Stomach ulcers

Oct 11, 2007
i have a pain in my stomach every now and then and one of my friends told me i could have ulcers so i looked it up and the symptoms explained the pain i washaving pretty accurately and i was wondering if anyone knows how to treat it, anyone on nt ever have ulcers?
could be gall stones. It's a good idea to have it checked out.
Originally Posted by s dubl

could be gall stones. It's a good idea to have it checked out.
Man my lil bro had gall stones...he was cryin "grown man" passing them thru.. they coming out ya penis my dude! ouch !!!!!!!!!!!!
Go 2 ur doctor and he will probably have you go for a procedure called a UGI in which you drink barium and have xrays taken
Yeah man stomach pains could be signs of a more serious problem.

I had gallstones... and that pain is no joke.
it's an abdominal aortic aneurysm no lie. see adoctor asap, not NT...your life depends on it.

j/k, i highly doubt it's that... but for real, you shouldn't come here looking for medical advice. good luck.
ummm an ulcer isnt the worst thing in the world. I had one (superbowl weekend in Phoenix
) go to the doc he'll give u some hyped up maalox...ull be straight. Onlything that sucks is u cant eat certin foods (like greasy fast food
) orull just trhow it up. I had a salad today. i wanted a double western cheeseburger from carls jr with cris cut fries and a coke....
but i had a salad
Yoooooo. I think I had this last year? I thought I was lactose intolorant at first but the pain started happening after eating non diary things. I remember Iwould get stomach pains so bad all I could do was curl up on my bed till it went away.
@ me for not getting it checked out.
If you really have ulcers, avoid acidic foods and drinks. If you happen to eat or drink something acidic, take an antacid with it.

But seriously, you should get it checked out by a doctor.
Just Monday I had these excruciating sharp stomach pains, they kept coming and going the whole day, I was crouched over in pain the whole day. I went to thedoctor and all he said I had was a stomach virus, sure enough today I feel much better. Go to the doctor, I really thought it was something way more serious, Ithought I would have to go into emergency surgery or something, that's how bad I thought it was.
it's probably due to campylobacter or helicobacter. both lower stomach pH's which can cause ulcers, contrary to popular beliefs of "stress inducedulcers."

you'll need antacids such as pepcid ac, as well as a supplementary secondary antibiotic.

Cb and Hb are both quite ubiquitous in humans (80% of the world, last i checked), but most people don't even realize they have these bacteria until achange in diet comes up, or they become immunocompromised.

it could very well be something else though. best to go see a doc asap.
easy fix, just go look under the sink of you're bathroom, pull out the drano, and drink down a cup. it'll clean your pipes and get rid of allyou're pain, pay no mind to the caution/poison labels, it's a conspiracy by pharmaceutical companies.
Ulcer's are no joke man, I've had an ulcer since 2004 and honestly the pain I get is unbearable, it's the second worst pain I've everexperienced. I haven't had pain in nearly a year which I'm thankful for (I finally cut down a lot of stuff), but I have high pain tolerence and I cryfrom the slightest pain of it, that's how bad it is for me.
My moms friend ended up in the hospital for his, he was bleeding from EVERYWHERE you could imagine, ears even. That dumb !%$ would drink a litre of cocacola aday though.
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