STEEL CITY (Pittsburgh) NT'ers STAND UP!!!

Originally Posted by Primavera Vills

I'm pissed about Ace not gettin' the Foams....but the Villa in East Lib and Downtown said they didn't know when they were gettin' them. Edgewood said they get 'em on Monday [which was surprising]. I was goin' to buy online early like 2 weeks ago, but that's when the cancel talk was heavy.
Reason why I chalked this release. I want em but can't really afford to stress over em and $%#+. Da Villa make it hard for cats that like kicks b/c they like em. I'm pretty damn sure both East Lib and Downtown know when they gettin em in. They pulled that $%#+ w/ the Eggplants
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by MJKING23

is anywhere in the burgh particularly monroeville or century 3 gettin the copper foams?

Only place gettin em is Da Villa. East Lib and Downtown for sure, don't know about Edgewood Town Centre tho
Is there usually a hassle to get a pair of Foams over there, I'm from NewYork and just wanna go right in and out
Originally Posted by Millzhouse719

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by MJKING23

is anywhere in the burgh particularly monroeville or century 3 gettin the copper foams?

Only place gettin em is Da Villa. East Lib and Downtown for sure, don't know about Edgewood Town Centre tho
Is there usually a hassle to get a pair of Foams over there, I'm from NewYork and just wanna go right in and out
The main hassle is findin out when they get they shipments in cause they go on sale as soon as they do. W/ all the snow, we don't know when they got they shipment if they did. If u call they'll lie, if u go in and don't be persuaded by the bs u might get ur pair if they have em. They tend to hold pairs for they friends, mom, dad, gmom, gpop, baby cousin who was just born, etc.
^^^^ Good looks man, currently in Monaca and don't wanna drive all the way to Pittsburgh just to drive back empty handed. But just asking a bit early because I wanna buy the eggplant foams that are re-releasing, not intrested in the copper ones
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

^^^ U and the other dude w/ all the %$!@!+ pics killed it. That's what happened
Why dont u move back to harrisburg step ya swag up then come back to the city cuz i aint ever seen you around and i be EVERYWHERE  ask about me oh yea.......

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

^^^ U and the other dude w/ all the %$!@!+ pics killed it. That's what happened
pretty much

didnt realize this thread was popular enough to attract trolls but i guess you learn somethin new erryday. only person i ever considered puttin on ignore

Originally Posted by Pmighty

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

^^^ U and the other dude w/ all the %$!@!+ pics killed it. That's what happened
pretty much

didnt realize this thread was popular enough to attract trolls but i guess you learn somethin new erryday. only person i ever considered puttin on ignore

get ya life right bra!!!

Uh huh, well come to Oakland and talk all that ying yang when u get ya wisdoms out and I'll gladly smack u in the face u lame %%% young bull. U and ya other screen name 'lookatmysneaks'
richyung....please find one of the burgh's many bridges and jump off. i would love to find you so i could smack the taste out your mouth.
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Uh huh, well come to Oakland and talk all that ying yang when u get ya wisdoms out and I'll gladly smack u in the face u lame %%% young bull. U and ya other screen name 'lookatmysneaks'
Ayo harrisburg i be in oakland all the time where u be at??? I get such a good time messing wit you harrisburg your my boy.   
      <---- me and harrisburg

FYI i dont have another name on here lookatmysneaks is my boy. Sold out i dare you to come around me or say soemthing bout lookatmysneaks....I do talk tough cuz i do tough things where u be at??? Watch ya mouth and watch ya girl cuz i might jus take ta girl once she gets a look at the kid

Yo Sold out.....
I think i got ya girl already...



Im everywhere in the burgh wheer yall clowns at?????? Ask bout me. And my crew This E-T-F all day Sold out you #fail.

the funniest part about all of this is that you guys are serious. he doesnt have 2 names. thass my dude.and (MR P knows that) and we (me and richyung) laugh at you guys cuz yall take this internet @#@ sooo serious. jokes on yall.. so lets all jus start over and be cool. cuz its all comedy. @ Harrisburgh as RichYung calls you ... lol fighting? #weoffdat but boxing #weondat tag team boxing match me and my boy richyung vs. any1 of yall ntlkers.. j/k
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