Steve Jobs Died...

Originally Posted by SWSH

that quote got me. RIP Steve 


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I know the people who knew Jobs knew he was gonna die.

With his condition, the doctors already told him how long he had to live.

This isn't really a shock, dude stepped down for a reason.

Great innovator

Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by ksteezy is confirmed?
Go take some pictures man

ya find that funny..... i asked a legitimate question being that when this thread popped up people were saying it was a mistake, go play in traffic, cornballs.
anyhow, RIP Mr. Jobs.
I work for Apple in NYC. I'll never forget how I learned that he passed.

Customer asked me about iCloud. I go to to show her, and there it was. I knew it was legit because everything on is confirmed. I was, and still am upset. A few of my co-workers were in tears and almost everyone was visibly upset.
RIP Steve Jobs.

Never liked apple computers, but I do use the iPhone.

Also wanted to add this though, those of you who are responding to the "trolls" by saying things like sorry you can't afford it or whatever, sound just as stupid. I understand that some people may be affected by his death more than others but don't get your panties in a bunch just because someone doesn't care as much as you.
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

I work for Apple in NYC. I'll never forget how I learned that he passed.

Customer asked me about iCloud. I go to to show her, and there it was. I knew it was legit because everything on is confirmed. I was, and still am upset. A few of my co-workers were in tears and almost everyone was visibly upset.
, over a person they never met. I swear the Simpsons got it right, some people damn near worshiped Jobs 
Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

I work for Apple in NYC. I'll never forget how I learned that he passed.

Customer asked me about iCloud. I go to to show her, and there it was. I knew it was legit because everything on is confirmed. I was, and still am upset. A few of my co-workers were in tears and almost everyone was visibly upset.
, over a person they never met. I swear the Simpsons got it right, some people damn near worshiped Jobs 

Well, you have to look from our perspective.  
No one I work with - managers, store leaders, geniuses, etc. have ever met him.  But at the same time he's had a profound affect on all of our lives.  It's not even about the products.  If it weren't for him coming back there are no stores, no opportunities for employment, and there are no products.  His vision of what the company should be may not be the only reason why Apple is successful but it definitely has something to do with it.   

On top of that I had a closing shift.  The managers and our store leader said some of the most inspirational stuff I've ever heard.  There wasn't a dry eye in the room.  Including my own.  I have nothing but love and respect for him.  RIP
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Go take some pictures man

ya find that funny..... i asked a legitimate question being that when this thread popped up people were saying it was a mistake, go play in traffic, cornballs.
anyhow, RIP Mr. Jobs.
G, your pic is in your avy. You're always taking pics of yourself. Therefore, its funny. 

Don't get all bent out of shape.

R.I.P Steve Jobs.
RIP Steve Jobs.

Definitely worked until he couldn't, I expected him to be around way longer since he just left Apple recently..
RIP Steve Jobs..thank you for all these Apple products around me..and I love Pixar.

Everybody in someway has been affected by cancer..such a terrible affliction.
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