STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I take it you and mplsdunk mplsdunk haven't read Wendler's books? The reason I ask is that there are endless ways to modify 5/3/1 to be higher volume, either author-endorsed or not.

If you get your info from what you read online (like the T-Nation article), then I could really see why you'd say that.

FWIW, all of my programming when not running Squat Erryday is based on 5/3/1 and nobody has ever accused it of being "low-volume".

No you’re right. I’ve just heard/read basic break downs.

If thats the case though i’ll do some homework.
Basic 5/3/1 is a great place to start but you do start to plateau if you don't switch it up.

Luckily theres tons of variations out there for it.

ALSO if you're in need of a mix up check out
Great website with a bunch of different programs in easy to use spreadsheets.
Why is mboiz and bwood the only ones that give up full programs in here. Aint we a community?

Also i need something new (not 5-3-1) :nerd:
Basic 5/3/1 is a great place to start but you do start to plateau if you don't switch it up.

Luckily theres tons of variations out there for it.

Not sure which template you mean by basic? I'm guessing OG 5/3/1with minimal assistance work. BBB 5x10 is pretty basic to me but BBB 5x10 @ FSL is no laughing matter, especially if you move respectable weights.

In any case there is no 5/3/1 template that should be ran continuously without variation.

I just can't imagine why anyone would sleep on 5/3/1 unless their understanding of the program came from somewhere other than the books. Hundreds of templates and variations that he's written and endorsed, and once you know the philosophy of the system you could even experiment if those weren't enough. :nerd:
Any advice bros? I am at around 9% body fat and looking to get abs. Do you recommend layering in more ab workouts for better results? Or continuing with my lean diet and continuing without much dedicated ab work?
You don't have abs at 9%? I can still see mine and I got a gut now. Probably need actual ab muscle work then. Didn't do much ab workouts when I got em, aside from planks and the ab roller, but compound lifts like squats and deadlifts were crazy helpful because i'd tighten my core when I did them.
Any advice bros? I am at around 9% body fat and looking to get abs. Do you recommend layering in more ab workouts for better results? Or continuing with my lean diet and continuing without much dedicated ab work?
What method did you use to check your body fat? Either that is wrong and highly off, or you definitely need to work on your abs more
I have a dup powerlifting program that was built for me specifically. Program is 3 months.

Lmk if anyone wants it. The deadlift portion is designed for conventional lifters fyi
Did this back/biceps workout today |l :smh: :lol:

KNEELING REACH x 5 both sides

2: Kneeling scap cable High Pulls 2 x 10 Both sides

1A :Face Pulls 2sets x 10reps @2-3sec Tempo , 3rd set drop set (10x10)
1B: Cable Pull overs 2sets x 10reps @2-3sec Tempo, 3rd set drop set (10x10)
2A: Cable Bicep curls, 3 x 10 (3sec tempo)
2B: Cable Bicep curls, 3 x 8-10 (1sec tempo )
3A: T Bar Rows 3sets x 10reps (2sec Tempo)
3B: Tempo Pull ups 3sets x 5reps (3-4sec Eccentric tempo)
4A: Barbell Bicep curls, 2sets x 10reps, 3sec Tempo
4B: Barbell bicep curls, 2sets x 10reps, 1sec Tempo
5A: Lat Pull down 2 sets x 10 reps, @ 2-3sec tempo 3rd Set a Dropset (10x10)
5B: Close grip Standing High rows 2sets x 10reps, @ 2-3sec tempo, 3rd Set a Dropset (10x10)
6A: Preacher Curls 2 x 10-12 (each side) @3-4sec Tempo
6B: Single Arm DB Rows 2x 10 (each arm) @2sec tempo
Been rocking with the rowing machine heavy lately.

Went late today, had 20min before closing to hit the weights. Did **** quick af

4times through, rest a lil bit after each circuit
DL 135x20
Hammer curls 40x15
Barbell row 135x12
Single arm db row 60x12
Pulldowns 100x15
Db curl 40x15

Call it a night.
Went late today, had 20min before closing to hit the weights. Did **** quick af

4times through, rest a lil bit after each circuit
DL 135x20
Hammer curls 40x15
Barbell row 135x12
Single arm db row 60x12
Pulldowns 100x15
Db curl 40x15

Call it a night.

Not sure which template you mean by basic? I'm guessing OG 5/3/1with minimal assistance work. BBB 5x10 is pretty basic to me but BBB 5x10 @ FSL is no laughing matter, especially if you move respectable weights.

In any case there is no 5/3/1 template that should be ran continuously without variation.

I just can't imagine why anyone would sleep on 5/3/1 unless their understanding of the program came from somewhere other than the books. Hundreds of templates and variations that he's written and endorsed, and once you know the philosophy of the system you could even experiment if those weren't enough. :nerd:

Yes first iteration of 5/3/1 is what I mean by the basic. Though nowadays theres so many variations of the program the OG seems ancient.
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