson the hard way. Since then, I've thrown away two I forgot in the car or somewhere. A couple bucks is not worth it.
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I always wash my shaker cups the day I used them lol. I dont even wanna know what that thang smell like after a week
I always wash my shaker cups the day I used them lol. I dont even wanna know what that thang smell like after a week
I can't believe I forgot this. This following quote is hilarious. It was taken from a Muscle and Fitness interview with Randy Orton MF: What about supplements? RO: I learned a lot from [former WWE champion] Chris Benoit. He doesn't like shaker cups because they get dirty and stink so quickly. So he'll take two scoops of protein powder and put it in his mouth dry, then put a little water in and shake his head around. I used to look at him and think, "Damn, that's hardcore!" Then one day I was like, "**** this shaker," and I started doing it the Benoit way.

What You Should Know About the Bumble Bee Tuna Voluntary Recall - ABC News
still putting this work in. Still lifting heavy, still cutting. Bouta be cold af in a month or 2. I'm about 208 now, about 12-13%. Gonna go down to about 9-10% and then just maintain that through the spring/summer

most recent pix




still putting this work in. Still lifting heavy, still cutting. Bouta be cold af in a month or 2. I'm about 208 now, about 12-13%. Gonna go down to about 9-10% and then just maintain that through the spring/summer

most recent pix

Lean af man 
squatted for the first time in sleeves this morning.  Didn't think it would make that big of a difference, but WOW.  The extra support and bounce out of the hole is a game changer.
squatted for the first time in sleeves this morning.  Didn't think it would make that big of a difference, but WOW.  The extra support and bounce out of the hole is a game changer.

Seriously?? I was skeptical about getting them.
knee sleeves are a must for my rickety knees. they were a game changer the first time i put some on. my current pair of SBDs aren't super tight so i don't really use them to get bounce out of the hole but the support is really key for me. i'm also about to try a new supplement for my joints called flexatril (hilarious how they make it sound like the narcotic flexeril). my knees are arthritic so it's been a struggle. the best supplement for them so far has been cissus.
Was hitting heavy triples earlier this week on back squat with no sleeves. I copped a pair this morning so I'm excited so see a difference.
If we are all doing it i am jumping on board :lol:
I have been deciding to make the leap to romaleo's sleeves and a better belt.
Right now i am still amateur squatting in tights metcons and a cheap belt

Hit 335 for 3 then 340 for 3 then 345 for 3 last night as per my candito routine. Lord it was hard. My legs were still sore since i had soccer on tuesday and my quads were a little strained still. But took a decent break in between sets and people probably swore i was on something trying to talk to myself to get psyched up to do it. Not outloud but i was mouthing words to myself :lol: oh well don't care got it done.
Finally serious about getting in shape. Went to the gym Wed night to do chest and triceps and these joints still in pain. I went this morning and do lower body work. This ish has the potential to be mad addictive. I'm going back tomorrow and hopefully the pain will subsided by then so I can do my arm at least sheesh.
Finally serious about getting in shape. Went to the gym Wed night to do chest and triceps and these joints still in pain. I went this morning and do lower body work. This ish has the potential to be mad addictive. I'm going back tomorrow and hopefully the pain will subsided by then so I can do my arm at least sheesh.
you get addicted when you start seeing those results 

keep going homie
freeze freeze congrats bra whats your diet been like?

Im down to 218 from 247 going back to end of January when 'i started. Been stuck somewhat around 221-219 anyone got any good tips to break through that weight barrier?

Thanks guys

this thread has helped alot and I've dedicated myself to the gym Monday through Friday. Gotta incorporate weekends and this weekend it starts
In September I decided to do a sober month to see how it would go and it made me feel amazing. I returned from Paris & London at the end of October and realized how overweight I was and started to think of ways to take action.  At the time i was pushing 180 with a huge gut from all the beer and alcohol from the summer.  (I'm 5 ft 7 but a smaller guy).    So on October 29th I decided that was it, and decided to take an indefinite break from drinking and the sloppy lifestyle I was living.  I gave up alcohol, beer, wine, carbonation and juice.   Staying in on the weekends at first was a challenge, but I got used to it.  At the end of November I decided to start hitting the gym hard and have been doing a TON of cardio since.  I started with 2 miles a day, twice a week.  Then went to 3 days a week and have continuously increased the intensity and mileage accordingly. I work out in a small gym in my condo building so there is never an issue with getting a treadmill, just the lack of free weights/lifting equipment has been a challenge.  

Here we are 3 months later and I weighed in at 155 today.  I've dropped 3 waist sizes, lost 25 pounds, become more focused at work and became a top 5 rep at my company.  I've saved so much money it's absurd and never thought about how much I was spending on alcohol per week!  My diet is continuously improving and I'm getting serious results so I must be doing something right.  Still trying to cut 10 more pounds and maintain that solid 145 weight. 
Just an update on my results.  I usually just lurk in here and really enjoy seeing everyone's progress, but figured i'd post anyways.  I'm now cut down to 142 pounds (From 180) and another 2 waist sizes (From 34 to a 29).  I think i'm actually the same weight as I was in high school back in 1998.  

I'm at 5 months now without any alcohol, beer, wine, juice or carbonation.  Still crushing cardio 3 or 4 times a week, 4 miles a day via interval training. I feel absolutely amazing, and can't wait to continue this journey.  

The only negative is how baggy these clothes have been getting so quickly.  I've gone through 4 belts, and i've just stopped buying clothes until I peak.  
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