Still early, but how's everyones 2010 so far?

So far pretty bad, but the year is still young looking forward to a strong middle and a very strong end to this year though
Besides my girl problems 2010 has been great so far
Originally Posted by Whos Killian

Its just flying by.

it really is

2009 ended on a good note for me(got a new position in december)

2010 is going by real fast(almost too fast), and I am starting to resent the company i work for unfortunately
Other than that, it isn't all that bad. It has had it's moments
WAY better than last year. By this time last year, i was depressed, failin school, recently broke up wit my ex, and didnt have a job. @%*% was terrible

This year its the complete opposite
Just trying to stay positive. Doing better in school (slacked off the beginning) and looking for a job
It's been great and from the looks of it it's just going to get better. In February I got accepted into the University of Miami and yesterday I found out that my tuition is practically fully paid for for at least a year with all the grants, scholarships, and financial aid that I'm receiving from the school, I'll be graduating high school In June and will be ready to move into my dorm for the Fall. On top of all this I have a beautiful girlfriend who gives me sex whenever I need it, life is good right now
On a slow start this first quarter of 2010... but we'll see what happens later this year things are slowly picking up.
it's actually going really great! thanks for asking (^_^)

i'm getting 2400 back in taxes,
my GPA is great
i'm doing well in my current classes
i'm getting offered scholarships and all this stuff
having fun, have my friends and fam
i finally have health insurance again
going on vacation soon
going to be 21 in october
If I book this trip to Spain it will be the best year of my life. It'll probably be the best year of my life regardless since I'm turning 21.
not bad i lost my temp job at the end of december but finally have some interviews lined up and it's lookin up
It's not bad, but it's not great.

I threw my phone across the room and broke it yesterday, so now I need a new phone. Other than that, everything else has been okay.
rang it in with some poontang and have been relatively dry since, weaksauce
It sucks.

Had to take a week long class in January so I wouldn't get fired from work.

Had surgery back in February and off work until March 22. Not makin no money. At least I got painkillers.

Painkillers making me depressed and lazy. Haven't been doing nothing lately.

My dad's been sick and now he's getting worse. Helping my mom take care of him.

Well at least I haven't smoked a ciggarette since New Years Eve though. Maybe I should though.
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