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Jan 10, 2018
So I just sold my DMP XI VI package on Stockx for 975. I double boxed them and sent them as instructed. I get an email that they received the item for verification. The very next email says that something was missing and they did not meet their requirements for the sale. I asked for them to specify what was missing and they responded the Sleeve for the box, I found out they meant the big Gold Box the shoes go in. I'm 10000% know I sent them in the box and have tagged pictures of them in the gold Sleeve right before sending them out. They have stopped emailing back once I accused them of theft. I plan to drive down there today after I get off work. I might be in the news for getting arrested.
Not that it matters, but I've been a member of Nike and Solecollctor since 2002 I just don't remember any of my account info. Was on ISS forum too before it got all different.
So I just sold my DMP XI VI package on Stockx for 975. I double boxed them and sent them as instructed. I get an email that they received the item for verification. The very next email says that something was missing and they did not meet their requirements for the sale. I asked for them to specify what was missing and they responded the Sleeve for the box, I found out they meant the big Gold Box the shoes go in. I'm 10000% know I sent them in the box and have tagged pictures of them in the gold Sleeve right before sending them out. They have stopped emailing back once I accused them of theft. I plan to drive down there today after I get off work. I might be in the news for getting arresto
I've bought and sold from StockX many times and have never encountered any issues. Hoping, for your sake, that it is just some kind of mix up.
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