Steve Jobs Died...

Originally Posted by ONEFORALL

Yeah i gotta say like using child labour is wrong but at the same time it's better than nothing for those kids .And i'm not accusing Apple for using child labour here. Just speaking universally about companies. R.I.P to the guy but people treating him like God? SMH

I would prefer nothing than a bunch of naked poor kids travelling into the earth to pull up diamonds and other elements just to make your gadgets and gizmos work in america. I would prefer nothing rather than having a community my family stayed in for generations have to move, because the plant that supplies the manufacturing for my gizmos and gadgets polluted my community just to give someone a phone that they could watch movies and listen to music and pay their bills on. IMO it's really a weak benefit to gain that convenience, at the expense of others lives and health. But judging from the responses in here, people value gadgets and technology over someones life on the other side of the planet. The whole "It's not my problem" mentality is whats wrong with the world today. I think some of ya'll should really think about that.  For what we have as luxuries over here, represents turmoil for millions on the other side of the globe. These people are making our "tools for education" yet they don't have a right to education themselves. It's a disgrace to call this man an innovator. Others have produced the same tech that Steve Jobs has. He just did it a different way. He is no different from any other corporate oppressor except that he has the apple cult praising him for making inferior products that don't last past a year. 
[h1]Taiwan's Foxconn to use one million robots by 2014[/h1]August 1, 2011

Taiwan IT giant Foxconn -- hit by a spate of suicides at its Chinese plants -- plans to replace 500,000 workers with robots in the next three years, state media reported.

Taiwan IT giant Foxconn -- hit by a spate of suicides at its Chinese plants -- plans to replace 500,000 workers with robots in the next three years, state media reported Monday.

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Foxconn -- the world's largest maker of computer components, which assembles products for Apple, Sony and Nokia -- plans to use one million robots to do "simple" work, China Business News quoted chairman Terry Gou saying.

Gou announced the plan to 10,000 staff at a company event in Shenzhen on Friday, various media reports said.

Foxconn currently has 10,000 robots doing painting, welding and assembly tasks. It will increase that number to 300,000 next year and to one million in 2014, the report said.

A Foxconn spokesman could not be immediately reached by AFP for comment.

The Taiwan-based company employs more than one million workers at its Chinese plants, about half of them based in its main facility in the southern city of Shenzhen.

At least 14 workers have died in apparent suicides since last year, most of them in Shenzhen. Activists blamed the deaths on tough working conditions and have called for better treatment of staff.

Foxconn has been expanding its workforce in other parts of China as it seeks to scale back the size of its Shenzhen plant.

The firm opened a $2 billion Chengdu plant in October, according to China's state-run Xinhua news agency.

(c) 2011 AFP

In other cases, we know these corrupt "third world" countries are all competing for contracts like this and we have heard time and time again of the slave labor and harsh conditions people are under just to "work".
The harsh reality is he was a billionaire and he couldn't beat the disease, doesn't leave much hope for the average person that has that disease, scary and very sad
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by ONEFORALL

R.I.P but i roll with my main man Gates. Plus did you guys know that in 1997 when Jobbs got back to Apple they stopped giving money to charities.

No offense, but why does apple have to give to any charities.
I think it is shameful that not only did Apple stop giving to charities, they stopped matching the donations of it's employees.

That's pretty weak.  That's one greedy man. 
The New Yorker released its tribute cover of Steve Jobs, which will grace the October 17 edition of the magazine. In a blog post, The New Yorker shows that the cover will depict Steve Jobs meeting Saint Peter at the pearly gates. Saint Peter is using an iPad, apparently using it to do a little research before deciding if Jobs will be admitted to heaven or sent to a place with a warmer climate.

There’s only one problem here: Steve Jobs was a Buddhist.


The New Yorker's Cover: Apple Co-Founder Meets St. Peter

I’m sure The NewYorker means well by devoting a cover to Apple’s co-founder, but this illustration smacks of ignorance. Yes, the New Yorker’s known for satire, but is this really the right way to approach it before his family’s even held services for him? How about showing Steve Jobs a little respect by at least depicting him with a religious idol he’s believed in?

Anil Dash, a writer and entrepreneur tweeted the following in reaction to The New Yorker:

Always annoys me when non-Christians are portrayed as reaching a Christian heaven when they die. It’s not a compliment.

