Subway shooting in Mexico *Vid*

Originally Posted by wanksta23

crazy how the cops just ran up to him shooting their guns without any protection
WORD, dam cops got some heart dude clearly had NO vest , no smoke, no nothing, you know over here american swat team would have camped down therefor HOURS then snipe the dude

its insane though how one second your fully healthy, fighting for your life, alive, well, then BOOM, gone of the face of the earth

guns are bad mmmmmkay
smh...vid was pretty hard to looked liked dude in the blue shirt actually got shot
in the stomach...?
The guy that layed dieing was the only guy that bum rushed the shooter...R.I.P.

R.I.P to the other victim
damn, dude got shot in the head at point blank range. Also NONE of you can say you would have done something. You don't know what you're going to dotill the situation actually arises. You have no clue how your body and mind is going to react in that situation.
Sad story RIP to the two murdered that day.. Me speaking for myself probably wouldn't have helped and just ran as far away as possible and minded my owndamn business
^Yea i know right? I feel bad for the victim, but i wouldnt of done much myself unless the shooter was pointing at me pointblank.

Its just a scary situation that i pray to God that i will never happen in my lifetime.
^^like dude @ 1:10 running up behind him looked like he wanted to do? only to end up putting his hands in the air helpless...easier said than done.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

we all talk tough when we aren't in that situation. in a moment of panic, you don't know what the hell to do but your first instinct is to protect yourself.

Like a couple of people stated in this thread, when situations like this one occur you do not know how you're going to react. I'm sure plenty of peoplehave gone through a scenario where something totally out of the ordinary occurs and there are a million things running through their mind.

God forbid this situation ever arises I'm only going to be concerned with the safety of a family member or a close friend. It'd be wonderful ifeveryone innocent comes out okay but life isn't structured like that.
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