Originally Posted by mjbetch

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

crazy match
why did i watch this
yeah man. that crap was pretty boring. haha
i thought it was a pretty good match actually... especially the second round
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by mjbetch

Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

Originally Posted by aubstuh86

crazy match
why did i watch this
yeah man. that crap was pretty boring. haha
i thought it was a pretty good match actually... especially the second round
it was a good match for ryu...bison just kept doing the fake head stomp
O MY GOD Gouken is a horrible character. Its like they made him to solely do Hadoukens. I was trying to train with him and he really cant do anything butHadoukens. The fact that his spinning kick goes veritical instead of horizontal is asinine.

And before anyone thinks im just complaining go to Versus then pick CPU vs. CPU on hardest difficulty and do a Gouken vs. Gouken match. They will do nothingbut hadoukens the entire match i pormise you.
yeah, it's a shame they didnt give him better moves.. they shoulda given him moves ken/ryu, but then the best of both.. flaming shoryuken, flaming hadoken,and some moves like Akuma.. capcom dropped the ball on that one... and not adding evil ryu is also a mistake... who cares about rufus or el fuerte? DJwould've been a better addition, or adon, guy, and shin akuma...
Anybody else on here having trouble getting an xbox live battle goin? I go to create a match lobby and nobody picks it up. Im talkin about waiting like 20 minand no one takes it. I go to quick match and its the same. I find someone with 4 bars of connection and it says unable to play. Any tips?
Xbox Tag : hanhaze

I will be on later tonight if anyone is interested in fighting, add me.

I don't kill the connection if i lose !
yoo if i install the game on the hard drive, is that for online only? like it makes load times faster and what not? it doesn't install the whole game, justthe online stuff right?
Originally Posted by mjbetch

yoo if i install the game on the hard drive, is that for online only? like it makes load times faster and what not? it doesn't install the whole game, just the online stuff right?
If you install the game to the HD all it really does is makes your 360 run quiet. That's the only benefit I've seen from it so far.
I'm just asking if it installs "online only" stuff. do i need the disc in the system to play the game? i'm PS3 by the way
on the ps3 when you install it shortens the loading times when you play the computer. i think when it loads for online matches it's still the same length.

yes you need the disc in the system to play the game.
Sorry to ask again but how the hell do I unlock Akuma? I've tried a lot of different ways and the most that's happening is that I get to fight him(like 4x already) but he doesn't get unlocked. I've played with 1 round per match and gotten multiple perfects as well as Ultra Finishes. I've done3 rounds with multiple perfects and Ultra Finishes. I'm not sure how it works, someone mind dropping me a PM? I would appreciate it.

By the way, I've unlocked all the characters except Gouki and Seth up to this point. And I've even beaten the Arcade Mode with all the characters Iunlocked.
After getting Sakura, Dan, Rose, Cammy, Fei Long, Gen:

Use a character you already beat the game with..

Set to 1 round, get 1 or more perfects, 0 continues. Akuma will challenge after Seth. Beat him.Thats how I got it.
I've done all that. And Akuma does appear but after I beat him... nothing. It plays the end video, credits and auto-saves, didn't unlock anything.
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