Steve Nash & Andre Miller APPRECIATION vol. Father Time no longer pitching a perfect game.

Nash = Point GOD, not guard.
Originally Posted by RyGuy45

On the other hand....

On a spring evening at Chicago's United Center, as a Bulls game against the Suns heads into the fourth quarter, point guards Steve Nash and Derrick Rose represent more than the NBA's past and future. Nash, 37, is in the vanguard of smart eating as his career with the Suns winds down. He won't knowingly put refined sugar in his body, and he works with a naturopath to design the most effective and least inflammatory diet. By contrast Rose, 23, who will be named the league's MVP in a few weeks, so loves Skittles that their manufacturer, the Chicago-based Wrigley Company, has given him a personalized vending machine with a complimentary three-year supply. "Everybody's got their poison," Rose once said, "and mine is sugar."


(Rose) passes up the team feeds entirely. (Bulls team chef Steve Jackson) has heard the stories about Rose, such as one told by Robert Dozier, a college teammate at Memphis: The NBA MVP eats candy, pineapple and syrup but "never really eats real food." Jackson has appealed to Rose's mother, Brenda, and his older brother Reggie in hopes of reforming the young star's habits-if only at breakfast, that proverbial most important meal. "If all else fails, just give him a box of Frosted Flakes and a jug of milk," Brenda replied. But the Bulls' chef still hopes for a breakthrough. From debriefing flight attendants on the team charter, he knows that Rose at least picks the chicken off his chicken Caesar salad. And Jackson takes some comfort in knowing that Rose recently hired a personal chef. "Derrick Rose is a fine young man," Jackson says. "He just doesn't know how to eat."

Damn, Rose eats like a five year old

Originally Posted by Buc Em

Originally Posted by psk2310

Aside from CP3, Nash & Miller are the only other PGs that can actually play the postion - specifically run an offense. It's sad to see PGs like Jennings, Westbrook, Wall, Holiday not being able to run a half court set consistently...Some of these dudes even have trouble going left...What has the NBA come to?

Jrue? I don't know about putting him with those other guys. He's got solid fundamentals, doesn't try to do too much and doesn't depend on his athleticism like most the other young point guards. Most his personnel is built towards more of a fast paced offense as well. He also has guys like Iguodala, Lou and Turner who play major minutes and want to set the offense up a lot.
Don't get me wrong. Some of these guys def have potential, but they aren't PGs yet. Jrue is averaging only 4-5 assists with 3 turnovers...That's not good.

Are we ignoring Kobe on purpose?

He's played more than 10,000 minutes more than both would take Nash 5-6 full seasons just to catch up to Kobe's mileage at this point.

Also, Kobe is the only one of the 3 who actually relies on athleticism. Andre Miller can play until he's 50, his game is just built like that.
Originally Posted by aztec06jr

Are we ignoring Kobe on purpose?

He's played more than 10,000 minutes more than both would take Nash 5-6 full seasons just to catch up to Kobe's mileage at this point.

Also, Kobe is the only one of the 3 who actually relies on athleticism. Andre Miller can play until he's 50, his game is just built like that.
Maybe we can have a thread in S and T about basketball without him in it? That'd be neat.
^ Yes.


Name some people throughout the league's history who have played at a high level in their early 30s.

Now name some people who have played at a high level in their late 30s.

If When Kobe is in his late 30s and still playing at a high level, you can go ahead and make that thread.
Originally Posted by aztec06jr

Are we ignoring Kobe on purpose?

He's played more than 10,000 minutes more than both would take Nash 5-6 full seasons just to catch up to Kobe's mileage at this point.

Also, Kobe is the only one of the 3 who actually relies on athleticism. Andre Miller can play until he's 50, his game is just built like that.

he's not a PG tho....topic is old PG's....
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Originally Posted by aztec06jr

Are we ignoring Kobe on purpose?

He's played more than 10,000 minutes more than both would take Nash 5-6 full seasons just to catch up to Kobe's mileage at this point.

Also, Kobe is the only one of the 3 who actually relies on athleticism. Andre Miller can play until he's 50, his game is just built like that.
Maybe we can have a thread in S and T about basketball without him in it? That'd be neat.

Originally Posted by psk2310

Originally Posted by Buc Em

Originally Posted by psk2310

Aside from CP3, Nash & Miller are the only other PGs that can actually play the postion - specifically run an offense. It's sad to see PGs like Jennings, Westbrook, Wall, Holiday not being able to run a half court set consistently...Some of these dudes even have trouble going left...What has the NBA come to?

Jrue? I don't know about putting him with those other guys. He's got solid fundamentals, doesn't try to do too much and doesn't depend on his athleticism like most the other young point guards. Most his personnel is built towards more of a fast paced offense as well. He also has guys like Iguodala, Lou and Turner who play major minutes and want to set the offense up a lot.
Don't get me wrong. Some of these guys def have potential, but they aren't PGs yet. Jrue is averaging only 4-5 assists with 3 turnovers...That's not good.


