Steve Nash Left Wife Cause She Got Pregnant By Teammate? *EDIT* Barbosa's Name Cleared!(?)

Jul 11, 2006
From the sports world gossip wire:

Steve Nash Wife Pregnant By Teammate

The real reason Phoenix Suns Steve Nash divorced his wife shorlty after she gave birth is because he found out the child wasn't his.

Leandro Barbosa was on the Phoenix Suns from 2003-2010…He was a fan favorite in the desert and then got traded this past Summer before the season began..Why was the longest tenured Suns player shipped out of town…I’m being told he was messing around with Steve Nash’s wife…Here’s what my source tells me..
From the sports world gossip wire:

Steve Nash Wife Pregnant By Teammate

The real reason Phoenix Suns Steve Nash divorced his wife shorlty after she gave birth is because he found out the child wasn't his.

Leandro Barbosa was on the Phoenix Suns from 2003-2010…He was a fan favorite in the desert and then got traded this past Summer before the season began..Why was the longest tenured Suns player shipped out of town…I’m being told he was messing around with Steve Nash’s wife…Here’s what my source tells me..
I read a few weeks ago the baby came out mixed so Steve figured it out from there.
I read a few weeks ago the baby came out mixed so Steve figured it out from there.
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