STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

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I haven't really been dl heavy lately. Just a ton of sets at 185-225. Is that still good for developing size or am I better off focusing on other lifts? I'm always eating in surplus btw.

Deadlifts, IMO, should be used more as a CNS stressor with the heaviest weight possible. If you're reaching failure at that weight in reps of 8-12, you'll still experience hypertrophy. Less so if reaching failure in higher rep ranges, but still plausible. Train as heavy as you can, safely. If you don't feel safe, don't do it. You could experiment with rack pulls. That might allow you to lift more weight and hit the lower rep ranges
Thanks man. Yeah I never reach failure anymore. I hurt my lower back months ago and am not trying to hurt it again so I just backed way off.

Rack pulls might be a good option for me because I can stay more upright that was. Also have used a hex bar with no pain. I feel good now but I'm not really trying to test it and am scared to go for my max.

But yeah I just kind of felt like lower weight dl were pointless at this point. Thanks man. I'm going to try some rack pulls and work up to my max if I feel good.
I actually disagree, As long as you are doing your bodyweight you will be fine. 

On what basis and in what realm? I can deadlift my bodyweight for at least 30 if not 40 reps in one set. There is absolutely no significant fiber damaged at that amount of resistance if you are only performing a standard set of 8-15. If you are relatively weak and your bodyweight for DL gets you to failure at 8-12 reps, that's one thing. Saying that anybody who deadlifts their bodyweight will get gainz is completely false.
Personally speaking the highest reps im tring to do with DLs is 8-10 and most of the time i dont wanna go past 5 or 6
Highest reps I do on deads are the sets of ten I do with the lighter weights I use as part of my warm up.
Yeah that makes sense if you're trying to get bigger. I guess I didn't realize that. I'm just really not trying to test my lower back now. 185 and I'm cool and that's over my weight but I'd go all day if I went to failure.

I'm getting better though my squats are back up to 195 with no pain at all. I'm going to do some rack pulls next back day and up the weight and focus on strengthening my lower back with other exercises. I'll get back into regular deadlifts in a few months.
The deadlift is not a hypertrophy movement.

It's a power exercise.

It's not a sarcoplasmic hypertrophy exercise where you are going to induce swelling of the tissue with blood/nutrients/volume but it will cause immense breakdown of muscle tissue and induce myofibrillar hypertrophy.

Just because it's a more power focused movement doesn't mean it's immune from basic principles of anatomy.
Anybody ever have their wisdom teeth out? If so, how long did it take for you guys to get back in the gym? I was eating solid foods day of the surgery, very limited pain, no swelling since (surgery was Friday). I was advised no heavy lifting for a week, but I’ve seen some get back into as soon as a day after with no problems.
I stayed away for however long they recommended me to because I was scared of getting dry socket. You don't want dry socket man, lol.

To be fair, dry socket only happens in 5 percent of extraction cases but you don't want to be part of that 5 percent lol.
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