Steve Harvey Miss Universe fail

So you are confirming Latinos of African Ancestry do not view themselves as Black? Or that Latinos do not view their countrymen with more than 40% African Ancestry as Latinos? So what is wrong about my statement "WE" all we got? lol You have yet to say why Latinos/Hispanics are currently doing on Twitter is wrong, you are only saying "bu bu everyone else is doing it".

You are assuming all those users are Latinos....that's your big proposed a "Latinos hate us black folks, look at them on Twitter going in" generalization, when in reality is people of all shades and nationalities going in on this man racially or not.

YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE THAT CAME IN HERE ON SOME PREJUDICE STEEZ....I was legit waiting on it, because I expected it's already been stated NT has become extremely predictable.

You just don't get it. :smh:
Those American born Black Latinos are self hating Raccoons, so anyone who wants to hate their origins can have fun doing that, they aint part of the WE. Their non black Latino counter parts still dont accept them in many instances so that is their problem.
Whats the difference between ignorant folk calling black people monkeys and other ignorant folk calling them Raccoons?
One is suppose to insult how you look physically, the other is a term with a meaning behind it last I checked.

so it is ok for you all to do it because Asians and whites can?

Asians and Whites have no ties to African Ancestry, Latinos do.

Once again, NOONE EVER said it was ok....simply saying don't single us out.
He was clearly pointing out the hypocrisy of it though. He can do that if he wants to.

So telling him not to single yall out and complaining about it the way you are by saying other ppl do it too is just proving his point even more.
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Not sure if relevant, but black people were ready to riot if Ruben Studdard didn't win American Idol.  This was in 2003.
Nobody is singling you out. This situation with Miss universe and Harvey's **** up singled you out.

You think if he mistakenly had given Miss Kenya the crown and took it back a bunch of black ppl on twitter would be calling him the n word and monkey and telling him to go back to Africa?

Of course not, that's why the second I saw it was Steve Harvey and the mistaken girl was a Latina I knew a thread would be made on NT and it was only a matter of time before a black NTer would come in here claiming Latinos are racists based off something as vague as a Twitter handle, my mans is assuming every Twitter handle dropping N bombs is is that not ignorance at its finest? :lol:
If those tweets were not so vulgar I would just post some in here to end all of this, lol literally all he has to do is click the steve harvey hashtag on twitter.

Once again...HOW THE F DO YOU KNOW ALL TJOSE TWEETS ARE ONLY FROM LATINOS? racism now exclusive to Latinos?...GUAT?

Inb4 you claim I'm justifying racism...
Steezy - You keep missing the point that it does not matter who else is using racial insults towards Steve.

You keep trying to use the "everyone else is doing it" excuse but as a Hispanic cat, I only care that my Latinos brothers and sisters are throwing racial insults at person when so many times we find ourselves going through similar struggles.

It's ignorant when a white person does it, but ultimately they don't know our struggle and really don't know any better. They are not my concern.
I find it extra disgusting when it's a Hispanic person joining in this ignorance because our experiences in this country should've taught us better.

Lucky - I don't have Twitter so I'm going to assume you're right when you say that Hispanics have joined in the ignorance but I don't know how you're so certain every person you seem to be of Latin descent is indeed of Latin descent.

All this said, a dark skinned Dominican is Dominican. I don't expect them to identify as black.
I don't know why you guys keep harping on this.
Just saw the realest comment about this entire thing…"If Steve Harvey didn't screw up, I wouldn't have known Miss Universe was still a thing." 

Das it mayne. 
And ya keep thinking im making excuses or justifyin it....simply saying all those tweets are not coming just from Hispanics, so why is Lucky calling us out?
now you are prejudging Blacks because you ASSUME black folks would do this. Guess what We are not dealing with imaginary what ifs lol so get out of here with assumptions, we are speaking on what is currently taking place on social networks.

Your prejudice of Non Latino Blacks still does not give an OK to the factual things going on right now.

You literally just posted some "well bu bu bu you guys are racist too so lay off of us" type of mess. lol.

Assume!!!!!!!!!? Fam I can almost guarantee legit gonna sit here with a straight face and tell me black people are incapable of using racial slurs and being legit gonna make that claim? :lol:
Wow :smh: This perfect evidence for why I have my opinion of you when it comes to race topics.

You telling dude it's a fact black ppl would purposely make racist jokes about Latin/Hispanic ppl in your hypothetical situation where the host is Hispanic when we have actual evidence of some Latinos doing that to Steve right now. Then you springboard off that to make it a whether or not black ppl are capable of using racial slurs. Like what the **** are you on?

