Stickem' Up !:: Vol: ever get Robbed over Jays or other shoes?...

Apr 26, 2008
Hi All,

Currently trying to collect information for my agency. Do people still get robbed/"held up" for their jays?
I'm sure it does happen and victims may not even talk about it, but is it as common as it used to be? I rarely see such threads/posts.

What factors drive people to do such things?

This is a friendly survey and hope to use the input towards a report in progress.

i personally have never been robbed for a pair of jays, but it would definately suck if it had happened.
im sure it happens all the time we just dont hear about it. more than likely the reason why somebody would
rob a pair of sneakers would be they like them and can t afford them
A friend of mine had his Air Force 2s stolen at gun point a while back...

And personally, there's been a few occasions in which someone had stolen some of my Js... I had my infared VIs stolen, my Olympic VII, my white and grayXII, and a couple more....
Ive never had any of my shoes stolen or been robbed over them

I figure thats just as relevant to the info your collecting as people gettin got
I almost got MOPPED at the age of 15 when i bought the Cool Grey XI's in March of 01'.

I remember gettin stalked thru the mall by 2 OG cats cause i took the last sz 9.5

Fights broke out, mace was sprayed, police was called...craziest release date of all-time for me. The ironic part about it was, THIS WAS 2001!

FYI, i never been robbed in my life. (ok maybe once...)
I had a friend who moved out to Florida and got jacked.. think he lost some low top 12s.
Thankfully no, but I am aware of my surroundings at all times. I remember I got my first pair right before that SI issue came out entitled "Your shoes oryour life."
I haven't been jacked for shoes but I was part of a group of people that got robbed for loot while waiting early in the morning for cool grey IVs back in'04 I believe. I had no cash, just my cards, so I didn't lose out but most of the dudes in line got it good.
Had someone break in my house, and steal four pair of my Jordan's and my gray/black/yellow Bo Jackson's. All he took was my watches, Playstation andsneakers.
Originally Posted by Magic1978

Had someone break in my house, and steal four pair of my Jordan's and my gray/black/yellow Bo Jackson's. All he took was my watches, Playstation and sneakers.

As much as that kinda sucks for you, that's a pretty lame robbery. Hardly worth the risk. dag.
thank got it hasn't happened to me but my cousin got robbed for his concord six rings, took everything but his beater, drawers, & socks
Never been robbed or had anything stolen. Gotta keep your shoe collecting information to yourself.
Out of all the people I know only like 5 know I have alot of J's and none know where I live (only because I just moved a month ago)
somebody broke into my house and stole my brand new retro flint 13s when they came out, only hade them for like 4 days.
yea man Jordan Brand robs me all the time! lol just kidding

but on a serious note.
Originally Posted by brooklynnyc3000

I never got robbed before, and I hope it stays that way.

I'm very thankful.
same here. I thank God for every shoe release I go to and am able to cop, and I'm thankful when its all said and done and I'm home safelywith my kicks, and of course my life.
I forgot to mention, I been followed through the mall after releases, just never had anybody try anything

I have been robbed but not in the US, yet
i got robbed in 06 for my fire red Vs at the mall
dude upped his strap on me and said what size, like a dummy i said 11.5, my actual size and he said thanks and he got like 3 other people and left
Originally Posted by Magic1978

Had someone break in my house, and steal four pair of my Jordan's and my gray/black/yellow Bo Jackson's. All he took was my watches, Playstation and sneakers.

It must've been someone that already was in your house prior to robbery to steal that stuff.

but i saw a sneaker documentary that dudes was getting stuck up broad daylight in the '90's for their sneakers, any truth there?
it hasent happed to me but i think it could of cuz people tell me hey what size are you but when i tell them size 13 they just walk away
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