I dont know wether to cop or not, I have a feeling nt is overhyping this game

crank.. what up the homegirl shay from cali here, we have spoken before... (i sound like a spokeswoman)

i have not bought a street fighter game since sf2 on snes... i have played others, but 2 was always my fav.

i know here on NT we tend to hype things...

but this time... no one is hyping anything.

i am so impressed with this game, it was the first thing on my mind this morning when i woke up, i wanted to call in sick for work! i am never that way with a game.

and this is coming from a tekken/doa fangirl

again i will say that this game was well thought out, well planned and well EXECUTED

they made it for EVERYONE, not just the die-hards

go get it you will NOT be dissapointed.

yo mad people returning their joints to the gamestop because they was gettin whooped.

I haven't seen something like this since COD4 came out.

I need the Arcade Joystick though. these super moves don't wanna cooperate with the dualshock.
Originally Posted by eteam o2


my fightstick is all messed up

the joystick won't even register the left direction AT ALL anymore.

@ first it would just get stuck in one direction then it'd fix itself

now it's just all $*%**$ up.

how the *#*@ am i gonna play if i can only go one direction?!

MarkMan23, little help here!

And MadCatz was talkin all that mess about "we know we made some bad products in the past but now its different" SMH
Originally Posted by supasteezy

i cannot get freakin akuma, gouken, or seth!!!!
I took this from gamefaqs message worked for me to get I'm working on gouken...

Its Specific for people that is having trouble getting them.


First make sure you get all the other characters unlocked besides, Akuma, Gouken, and Seth.
After you've got all the characters besides those three we can start.

Side note: You must unlock Akuma first to unlock Gouken to unlock Seth.

First to make it easier on yourself, put the game on Easiest, 1 Round match.
Second, pick a character you've already beaten arcade mode with. I use Ryu since he's fireballs are the easiest to get a perfect.

Start the game.

MATCH 1: Get a Perfect
**I recommend spamming fireballs to get perfect*
MATCH 2-8: Make sure you don't get a perfect, get hit atleast once, and DON"T FINISH WITH A ULTRA OR ANY SUPER COMBO. Kill with a regular move, or haduken, etc. just to be safe
MATCH 9: You will face akuma after seth and you must beat him.

Then Chose your best character again, preferably
MATCH 1: Get a Perfect
MATCH 2: End the match with a ULTRA COMBO (don't get a perfect)
MATCH 3: End the match with a ULTRA COMBO (don't get a perfect)
MATCH 4: End the match with a ULTRA COMBO (don't get a perfect)
MATCH 5-8: Make sure you don't get a perfect, get hit atleast once, and DON"T FINISH WITH A ULTRA OR ANY SUPER COMBO. Kill with a regular move, or haduken, etc. just to be safe
MATCH 9: You will face Gouken after Seth and you must beat him.

Beat Arcade with everyone including unlockable characters
i can get the perfects down, I just cant get that damn ultra finisher out! I dont need to kill the openent with a ultra? and what if i get a continue withseth, does that mean i have to start all over?
there seriously has to be another way, i dont care if it takes time to do it, just as long as i dont have to do perfects and such. smh at being weak....
why the **!+ everybody going out of their way to convince crank to buy it? if he wants it he'll get it and if he doesn't, oh well.
will i be able to unlock everybody if i beat arcade with all the characters in the game? i might have to do this since im not all that great
Originally Posted by supasteezy

there seriously has to be another way, i dont care if it takes time to do it, just as long as i dont have to do perfects and such. smh at being weak....

Well the strategy guide claims for akuma ...beat arcade mode with all unlockable characters......for gouken...beat arcade mode with akuma.....and for seth beatarcade with the 16 default characters. But I beat arcade mode with Akuma and got nothing so I dunno why it says that.
Originally Posted by CashmereThought96

I might just pick this up tommrow is it better for xbox ? or PS3

depends what controller you like best. but if you're going to use a fight stick/fight pad it doesn't matter.
360 tournament will be up in the next couple of days. any recommendations for rules?

i think it should be best 2 out of 3 matches. anything else?
anyone know where i can watch the the movie, didn't want to pay 150 for the collectors edition.
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