STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

You right :lol: I didn't think about it but I'm going to switch it up.

I was/am very similar to you in regard to this post except for me I started getting back into working out at the onset of the lockdown in April 2020. Prior to that I was constantly traveling, eating out and drinking frequently while on business travel, not really exercising, etc. LOTS of bad habits and excuses.

I'll start with supps since you asked about those specifically...It's tough to comment about efficacy because I've used different things at different times but some supps I have found helpful are a Nitric Oxide supplement prior to my workout and a fat burner/sleep aid (N.O. XT and LEAN PM) and CLA supplements (take them prior to or with meals depending which one you get). I've also used Hydroxycut Elite which I guess was effective. I have read all sorts of reviews on both ends of the spectrum for all of these so I would advise doing your due diligence. However, I can say that I have used the aforementioned products and did not suffer any negative side effects.

Beyond that, one thing I learned throughout my weight loss journey is that it is best to cast a wide net, like you've done by posting in this thread, in terms of getting information and recommendations. It gives you a lot of ideas of things to try out so you can find out what works for your body in terms of diets, regimens, vitamins, supplements, etc. Your program today likely won't be the same in three months, same for 6 months, 9 months, etc. but IMO that's good because it shows you are positively adapting your program to how your body responds rather than trying the same thing and expecting different results.

While my diet/regimen/vitamins/etc have changed, some of the key tenets that I've maintained throughout are intermittent fasting and making sure I eat my heaviest meal as early as possible within that window so I have enough time to digest/burn it off. For exercise since I travel for work similar to you, I have ve found the Nike Training Club app to be useful because they have a variety of core, strength, cardio, endurance, mobility, etc. workouts that I am able to do at home, at the gym, in my hotel or any open space (I modify which workouts I do depending on space/location) . I'll also add in some form of lifting but I'm not pushing heavy weights like most people in here :lol: It varies based on where I am and what is available but it has been mostly lower weights with high reps.

In terms of food, I was kind of reckless at first but got a handle over time which became beneficial as I started monitoring eating windows, portion size, etc. Recently I have been a lot more controlled with my meals because I am traveling less at the moment. As it was mentioned in here, I try to limit carbs and fit in as many fruits and vegetables as possible. I really feel throughput all of it, the biggest thing for me was portions. I now go as far as weighing and measuring out portions so I can maintain consistency there.

It has also been helpful for me to track my activity every day which there are plenty of apps, sites, programs or other form of technology that someone could recommend to you. I do it myself because I add extra notes and include little things like what I listened to during my workout :lol: But again that overall helps provide consistency and I like how I can control the tracking and visualization the data.

You can absolutely reach your goal but just know it's going to take time. You just have to figure out what works, what doesn't and just keep chipping at it every day :nthat:

Thank for the encouraging words and helpful advice. I've found mobile fitness apps to be very helpful as well, but the traveling does require adjustment to limitation of space. I've been doing some calisthenics to fit in some sort of exercise. I'll also check out the sups you've recommended :emoji_fire:
Nike Training is amazing for workouts you can do with limited equipment and space, lots of hiit and calistenic cardio demonstrated by female Nike athletes decked out in the swoosh
are these land mind attachments supposed to be next to impossible to get on the bar?

It no fit or there is a trick to get it on ?? it wouldn't budge but then I got it down a bit by putting the bar on the ground where the attachment is placed but now it's just stuck there.


have been trying to get a belt squat set up in here but now I am unsure if I ruined this bar w/this 20 dollar junk it just won't budge
how wide?

I’m maybe slightly less that shoulder width. Anything more would be uncomfortable to me.

I set up a little wider than shoulder width. Feels more comfortable for me. Guess it just depends on whats comfortable/your body. Unless its a crazy wide stance dont think its much of an issue.

Ive always thought of things like a stance (squatting, swinging a baseball bat, fighting stance) as just personal preference/comfort based on body type and build. I guess as long as youre doing the correct cues and getting to the proper position when executong the movement its all good. Hitting a ball comes to mind as a good example. I look at MLB hitters (or even tennis players swining a racket) they all set up different in their crouch, hand placement etc but when they get to that point they gonna swing they all get to the same position, foot down, hands back ready to hit. Same **** really for any other athletic movement imo.
Yeah wider than shoulder width with my toes pointed out is comfortable for me. People commonly say feet forward with a narrow stance so I just thought my form has been wrong the entire time.
femur length can have a lot to do with squat stance. generally people with long femurs prefer wider stance with toes pointed out more and a more forward back angle. short femurs typically prefer a narrow stance and have a more upright back
Yeah a wide stance with my feet pointed out is what works for me.
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How are you guys approaching the end of the year?

My body has been tired lately so I figured I'm gonna take the two weeks off to rest and come back fresh in the new year.
Doing OK. Off work for awhile due to injury but doing some upper body at home to keep in shape especially during the holiday.
caught a slight cold right after turkey day so i been avoiding the gym and doing more outdoor stuff, interested to see how much it has or has not impacted my compound lifts…do folks here use belts and/or straps for deadlifts? i have yet to use either but really considering straps as i seem to only be able to go heavy using mixed grip

Belt always, straps never.

I usually leave my gloves on until around 495 conventional/545 sumo. Usually hook grip over 365 and have stopped using mixed mostly altogether.

In a comp I use liquid chalk + chalk on top; just working out usually liquid chalk.
Belt always, straps never.

I usually leave my gloves on until around 495 conventional/545 sumo. Usually hook grip over 365 and have stopped using mixed mostly altogether.

In a comp I use liquid chalk + chalk on top; just working out usually liquid chalk.

looked up the hook grip...looks like it hurts 😬 i'll give it a go next time i'm in the gym but i have pretty jacked up thumb that always easily hyperextends, i also wear gloves because all the bars at the gyms i go to rip my hands add that to struggle dunking again & my grip is terrible...haven't tried sumo squats but since my limbs are fairly long, especially my arms, i probably wouldn't benefit much from them
i’m probably gonna take a few days off and hit a deload week
looked up the hook grip...looks like it hurts 😬 i'll give it a go next time i'm in the gym but i have pretty jacked up thumb that always easily hyperextends, i also wear gloves because all the bars at the gyms i go to rip my hands add that to struggle dunking again & my grip is terrible...haven't tried sumo squats but since my limbs are fairly long, especially my arms, i probably wouldn't benefit much from them

if you wanna hook grip try taping your thumb with some self adhesive tape…it’s still gonna hurt till you get used to it but it’ll give you a better grip :lol:
after more than a week of continuous conditioning, I'm now feeling the burn. gotta take some rest on a few parts to recover. so far, it is getting well. tested my injured leg today and was able to do more hours on it. sadly the outdoor weather wasn't cooperative enough. winter so far feels a bit more brutal this year.
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