Stuttering/Stammering VOL FML

used to stutter BAD. like embarrassingly bad. grew out of it. was told it was tied into my anxiety. reading out loud in elementary was torture
Man, I used to HATE that.  I think it was 4th grade where I had to read out loud and got hung up on a word and everyone laughed.  Had me shook for years to do anything out loud in front of the class.  
  Matter of fact, I don't think I ever had any issue with reading out loud up until that point.  Crazy how a small incident like that can impact you for life.  

Happened in college one time too when I was asked to answer a question by my prof.  By then though, I was on my YOLO steez, so I couldn't have cared less.  I just laughed it off, regrouped and said what I had to say.    
People swear i mumble...

i dont ever hear/realize it but...idk

wish you the best op
you ever seen a Jamaican doing that :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: i used to hoop with this dude SCOTT the ****** :rofl: all over the place :rofl:
I had a stutter x stammer collaboration for a period back in 3rd grade.

Public speaking really helped me out in my case. I would get really nervous to speak my mind in social groups, in class, and so on. Continually speaking in front of people with all eyes on me really helped build my confidence. My stuttering was really bad in H.S. Like some have mentioned, just try to relax and take your time when speaking.
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