Jrue's best comparison is Chauncey and he's only averaged 5.5 assists for his career. He's definitely no CP3 or Nash as far as playing the point guard position to perfection, but it's hard to rack up the assist numbers when Iguodala, Lou, Turner and even Hawes when healthy are out there finding open people as well.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ Yes.


Name some people throughout the league's history who have played at a high level in their early 30s.

Now name some people who have played at a high level in their late 30s.

If When Kobe is in his late 30s and still playing at a high level, you can go ahead and make that thread.
I get it. I just don't know why we narrowed it down to only Steve Nash and Andre Miller. Especially since both are relatively unathletic. 
As several have already mentioned, it wouldn't surprise me if Andre plays many more years with his simple game.
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by JD214

I was never a fan of Andre Miller,

Nash on the other hand, I've liked dude since I was little and I still do (NH),

Sad to see that he'll probably never win a Championship.

you can blame Robert Horry for that 



He revenged for the Lakers
I just don't know why we narrowed it down to only Steve Nash and Andre Miller.
Do you know any other NBA players performing at a high level in their late 30s? By all means, include them in the thread! When I made the thread, those were the only 2 that came to mind. And I've said plenty of times throughout the years that I'm a huge Kidd fan, but he doesn't belong in the thread. Sure, his age is up there with Dre & Nash, but performance wise? He's not on their level.
I've always felt Andre Miller had a great game and always respected his game. not to mention his work ethic. He had the record amongst active players for consistant games before snapping on someone right?

Steve nash is meh, kobe deserved the MVP one of those seasons too. Yea i said it
Originally Posted by Brandon3000

I've always felt Andre Miller had a great game and always respected his game. not to mention his work ethic. He had the record amongst active players for consistant games before snapping on someone right?


Originally Posted by Brandon3000

I've always felt Andre Miller had a great game and always respected his game. not to mention his work ethic. He had the record amongst active players for consistant games before snapping on someone right?

Steve nash is meh, kobe deserved the MVP one of those seasons too. Yea i said it

o rly?

At 617 consecutive games and counting, Andre Miller is the NBA's Iron Man. In the dozen seasons of his career thus far, injuries have forced him to miss a scant three games. Derek Fisher, who trails Miller on the active games played list, is almost 200 games back.

Nobody knows about withstanding the rigors of the NBA like Miller. So, what kind of fitness guru is he? What's his secret? Should every player mimic whatever it is the 34-year-old point guard does in the offseason?

Most experts would advise against it.

"I have no regimen," Miller says. After the season ends, so does Miller's working out -- no weights, no cardio, no nothing. "I really don't pick up a basketball."

Eating right also falls by the wayside. "(My diet) isn't healthy at all," Miller says. "Hamburgers, hot links on the Fourth of July, all that."

To control his weight, however, Miller uses old-fashioned discipline. "I starve myself," he says.

Seriously? "Yeah, I'm just starting to learn about calories and all that."

David Thorpe, executive director of the Pro Training Center in Clearwater, Florida, suspects Miller may have a genetic advantage.

"When they cut open Secretariat -- the most amazing horse of all time -- his heart was one and a half times bigger than that of the average thoroughbred," says Thorpe. The same sort of thing may be true of Miller, says Thorpe. Perhaps his skeletal system and soft tissues are optimal for the rigors of the NBA.

Then there's Miller's style of play.

"A lot of guys get hurt because they're trying to make an athletic play and they pull a muscle, they lose their balance in mid-air, or during an explosive burst of speed they get hit or fall awkwardly," says Thorpe. "He hasn't relied on athleticism for a long, long time. He's beating you with craft and his mind, which is excellent."

It's not that the veteran guard doesn't get his fair share of bumps. Against the Pistons in November, Miller twisted both ankles. The pain was enough to leave him writhing around on the court. On the bench he refused treatment, which is his most common reaction when approached by a trainer. He would finish the game.

Miller's unique approach has gotten him this far, but Thorpe can't help but wonder what a disciplined off-season routine might do.

"If you went down whatever consensus list for the top 50 players of all time there would be only one common thread, and that'd be guys that played all the time, and trained and worked hard," says Thorpe. "I don't think you'd have any Andre Millers in that group."

Naturally, Miller has his own take.

"It's impossible to come into camp in game shape," Miller says. "I like to work into it."

More than that, the time away from basketball and working out affords Miller the opportunity to revitalize his competitive spirit and love for the game. There are risks, but Miller adds, "I don't want to burn myself out."
He doesn't even touch a basketball in the off season... reason why he never gets injured is because he has no athleticism at all, his game is low risk.  Barely gets off the ground 3 inches on his jump shot
.  Never seen him cross someone over.  He's a good player, tho.

at Rose, still blows my mind at how athletic he is when he doesn't have a proper diet/nutrition intake.  
Originally Posted by hongcouver604

Originally Posted by Brandon3000

�"He hasn't relied on athleticism for a long, long time. He's beating you with craft and his mind, which is excellent."

false. still waiting for Nash to show us something.
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