Jonah Peretti, replied by tweeting:
@anildash also the depiction is inaccurate since non-Christians go to hell when they die

Each religion has its own theory of what happens to us in the afterlife. Whatever your beliefs (or lack of religios beliefs) are, it’s an ultimate sign of disrespect to be memorialized in a manner which doesn’t reflect how you lived. You wouldn’t place a a cross over a Jew’s grave or hold a Catholic mass for an atheist, would you?  The New Yorker most certainly wouldn’t dare depicting a deceased celebrity in any stage of Islmaic rites unless its editors were 1000% sure he was a Muslim.

It’s wrong for The New Yorker to either assume Steve Jobs was Catholic or simply ignore his religious beliefs and depict him in front of the pearly gates. Why couldn’t The New Yorker do just a little bit of research and maybe depict him interacting with Buddha under a Bodhi tree?

What do you think about The New Yorker’s tribute to Steve Jobs? I think there’s a bit of ignorance on The New Yorker’s part here. The magazine’s publishers should illustrate a more fitting cover if it they hope to honor Steve Jobs.

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs died Wednesday, just a day after his colleagues introduced the iPhone 4S. He resigned from his role as Apple’s CEO just six weeks ago.
[h1]'Steve Jobs Day' Receives Official Proclamation for Today[/h1]
California Governor Jerry Brown upgraded a tweet to a proclamation yesterday, officially declaring today as "Steve Jobs Day" across the state in a stronger capacity than a mere 140-character (or less) message could provide.

The full text of Brown's proclamation is below:

"In his life and work, Steve Jobs embodied the California dream. To call him influential would be an understatement. His innovations transformed an industry, and the products he conceived and shepherded to market have changed the way the entire world communicates. Most importantly, his vision helped put powerful technologies, once the exclusive domain of big business and government, in the hands of ordinary consumers. We have only just begun to see the outpouring of creativity and invention that this democratization of technology has made possible.

It is fitting that we mark this day to honor his life and achievements as a uniquely Californian visionary. He epitomized the spirit of a state that an eager world watches to see what will come next."

Today also marks the first larger-scale memorial for Jobs, Apple's co-founder, but it's not a service that just any member of the public will be allowed to attend – or even know about, for that matter. Invitations were sent out last week to members of Silicon Valley's "elite," as well as various connected executives in the greater technological circuit, for today's evening memorial at Stanford University. But the actual location of the memorial at Stanford, as well as its contents, has not been made public.

A recent tip from an undisclosed source interviewed by Reuters suggests that Lee Jae-Young, president and chief operating officer of Apple rival Samsung Electronics, will be in attendance for the event. Apple and Samsung have been battling one another in courtrooms worldwide over alleged patent infringements between Samsung's tablets and Apple's iPads.

One additional "public" memorial is also planned for this week. But the Wednesday morning gathering at Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California is, like the Stanford event, not open to the actual public – only Apple employees will be convening outdoors at 10 a.m. to reminisce about Jobs' life.

That said, Jobs' death earlier this month hasn't gone without its share of public tribute. Apple stores worldwide have been bombarded with messages, flowers, candles, and geekier tributes to the late Apple CEO. Apple's homepage remains in tribute to the late co-founder, and fans are asked to send their stories and other notes to a [email protected] email address.

Has/will anyone read the Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacon? I'm really tempted to give it a read.
Originally Posted by bkmac

Has/will anyone read the Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacon? I'm really tempted to give it a read.

I will.  Good author, should be an interesting read.  Comes out tomorrow.
Not a joke...Ashton Kutcher to play Steve Jobs in a bio-pic -

What an absolute disaster of a choice, just because he looks like Jobs when he was younger, dude couldn't act his way out of a paper bag. I have tons of other actor suggestions that would do the role justice, smh
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Not a joke...Ashton Kutcher to play Steve Jobs in a bio-pic -

What an absolute disaster of a choice, just because he looks like Jobs when he was younger, dude couldn't act his way out of a paper bag. I have tons of other actor suggestions that would do the role justice, smh

should've stuck with Noah Wyle.
^Read the first few pages at my local costco, gunna pick up next time I go. I also just bought my first iPhone 4S and I must say Steve Jobs was on ANOTHER LEVEL.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Not a joke...Ashton Kutcher to play Steve Jobs in a bio-pic -

What an absolute disaster of a choice, just because he looks like Jobs when he was younger, dude couldn't act his way out of a paper bag. I have tons of other actor suggestions that would do the role justice, smh

Funny thing is that Steve Wozniak thinks that he'd be great.
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