Stuart Scott Dead after Long Battle with Cancer

One of the most obnoxious characters on ESPN but I had so much respect for him for how he handled his battle. RIP.
BAN YOU. Keep your negative comments to yourself troll
Rich Eisen even addressed Stuart's critics, saying that Stuart knew he had critics, but welcomed them as sports fans.

I'm w/ erupt. Couldn't stand Stuart as a personality.

But I'm also w/ you, that right now isn't the time for that opinion to be expressed.

Today, I'm extremely saddened at the loss of his life. I'm saddened for his girlfriend, daughters, ex wife, and what I see from Hannah Storm and Rich Eisen.

like Hannah said, today is not Stuart losing to cancer; today, we lost Stuart. :\

The criticisms I have of him no longer matter.

We lost.

All sports fans... critics, supporters, athletes, armchair athletes, players wives, girlfriends of us obsessive fans, children learning sports and watching guys like Stuart, ticket takers, sports agents, ushers, owners... we all lost today.

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Man.. Can't believe this.. Assumed it was hoax when I first saw it.. Huge part of my childhood

rest in peace
Grew up watching late night reruns of sportscenter with him and eisen :smh: RIP stuart scott. booyah
Never had a problem with Stuart Scott's style, nor did I ever find him obnoxious. Perhaps I just hadn't seen enough to formulate that opinion.

I enjoyed his commentary, A LOT, and this has surprisingly hit me kinda hard.

RIP brotha.
Felt like I lost a Cool Uncle.

The number of hours I spent watching him on SportsCenter has to be in the thousands. Was a huge part of my childhood.
Damn, i thought he was on the road to recovery, so sad 

Even watching that ESPY speech live gave me the chills, watching it today though, man...................................
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Was watching his ESPY speech and forgot pizza was coming. Had to turn it off before I answered with tears in my eyes.:lol:

RIP, Stuart.

As a dad I loved the advice he game Michael Wilbon

“You have to believe what I’m about to tell you: you have to enjoy all the stuff you think you’re going to hate about becoming a dad. Enjoy giving him a bath. Enjoy changing his stinky diapers. Enjoy getting peed on, enjoy him drooling on your favorite tie just as you’re about the walk out of the house to go on the air. Enjoy all of it. Be a hands-on dad. Enjoy it when he spills stuff all over you and when you get a pair of feet in your back when you haven’t had any sleep.”
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