Strange things you keep on you, for strange reasons…

Originally Posted by Mister Negative

Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

So periodically throughout the day in the summer time you go to the bathroom and apply baby powder to your drawers?

What are you like 3 & a half? Diaper rash havin +%@ negro...

& what would possess you to tell a board full of grown men? 2 thumbs down...


Exhibit A- my great grandma died about 3 years ago, and i was wearing that coat at her funeral. i kept the pamphlet in since her funeral. however, recently igot stuck in a storm and the rain washed out all the ink in the pamphlet, and the paper was all ripped up. which is funny, cuz for the past 3 years it had beenfine throught snow, sleet, rain, and everything else.

Exhibit B- is a picture on my keychain. its a picture of myself with my graduation cap and gown on. i liked the picture. so i decided to wear it all the time.people see it and ask me why i have a pic of myself on, and i tell them that if i could wear clothes designed by others, if i could wear a jersey with anotherperson's name and number on it, why can't i wear something that represents myself, especially reppin myself in a positive way. it doesnt matter what isay cuz as soon as i tell people all of that, they still call me weird for doin it. in high school i got joked cuz they said that pic looked like i escapedfrom jail, stole somebody else's diploma, took the pic and kept running.

i had that pic on my keychain since i graduated, but during my freshman year of college, i realized that it had fallin off my chain. i was so angry

when i moved out the next year into a new dorm, one day i was cleaning up and i had found it laying a drawer
. it was raggedy but the pic was still intact. i need help fixing the link to putit back on my keychain.

and back in high school i used to keep a small mirror with me so i could admire myself whenever i wanted cuz i was just that damn vain back then
Originally Posted by LIILdubb

A lot of my friends think it's strange that I keep baby powder in my backpack
to use on my scrotum and buttocks when things get hot and sweaty...


Anyone else carry strange things around for strange reasons?
%%+. that !+#@ comes outta the bottle insprinkles. leave the baby powder to lebron.


yo, my boy use to put Goldbond powder on at random times during the day. we was sittin on his porch and dude came outside with some shorts on smellin like hesimmered himself in powder. dude had powder smoke seepin from under his shorts
hethought he was fly as a +#!*# too.

baby powder smells HORRIBLE. on babies, girls, guys, animals, NOBODY should ever wear it. it stinks and i think it is an abomination

Baby Powder and LT are the bane of my existence
Originally Posted by ghettokamel1

Originally Posted by AlBooBoo5

I always carry a $2 bill on me.

and i also got a $1 bill ripped in half by one of my friends and we both keep in our wallets...we had to make change but instead we ripped a dollar in half...

ol' bff havin dude.
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