Student not allowed on a bus due to her burqa


formerly m4riol
Sep 24, 2008
This just happened yesterday in Auckland, NZ and has been generating a lot of heated discussion from people on both side of the camp. To quote from the article:

A bus driver refusing entry to a woman in a burqa is a clear case of discrimination, the Race Relations Commissioner says.

The Saudi Arabian student was left crying on an Auckland street when the bus driver refused to let her board because of her Muslim veil.

Here is the link to the article

My perspective on all this is that while I respect the choice of individuals to adhere to their religious practises, certain public activities just do not suit wearing a full burqa. I work part-time as a custodian of a bank vault, and I know from experience that I feel much more uneasy when we have a customer in a full burqa. What are all your thoughts on this?

Edit: People are misinterpreting the article slightly. The main issue here is not when people wear a hijab, but a FULL burqa that conceals most facial features except for the eyes. In our society at least, much of our communication cues are taken from the face itself, hence people's apprehension and suspicion when the face is obscured. If people want to obscure their face that is their choice - we live in a free society. However they should be prepared to accept the consequences of how others interact with them when these facial cues are absent.

This is a hijab, what 99% of muslims in new zealand wear:

This is a burqa, what the student was wearing:
This just happened yesterday in Auckland, NZ and has been generating a lot of heated discussion from people on both side of the camp. To quote from the article:

A bus driver refusing entry to a woman in a burqa is a clear case of discrimination, the Race Relations Commissioner says.

The Saudi Arabian student was left crying on an Auckland street when the bus driver refused to let her board because of her Muslim veil.

Here is the link to the article

My perspective on all this is that while I respect the choice of individuals to adhere to their religious practises, certain public activities just do not suit wearing a full burqa. I work part-time as a custodian of a bank vault, and I know from experience that I feel much more uneasy when we have a customer in a full burqa. What are all your thoughts on this?

Edit: People are misinterpreting the article slightly. The main issue here is not when people wear a hijab, but a FULL burqa that conceals most facial features except for the eyes. In our society at least, much of our communication cues are taken from the face itself, hence people's apprehension and suspicion when the face is obscured. If people want to obscure their face that is their choice - we live in a free society. However they should be prepared to accept the consequences of how others interact with them when these facial cues are absent.

This is a hijab, what 99% of muslims in new zealand wear:

This is a burqa, what the student was wearing:
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