STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Do you take pre-hoop to hoop?
I'm all for doing your own thing, but taking it to some extreme in the other direction is also silly. How many times have we heard "I won't let anyone weaker than me tell me how to lift"?

There's professional athletes who spend good money on " weak nerds" who tell them how to lift and workout. I'm pretty sure Derrick Henry's trainers aren't as fast or strong as he is :lol:

I get the science bros can be annoying. Many of them don't seem to understand science changes based on new research and findings. Nothing is set in stone and there are outliers. I'd probably get fat if I listened to the experts on how many calories I'm supposed to be eating in a day.
I'm all for doing your own thing, but taking it to some extreme in the other direction is also silly. How many times have we heard "I won't let anyone weaker than me tell me how to lift"?

There's professional athletes who spend good money on " weak nerds" who tell them how to lift and workout. I'm pretty sure Derrick Henry's trainers aren't as fast or strong as he is :lol:

I get the science bros can be annoying. Many of them don't seem to understand science changes based on new research and findings. Nothing is set in stone and there are outliers. I'd probably get fat if I listened to the experts on how many calories I'm supposed to be eating in a day.

If Derrick Henry was under my training he would’ve won a ring 💍
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