Stephen A. Smith Wylin


Same Trump who persecuted the Central Park 5 and wanted their head…? That Trump? A guy who didn’t want want Black tenants renting his apartments in the 70s? :lol: Stephen A is silly.

Trump has always benefited from the system

Trump has repeatedly gone at the judge’s daughter.. he’s openly going at jurors.. dude is sitting in court on his phone.. he hissed at a potential juror who was critical of him

It’s wild to think of this dude’s history for more than 5 decades resembles anything anyone not rich white male could understand
Trump has repeatedly gone at the judge’s daughter.. he’s openly going at jurors.. dude is sitting in court on his phone.. he hissed at a potential juror who was critical of him

It’s wild to think of this dude’s history for more than 5 decades resembles anything anyone not rich white male could understand

He must know where Jimmy Hoffa is buried. Dude gets more grace than anyone I’ve ever seen. It’s baffling at this :lol: :lol:
He must know where Jimmy Hoffa is buried. Dude gets more grace than anyone I’ve ever seen. It’s baffling at this :lol: :lol:

Just once I want this dude to have to face some normal shh

Say some dumb shh, get a follow up question..

Hell just use the word “lie” when he lies repeatedly

Even how they cut the bond in that 1 case to less than half and he still might end up committing more crimes with the supposed bond he did come up with

Stephen A taking it too serious. He was on his podcast reading the clickbait headlines and comments of people hyping it. His ego got bruised. During the convo I could see both sides but she is right. Nobody was talking about the WNBA like this, I do remember Stephen A talking about womens college though.
Not a big fan of Stephen A. Smith…..but some of his stuff is okay. That being said I don’t know why he continues to open his platform and audience up to so many ungrateful individuals like that Monica chick from yesterday. The way she looks she shoukd just be happy to be on TV whether people talk to her or not.

That’s equivalent to allowing someone in your house and then they tear it up. Unacceptable. Even if Stephen A. Smith wasn’t talking about the WNBA three years ago……it was justified as nobody cared about the WNBA back then. Folks like Monica need to understand that and be thankful for opportunity to discuss the WNBA now on such a big platform. Gotta learn how to be humble.
i wouldn’t say it’s ungrateful..

But SAS routinely gets stuff wrong on the big stuff (nba, nfl, politics).. I get the man has an ego but it’s ok to admit you don’t know some shh

Monica literally played high level women’s basketball and was damn good.. dude being overly defensive about the obvious and now he turning to belittling her cause his ego got hurt
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