Nobody falling for all this bull ****. This isn't about black ppl making racial slurs or w/e bull **** situation you want to bring up. Deal with the facts and reality.
And know I'm not saying back off, racists should be called out....but if a white guy, a Latino and an Asian all attack you with racial slurs why would you single out the Latino?
Cuz he's making the point that many Latinos have African ancestry. How can you not ******* get that? You can't be this dense.

There is a difference between a white person and Hispanics. There's a difference between most Asians and Hispanics especially when he brings up African ancestry. Stop playing dumb.
Not sure if relevant, but black people were ready to riot if Ruben Studdard didn't win American Idol.  This was in 2003.
Nobody is singling you out. This situation with Miss universe and Harvey's **** up singled you out.

You think if he mistakenly had given Miss Kenya the crown and took it back a bunch of black ppl on twitter would be calling him the n word and monkey and telling him to go back to Africa?

Of course not, that's why the second I saw it was Steve Harvey and the mistaken girl was a Latina I knew a thread would be made on NT and it was only a matter of time before a black NTer would come in here claiming Latinos are racists based off something as vague as a Twitter handle, my mans is assuming every Twitter handle dropping N bombs is is that not ignorance at its finest? :lol:
So stick to the ******* topic instead of all of you're hypotheticals and guarantees.
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Im tellin yall steve n nem planned it.

Its a win win.

Even the columbean chick wins cuz she also gets attention. ..if she was just 2nd and this never happened she wouldn't eem b on tv.

Steve probably was like

"Look here....i know how this goes......yalllllll know how this goes....heh heh heh......why dont we make this interesting so we can get u guys more worldwide attention. ....and so we can get a playa on CNN"

View media item 1837583
Hahaha, every thread devolves into this haha, at least I thought NT could agree on Steve Harvey being terrible at life
Steezy - You keep missing the point that it does not matter who else is using racial insults towards Steve.

You keep trying to use the "everyone else is doing it" excuse but as a Hispanic cat, I only care that my Latinos brothers and sisters are throwing racial insults at person when so many times we find ourselves going through similar struggles.

It's ignorant when a white person does it, but ultimately they don't know our struggle and really don't know any better. They are not my concern.
I find it extra disgusting when it's a Hispanic person joining in this ignorance because our experiences in this country should've taught us better.

Lucky - I don't have Twitter so I'm going to assume you're right when you say that Hispanics have joined in the ignorance but I don't know how you're so certain every person you seem to be of Latin descent is indeed of Latin descent.

All this said, a dark skinned Dominican is Dominican. I don't expect them to identify as black.
I don't know why you guys keep harping on this.

The simple fact you made this statement shows you dont even understand how twitter works if you are asking "how do we know these people are Latino"

lol, Dominican isn't a race and Black isn't a Nationality, so I can careless about those who feel that way, once again they aren't apart of the "WE" when I say "WE All we got", there are Afro Latinos who feel other wise and understand their true history and embrace their heritage and those are my brothers and sisters.
Im tellin yall steve n nem planned it.

Its a win win.

Even the columbean chick wins cuz she also gets attention. ..if she was just 2nd and this never happened she wouldn't eem b on tv.

Steve probably was like

"Look here....i know how this goes......yalllllll know how this goes....heh heh heh......why dont we make this interesting so we can get u guys more worldwide attention. ....and so we can get a playa on CNN"

View media item 1837583
The conspiracy aint working for me.

How is this a win win for Steve Harvey? Son took a massive L here :lol: By simply saying this the wrong way he's got the rage of millions of ppl on two countries to start.

All the racist white ppl are bringing back the black ppl can't read insults cuz of this.
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So ya can't accept that I'm offended Lucky singled out Latinos as the only racist group on Twitter?....

Once again, NT never fails to deliver its hypocrisy.
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So ya can't accept that I'm offended Lucky singled out Latinos as the only racist group on Twitter?....

Once again, NT never fails to deliver its hypocrisy.

What are you talking about?

The issue at hand is the incident of Latinos who are supposed to be our "brethren" being racist towards Steve Harvey.

Quote me saying Latinos are the only racist on The internet.

If the subject at hand was Japanese going in on Steve Harvey with racist slurs and comments then that would be what we are discussing.
The conspiracy aint working for me.

How is this a win win for Steve Harvey? Son took a massive L here :lol: By simply saying this the wrong way he's got the rage of millions of ppl on two countries to start.

All the racist white ppl are bringing back the black ppl can't read insults cuz of this.
More paid interviews explaining his mistake.
Miss Universe trending now that its crossed paths with black Twitter.
I honestly haven't heard this much excitement around the event in some time.
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