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I said I was gonna get the romaleo 2's but I waited too long :lol: the 3's are starting to appeal to me but I'm not sure if I wanna drop a full 199.99 on those... how often did the previous 2's have sales on them? Anyone have them in hand and can compare sizing with an air max?
Feeling great today. Finally at a point where I can do working sets of 225 on bench. That used to be my, "grab 2 spotters, prepare to 1 rep max" type weight, now I can do 5 sets of 10 easy, feels good. Also, I went up in weight in dumbbell press today and I couldn't find a weight that felt heavy. Kept going up up up, then just quit because it stated getting crowded. This bulk is going great I think. Sucks having a gut, but strength is def improving

That's what's up man. Going from a 225 1rm to 5 sets of 10, that's crazy progression my guy
Good stuff cal.

I'm at that point on bench where it feels like I'm never gonna budge anything more than 240. Hopefully this DUP will be the trick.
Feeling great today. Finally at a point where I can do working sets of 225 on bench. That used to be my, "grab 2 spotters, prepare to 1 rep max" type weight, now I can do 5 sets of 10 easy, feels good. Also, I went up in weight in dumbbell press today and I couldn't find a weight that felt heavy. Kept going up up up, then just quit because it stated getting crowded. This bulk is going great I think. Sucks having a gut, but strength is def improving

You can thank rhollor.
I see u @calibeebee :pimp:



Close grip

Weighted dips 45x10 45x8x2
Db bench 70x10x3
Db incline 70x10x3
Skull crushers 95x10x3
Rope pulldown 75x10x3
Single arm pulldown 35x10x3
Cable crossover(high to low) 35x10x3
Cable crossover low to high 30x10x3


New Gibbs tape had me going off today. Gonna have some serious workouts bumpin this tape.

On another note seen a dude quarter squatting 275. Me and another dude looked at each other and died laughing. Dude then went to bench and i see him half repping 2plates. Then half reps 275 then half reps3wheels. Not a single rep was done today by him
Granted I'm a novice to this tracking but man you really don't know what you're putting down till you track it. Tracked the whole day. All this time I was worried about my protein intake but apparently I'm hitting it. Also I probably haven't been getting in the carbs I really been needing.

My biggest thing is FAT. So much stuff that's high in fat that I didn't think too much about. Like total peanut butter I put in my shake.

Here's what my secret wants from me. I put 200lbs very active and want to lose 8lbs just to see what it says.


Not fully relying on the macro goals though. I would lower my carbs a lil and up the protein
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Nice @calibeebee

That's a good feeling. :pimp:

Bulking is nice, once you get past the messed up stomach and constantly having to drop a bumper phase. :lol:

I did chest today. Was really wiped from dl yesterday so I kept it chill.

Weighted dips 3x5 +45
10 regular before to warm up.

Db press
70 3x5

Like 100 reps on cable flys and some pull ups.

I think I'll do legs tomorrow and chest again Wednesday.
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Lol yea that whole bulk phase is lovely especially if your just eating whatever...missed my abs though

That gibbs is hard though...
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Nothing wrong with fat from good sources 

(nuts, oils (non soybean/hydrogenated, etc...)

over 100g easy  everyday crew
Nothing wrong with fat from good sources 

(nuts, oils (non soybean/hydrogenated, etc...)

over 100g easy  everyday crew
I dont think ive ever went that high unless its a cheat day i tend to stay under 70. but you have a good physique so i trust you
I started with the 100 push-ups a day thing, trying to get to 150

I'm small as hell. 5'6 140. I work 18 hours a day 7 days a week currently so I rarely have time to hit a gym or even sleep it feels like.

But I'll bang out push-ups at the office every day and some dips.  Working with what I got for not until I can lower my workload and get in that gym
I started with the 100 push-ups a day thing, trying to get to 150

I'm small as hell. 5'6 140. I work 18 hours a day 7 days a week currently so I rarely have time to hit a gym or even sleep it feels like.

