Stuck at a dead end job... Anyone have some suggestions for options ?

Oct 20, 2014
I really have no one else to blame but myself at this point. I fooled around too much when I was younger and didn't finish getting my college degree. Right now I'm in my early 30's and make $22/hour and it's a full time 40hr job. The money is ok and pays the bills for now but this is a dead end job and not a career.

Anyone have any suggestions on any jobs or industries that I should/could look into to ? I'm not about that blue collar life. I don't mind starting from the bottom or the corporate world and trying to work my way up because at least then there is a possible future for me.

In the meantime I will keep looking at job sites too, but was just seeing if anyone had any good suggestions as I'm trying to exhaust all my options.

I can't keep living like this if I'm trying to make someone out of myself in life. I have a ton of potential, but was too arrogant when I was younger and now I'm paying for it trying to play catch up. Nothing I can really do about the past at this point but I'm just trying to better my position in life for the future.
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Can't really offer anything since I'm only 20 and in school, but reading things like this reminds me why I'm in college and to really keep pursuing my degree. Hope all goes well in your search man, I'm sure in time things will fall into place when you least expect it.
Man, I'm blue collar. I love working with my hands, never make less than $20 $24 $26 & $30 an hour, plus you get to travel. It's alright.

Or just become a bank teller, work up to banker, then up to manager. Or Verizon I heard you get stupid paid at call center or corporate store. Work up to branch or regional manager and I heard it's like 100K
If you can afford to, get your degree while working, that will open some doors. But if you need a career change, the post above is spot on if you have the dedication. I'm 30 and feel the window of opportunity closing myself so you gotta be about yours and go for it.
Stop living for others and do what makes you happy. School isn't the answer for everyone and doesn't guarantee anything. Most places in Los Angeles want to start you off at $15 with a degree yet you have high school drop outs making $60-100 an hour working with their hands.

Do what makes YOU happy.
thats decent money OP... but if your unhappy with your job then just apply to another job... the good thing is you have a job already so your in a good situation... just take days off to go on interviews...
Getting your B.A./B.S. is only useful if you go to a reputable school, or a local one and have interned a lot; otherwise, like the above poster said, youll graduate making less than what you make now. Sales reps at cell phone stores make decent money if you want to look into that. My boy clears 55k a year, no degree required. You can look into trade school too... my uncle cleared 6 figures as an electrician. Foremans make like $50 an hour too. Just some food for thought, good look bro!
I feel your situation, although I'm in a situation were people spend their whole life at I maxed out
at $34.20 after being here for 4 years with a degree so It's time for me to move on. I'm also in my early
30's so it's time to really get it! The college grind isn't for everybody and I'm not saying that as a cop out
to avoid going back to school.

Research what your into and see if you can get certification or other forms of knowledge. Taking on lumps
of debt for a piece of paper that doesn't always return it's investment is not a smart decision.

I'm learning coding and debating investing $4000 for a boot-camp to get the knowledge I need to change
my career and hopefully build a startup in the future.

I do feel like I'm in a dead end job with great benefits, but it's just that.. a Job not a career. This is a
career for most people in this company especially since its a union.

Finally don't get complacent with your current situation! Time is flying and people are really making good
money out here working half the time and using a quarter of the effort.
Osek, I don't know what you do but your gig sounds pretty decent. Pay is solid, great benefits etc. My job doesn't have any benefits nor a unit. It's a small company. Trying to get into a big company at least so that there are chances of advancement. Like you said though never be complacent, so I salute you sir for wanting better than your current situation.
Osek, I don't know what you do but your gig sounds pretty decent. Pay is solid, great benefits etc. My job doesn't have any benefits nor a unit. It's a small company. Trying to get into a big company at least so that there are chances of advancement. Like you said though never be complacent, so I salute you sir for wanting better than your current situation.

Appreciate it, it's a utility company so people come straight from high-school and stay here for 30-40 years (well in the past). The
negatives are early hours, insane traffic coming back, and #$%^ management currently. Advancement is blocked by people being
here 30+ years and not leaving being greedy.

I feel like I didn't go to school for make $35 dollars an hour. So that pretty much drives me to look for way
better opportunities.

I would really like normal hours honestly, I'm burned out after 4 years of the commute and having to worry about
being to work on time dealing with traffic.
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