Originally Posted by Tony Goalie

How do these average players get millions of BP?


[h2]How not to be a total jerk online in SFIV[/h2][h2]10 tips to help you make friends and influence people[/h2]
Originally Posted by Tony Goalie

How do these average players get millions of BP?

last time i check nobody had a million BP. u must be looking at the Arcade Leaderboard

And BP does not go hand and hand with skill. People have been boosting on Leaderboards since forever, im surprised anybody ever takes any game'sleaderboard seriously
street fighter is serious business tho, i was playing HD remix and like so many pple quit when u about to win, then they proceed to send u hate mail. i have apicture of my penis uploaded onto my ps3 so if it boils down to ill send it to quitters
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

street fighter is serious business tho, i was playing HD remix and like so many pple quit when u about to win, then they proceed to send u hate mail. i have a picture of my penis uploaded onto my ps3 so if it boils down to ill send it to quitters
i played this dude air_em_out or whatever. Supposely top 5 on sf hd remix and dude totally sucked. beat the crap out of him and then he just quits.
Wow, I didn't know people took online play THAT seriously! Too much work to quit everytime u losing. Take the L likea man so u can get better...
You know what was REALLY messed up?

I was playing a quick ranked match with someone online, little did I know dude set it up to have it only go 1 round with a 30 second time limit. Needless tosay, I lost out 100 + points to this bum
Originally Posted by Chico Cummings

Wow, I didn't know people took online play THAT seriously! Too much work to quit everytime u losing. Take the L like a man so u can get better...
u must have never played Gears of War 2. You'll be surprised at the lengths that people will go to just to keep a little rank or keep a few BP
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

You know what was REALLY messed up?

I was playing a quick ranked match with someone online, little did I know dude set it up to have it only go 1 round with a 30 second time limit. Needless to say, I lost out 100 + points to this bum

Originally Posted by dhart48

Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

You know what was REALLY messed up?

I was playing a quick ranked match with someone online, little did I know dude set it up to have it only go 1 round with a 30 second time limit. Needless to say, I lost out 100 + points to this bum


This is why i set up my own matches.

yo dro my controller is busted ... the jump ain't really working ... its funny

after 5 matches i'm out

can't compete w/o that ... ur cancel is better
no excuses though ... after the first match u played much better anyways dro ... it would have been tough to win ... i just had to hide in the corner and tryto run thru some fireballs and stuff ... gg
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