STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Mine have started using it occasionally lol

Do you weigh your chicken once its cooked? I count the calories of what it weighs off the grille.

I weigh it raw. Most nutritional data is for the raw product, unless it states that it's cooked.
Yea I weigh everything pre cook and weigh individual sides and incredients. The only thing I don't weigh is if I'm putting spinich in a protein shake. But a scale and measuring cups is the most important thing I bought. Prior I would assume for example one chicken breast was the automatically the 4oz serving that's on the nutritional info on the back when in reality 1 breast would be twice the weight. When I got the scale that's when I really started dropping weight.

Just killed them waffle chicken tenders and feel like crap LOLOLOL I wanted to try it for the heck of it though
I've had the weirdest craving for chicken fingers. Had a dream I was eating at Laynes (College Station's better knock off of Canes lol), woke up and I could taste it in my mouth. Smh
I hate counting calories its beyond miserable.  I have had better results counting meals and just going off of feel and had better results.  I am thinking longterm and want to be able to maintain this for a lifetime.  Weighing and counting I just became crazy I didn't know how to eat without a scale.  The thought of a restaurant and not knowing exactly what I was eating drove me nuts.  So glad that is over haha. 
i never acutally counted, just guessimated and went off portions. worked perfectly for me while cutting, done it two years in a row. went from a beer belly to full 6 pack with no cardio.

you just gotta know how to control yourself.

right now i got the taste of sugar and going overboard but its fine as long as i dont drink my calories or consume fast food. all im doing is eating the stupid flavored oatmeal and cereal.
I hate counting calories its beyond miserable.  I have had better results counting meals and just going off of feel and had better results.  I am thinking longterm and want to be able to maintain this for a lifetime.  Weighing and counting I just became crazy I didn't know how to eat without a scale.  The thought of a restaurant and not knowing exactly what I was eating drove me nuts.  So glad that is over haha. 
google the portion method. I count calories exactly and don't find it to be much of a hassle though but the portion method is easier since you aren't dealing directly with anynumbers or weighing. But you can get a digital food scale for like $10 and a set of measuring spoons for $1 and then track it in a notebook or index card notebook or if you want to do it online use which has most foods preprogrammed into it and is free
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My food scale is the number 1 investment Ive made for nutrition, **** its one of the few things I use everyday period :lol:

now that you mention it yeah my food scale was the best $20 i ever spent in the past 4 years when it comes to my diet/nutrition. Use it everyday along with my gym bag lol
when are dudes going to get off that genetics deal????

there are very few people who are predisposed to having a slow metabolism, and being fat, and there are people who are also naturally skinny, the majority of people have the necessary genetics to achieve cuts and striations with strict nutrition

You're misinterpreting why we're bringing up genetics. Muscle insertions and vascularity are effected by genetics. Sure anyone can achieve a certain body fat percentage; however, different muscles will appear differently due to genetics.
His question was simple cuts and striations, EVERYONE despite anatomical genetics can get to a point of cuts and striations, genetics had no business being a point in the answer
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I've been eating like crap since thurs :smh: :smh: :smh:

I'm starting to see the definition in my arms / shoulders / back / legs and thighs though.

Still got a gut and moobage. I assume that's the hardest to lose?

Ima up my cardio.

What's some good core exercises ? :nerd:

gut and love handles :smh:

cable crunches
weighted sit ups

but diet/calorie deficit is #1 if you wanna get rid of the fat...
Was feeling like a lazy kunt until I saw a Zyzz video and quickly rode my bike to the gym. Feels good. Rest in protein brah.
I've been lurking on these boards forever but decided to make an account just so that I can post in this thread. I'm st currently trying to get into better shape.Ideally I'd like to come down 320 to 250. I'm 6-4 so I don't want to get too small. I've been going to the gym for three weeks now doing four days a week. My current routine is:

Sunday: Chest, Back, and Abs

Monday: Biceps, Shoulders, Traps

Wednesday: Legs, Triceps and Abs

Friday:Traps, Back and Abs

I do 30 minutes on the treadmill or bike before I start on weights. And I've found a good diet tracking website to help me keeping up with the calories I consume.

My question is there any thing else you guys think I should be doing? I'd be happy for any suggestions. 
Seems like your doing abs pretty frequently.  I would think you need to rest them more than just one day, unless your not working them hard enough.  They should still be sore 2 days later.
If you don't know where to get em then you prob don't know enough about them to use

I think the point is there are several people on here that are just really curious about that whole culture (not necessarily looking to try it) and don't know anything about it or where to even look to learn.
I think the point is there are several people on here that are just really curious about that whole culture (not necessarily looking to try it) and don't know anything about it or where to even look to learn. forums is the best place to learn IMO. No you wont find any sales of steroids on there.
I took me awhile to find a source as a noob. My first source was on :lol:, its basically a version of ebay. Theyve cut out illegal stuff on there though. You used to be able to get cannabis seeds there.
So I'm been wondering this for a minute..

Can one of you guys explain to me why Zyzz is so admired and popular? I just don't get it.

one of my friend just posted this on fb

The most inspirational person I've ever known. Rest in Peace Aziz Shavershian. March 24, 1989 - August 5, 2011
So I'm been wondering this for a minute..

Can one of you guys explain to me why Zyzz is so admired and popular? I just don't get it.

one of my friend just posted this on fb
and yea, HE put the heart after 2011. So somebody school me on this guy and what made him such a profound figure, specifically to dudes, brahh. lol.
Zyzz is to Misc as Ninjahood is to NT. Come up with a few catchy phrases like "you mirin' and the followers will follow. He was a scrawny kid that juiced, got a decent physique.
Some people just need someone to follow and look up to.
So I'm been wondering this for a minute..

Can one of you guys explain to me why Zyzz is so admired and popular? I just don't get it.

one of my friend just posted this on fb
and yea, HE put the heart after 2011. So somebody school me on this guy and what made him such a profound figure, specifically to dudes, brahh. lol.

Some people just need someone to follow and look up to.
Yep. I respect the accomplishments of folks and all, but some of the hero worship borders on creepy.
Zyzz kinda broke the beefy jay cutler looking bb image that people had about bodybuilding. And point blank bodybuilders who are popular aren't entertaining what so ever. For example Jeff Seid has a better body than Zyzz but Jeff Seid is a lame. Chris jones is popular not because of his knowledge but he seems like a cool dude and is entertaining, while dudes like Matt Ogus are trying to be Zyzz 2.0 and are boring and have zero personality.

The fact is people like to see people they can relate to or find entertaining. For me personally if it werent for Zyzz , Chris Jones and Hodgetwins to a certain extent I would have dropped lbs and been done, these dudes introduced me to the lifestyle from a real world perspective and not some nasty looking gh gut Kai Green looking life.
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