Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

27 game win streak ... 795 wins ... i'm starting to feel better about my game ...

need that fight stick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anyone got one for around retail for xbox ... hook up ...

sometimes i'm like
w/ my fight pad ... other times i'm just like
dav where u go to see the stats like that?

there is no cheap in this game, some of ya'll need to get this outta your heads.
what are YOU talking about, of course there is CHEAP in this game

It's all relative, I understand throwing a million fireballs is all part of a strategy but if you were to do that in person and the guyyou're playing say's "cut that cheap crap out" with a crazed look in his eye. You're gonna stop throwing a million fireballs a matchcause you know what defines cheap.

and you go to player data to check out stats
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

27 game win streak ... 795 wins ... i'm starting to feel better about my game ...

need that fight stick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anyone got one for around retail for xbox ... hook up ...

sometimes i'm like
w/ my fight pad ... other times i'm just like
dav where u go to see the stats like that?

there is no cheap in this game, some of ya'll need to get this outta your heads.
what are YOU talking about, of course there is CHEAP in this game

player data on menu screen ... its the first option ... then u can scroll thru to see more stuff like ur win % vs. each character, etc
I like playing player matches, they better than ranked cuz alot of dudes be leaving, you meet alot of cool people too. I love just leaving the lobby once uowned someone
they trying to invite u again i just ignore it.
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

I like playing player matches, they better than ranked cuz alot of dudes be leaving, you meet alot of cool people too. I love just leaving the lobby once u owned someone
they trying to invite u again i just ignore it.

countless times i've been on my mic ... and the other person is likes thanks a lot after i beat them down... i just say anytime .... just look me up ...
i like putting up that pink face ...
Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

I like playing player matches, they better than ranked cuz alot of dudes be leaving, you meet alot of cool people too. I love just leaving the lobby once u owned someone
they trying to invite u again i just ignore it.

countless times i've been on my mic ... and the other person is likes thanks a lot after i beat them down... i just say anytime .... just look me up ...
i like putting up that pink face ...
nah the sad face/pink face combo is the best I be getting super heated
Fei Long is the smoothest for me to use. Cammy is dope too. I am so Lazy though, I haven't unlocked Rose, Akuma, Gokuden or whatever and Seth.
Originally Posted by jumpmanjunkie

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by jumpmanjunkie

dalilboy wrote:

with ryu i cant figure out how to throw fireballs i do it sometimes but i dont know how i did it
peep the command list man lol- its down, forward, any punch
half circle punch

Not in SFIV. The fireballs are a super move in this game. You need to have at least one of the four bars charged and then just press down, forward and the 3 punches button (for me it's RT)..

for me its:
regular fireball (hadouken) - down forward any punch
super fireball (shinku hadouken) - down forward down forward any punch
ultra fireball- down forward down forward 3 punches

did the half circle punch and i was thrown fire balls
but i think u do need at least 4 bars full thats the only timeit worked
What sucks the most about this game is having to find someone to play.

Sometimes it takes like 2 minutes just to show their connection strength.

Then when you challenge them to play it says the game is full or some other crap and you have to start the search all over again.

On the note of cheap and being cheezy in this game... hell yeah this game has that and they need to put some updates to make this game better.

I see a lot of cheap dudes already in here talking lol.

If you're using Guile you're mad cheap and don't even front because you know all you do is throw a Sonic Boom and run right behind it and pressstong fierce and then when the oppenent tries to jump you flash kick.

If you're using Blanka or Vega... cheap. Bison too. If all you're doing is fireball and then when the opponent tries to jump over it that is cheapplaying.

Throwing in the middle of combat is messed up and cheesy and I seen some dude get layed out at the arcade at Times Square for doing it, but he was warned aboutit.

I guess anything goes when you're halfway around the world and can't be touched, but still I try not to play like that... well the throwing part atleast.

I understand the other ways, but there are things around it like everything else in the game and when you start playing better players then you'll see howgood you are because all the things I mentioned above isn't really skills of the game just doing what you can to get by and get a win.

I hate playing this game with the 360 controller becaues my hands are so big.

I haven't really played anyone on here and I'll probably be tight by seeing how some of you describe how you play, but add me either way.

Gamertag: Never Had Much
i dont understand why people get upset at throwing.

it's not like it's easy to do. plus it's a an excellent way to switch up the pace of the match.

on another note, i've gotten a lot better at the focus cancels. i can pull of a nasty focus cancel combo with Dan
Originally Posted by Putting In Work

What sucks the most about this game is having to find someone to play.

I hate playing this game with the 360 controller because my hands are so big.

I haven't really played anyone on here and I'll probably be tight by seeing how some of you describe how you play, but add me either way.

Gamertag: Never Had Much

Same, I got ET phone home type fingers and they cramp up and get real stiff after playing. I'm desperate for that TE stick..
and yes, finding a random person to play especially in ranked is difficultenough.
How do I play online? I have a good connection and everytime I try to find a match, it says session failed.
How do I play online? I have a good connection and everytime I try to find a match, it says session failed.
Originally Posted by dgk3188

i dont understand why people get upset at throwing.

it's not like it's easy to do. plus it's a an excellent way to switch up the pace of the match.

on another note, i've gotten a lot better at the focus cancels. i can pull of a nasty focus cancel combo with Dan
man you better be quiet and see me online today.

man i need a fight pad for real the 360 aint cuttin it!!
Got the game for xbox 360 Sunday got all the unlocked characters except Seth

but Im pretty decent hit me up
gt: Da y0ung0ne
How do I play online? I have a good connection and everytime I try to find a match, it says session failed.
my definition of cheap is "I dont like your style" . But it doesn't make you unbeatable, its just that you are boring as hell to play with and Ilose my interest playing you.

but you do what you gotta do to win..
Originally Posted by HARMCITY45

Originally Posted by bleed05

How do I play online? I have a good connection and everytime I try to find a match, it says session failed.

Just open your lobby... That's what I do..

How do you do that?

I just play arcade mode and change the setting where people can challenge me while I'm playing arcade mode from Xbox Live.
I got my feelings hurt by another Blanka this weekend at a tourney so ive been off for a while, but ill be back on killing some of yalls pride today.
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