Stay home or go out?

It's Sunday night, almost 10pm PST and there is a huge party celebrating all the birthdays in September that is going to take place. I'm on the list,just have to be there by 11pm but I'm not sure if I want to go.

Would you? I also get up at 5:45am to get to work, fml.
There are over 27 birthdays being celebrated but damn NT this headache is just not going away. Can't even get myself up to get ready but I'm sure alittle bit of alcohol will help or not ...
Hmmm tough one..considering you have to be up in a few hours id say pass, but ask yourself is it worth it? If so, then go have some fun, but be prepared tostruggle tomorrow haha
not worth it, get the sleep fam. Sunday nights aren't made for being out late, thats what friday and saturday are for
I wouldn't. If you do go out, as soon as you wake up you'll realize it wasn't worth it.
Next time just drink alone at home and get on that Ustream for the truckers.

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