But I'll bang out push-ups at the office every day and some dips.  Working with what I got for not until I can lower my workload and get in that gym

Jesus fam, how do you do 18 hours 7 days a week? Do you not get any days off? That's OD
Jesus fam, how do you do 18 hours 7 days a week? Do you not get any days off? That's OD
Nah, no days off fam.

Surprisingly yesterday was my off day from my 2nd job, so I went for a 3 mile run down the beach, and went home and just got my crib in order. Laundry etc.

I'm normally working 10 hours at my full time M-Friday, with no lunch break just eating at my desk and thats not including the OT I do for them sometimes, then I go from 5:30-1am at my part time. Then Sat & Sunday I work 8 hours both days at my part time and come in for OT at my full time job like 4 hours a day. 

I've been averaging close to 158-165 hours bi weekly between both jobs
Nah, no days off fam.

Surprisingly yesterday was my off day from my 2nd job, so I went for a 3 mile run down the beach, and went home and just got my crib in order. Laundry etc.

I'm normally working 10 hours at my full time M-Friday, with no lunch break just eating at my desk and thats not including the OT I do for them sometimes, then I go from 5:30-1am at my part time. Then Sat & Sunday I work 8 hours both days at my part time and come in for OT at my full time job like 4 hours a day. 

I've been averaging close to 158-165 hours bi weekly between both jobs

Isn't this illegal [emoji]128514[/emoji]
Nah, no days off fam.

Surprisingly yesterday was my off day from my 2nd job, so I went for a 3 mile run down the beach, and went home and just got my crib in order. Laundry etc.

I'm normally working 10 hours at my full time M-Friday, with no lunch break just eating at my desk and thats not including the OT I do for them sometimes, then I go from 5:30-1am at my part time. Then Sat & Sunday I work 8 hours both days at my part time and come in for OT at my full time job like 4 hours a day. 

I've been averaging close to 158-165 hours bi weekly between both jobs
You're a animal. Hope yo get paid for well for that
You're a animal. Hope yo get paid for well for that
Holy crap man what do you do? There's gotta be a better way playa
Yeah man checks coming out nice, been doing this since January. I literally have to request a weekend a month off at my part time in order to ensure I get a weekend to myself, and then when I get that I just travel back to see my fam in the Chi.

But I work for the City of Miami Beach, government job, I deal with all of the special events, and Production & film companies on the beach. Any event taking place or any filming taking place that needs approval / permitting I'm the guy to holla at. Telemundo/Music Videos/Ballers etc i work with all them and then part time I work at Nike.

Second job is fun man, cause it's retail and **** I like to be around shoes. But it does get tiring after a while.

Right now trying to find that balance between work and then a personal life
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I'd literally be burned out after one week. Props to you.

Does ******** and RealityKings go through you?
Respect man, that's crazy. Don't get burned out, gotta have time for fun.
Yeah for sure. I got next weekend off, then Cinco De Mayo weekend off I'm a hit Vegas for a bachelor party. 

My girl and I do the long distance thing right now. She has until end of this year to graduate then she moving down here, so we kind've vowed to one another we just going to grind our hardest so that when she makes that transition down here its seamless and we can start off with a decent savings. I moved down here with the intention of grabbing every $ I could, so I'm going full throttle for 2017
I'd literally be burned out after one week. Props to you.

Does ******** and RealityKings go through you?
Man, they don't be filming "legally" per say. Lol but I know where those offices are.

Perks of this is I get to attend some of these events, Art Basel private parties, Winter Music Conference Parties, plus all the networking i'm doing helps. I'm 27 so I'm def the youngest in the office. I've had offers to go onto other companies off of their work with me here but I'm trying to build this resume up so when I dip it's not a lateral move.

I'm tired of being frail body tho 
 I wana get these gains. I wana look like a little boxer at 140, but with all this work and sucky eating habits **** sucks. It's easy for me to grab some fast food and keep it moving instead of paying attention to what I'm actually eating 
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