Stolen: Is This Another Instance Of Male Insecurity? (People With "Live-In" Please Respond)

I have a question about a slightly different situation. Let's say trust is at 100%. You and your girl have opposite sex friends and you all know each other. But what if her guy friends are clowns? Like they're ok around you, but around your girl or other girls they become raging insecure simps? And it's not even about worrying about any funny business or about any disrespect. It's simply that their behavior around her annoys you.

How do you deal with this? It this another raging case of male insecurity? Or is not saying anything an insecurity itself? What would you say exactly?

Please respond.
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What exactly is troll-ful about this thread?
nothing its just a word that people who can't control their emotions or use critical realistic thinking use.  They rather scream "troll" instead of face reality.
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nothing its just a word that people who can't control their emotions or use critical realistic thinking use.  They rather scream "troll" instead of face reality.
I mean, I know I play a lot, but THIS thread is a troll thread? I don't understand. :lol:
nothing its just a word that people who can't control their emotions or use critical realistic thinking use.  They rather scream "troll" instead of face reality.


Let me not stir the pot

Btw I think you and DC should meet up and hang out already.
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I'd be concerned if she saw the dude calling, ignores it and then calls him back when I'm not around. In any other situation why stress about it? Me and my girl answer our phones around each other all the time when our friends call/text that are of the opposite sex. No big deal
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Based on the answers to the thread, this is why you find a mate that you are compatible with and share the same values. What works for you doesnt work for everyone
how do you feel about the OP?..what advice would you give?

OPs post didn't do much for me. I don't know what advice there is to give.

My wife has male acquaintances. I have female acquaintances. She gets texts/phone calls. I get texts/phones calls. Nothing out of line from what we gather. It ain't like it's the same person calling every night.

I trust her. She trusts me. The idea that you're going to live some barren existence free of interaction with the opposite sex when you're in a relationship is ridiculous.

I'm not going to live my life in fear of that ****. If she strays, and I find out, I'm out, and I'm single again. If I do the same, she'd probably do the same.

I ain't trippin' over a phone call.

So if you "love" them so much, why post? There are forums for people your age.

What I said bothered you that much? You can't possibly be this lame. :lol: at you talking like you know me. I've been here for years and I'll continue to come here as I see fit.

Which means I may have to continue to roast you if you are so inclined. So stay tight about it.
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My wife has male acquaintances. I have female acquaintances. She gets texts/phone calls. I get texts/phones calls. Nothing out of line from what we gather. It ain't like it's the same person calling every night.

I trust her. She trusts me. The idea that you're going to live some barren existence free of interaction with the opposite sex when you're in a relationship is ridiculous.

I'm not going to live my life in fear of that ****. If she strays, and I find out, I'm out, and I'm single again. If I do the same, she'd probably do the same.

I ain't trippin' over a phone call.


Dudes getting all pissed over a phone call? Sorry but I gotta :lol:. If my girl wants to talk/flirt/mess around with other dudes, simply let me know, and I am done with her. Easy as that!
Well obviously these dudes lack trust in their relationships.

That's the first thing I have to assume as fact when I enter these type of threads. There'll be all types of wild crazy scenarios painted where trust was never there or can't be had at all.

It's dudes with that mentality that when they react jealously or claim they're being disrespected all but force the female to actually cheat when she wasn't before when they tell her what she can't do or constantly turn the situation in to an argument.
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You guys saying all this ish about chicks will get dumped with the quickness or whatever wouldn't do a damn especially since y'all can't even work up the courage to talk to one or have the proper social skills or anything to offer a woman..

If a girl you were seeing for a week had a conversation with some other dude on your time you wouldn't say anything, because you don't want to be doing the knuckle shuffle forever
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You guys saying all this ish about chicks will get dumped with the quickness or whatever wouldn't do a damn especially since y'all can't even work up the courage to talk to one or have the proper social skills or anything to offer a woman..

If a girl you were seeing for a week had a conversation with some other dude on your time you wouldn't say anything, because you don't want to be doing the knuckle shuffle forever

Why you gotta be so blunt like that Gatz? You so mean when you tell the truth! :lol:
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