Success is Elusive... Dont be an Accountant if you would rather be a Lion Tamer

Apr 1, 2008
Serious food for thought...

Are we actually limiting ourselves and our own growth by aiming for notoriety, success and titles ?

Is true success achieved by doing what you love purely because you love it, not because you have any expectations ?

I almost posted this interview in the "craziest humans" thread but didnt want Rodneys level of genius to be mixed with the psychos in there. Hes talking about a different kind of crazy.... a kind of crazy induced by "success" and striving for success. It might be a tough pill for some NTers to swallow considering the stark contrast of this mentality to the Kanye/Jordan/Kobe mentality but I highly recommend taking the 7 minutes to check it out.

Unofficial 2013 Positive Vibes Thread ? :D
awesome thread/vid! Thanks OP!
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Disregarding the fact that he looked like he was on something during that interview, that was actually really good. My favorite part was when he was talking about taking on entry-level positions and learning to love it, as well as using it as a tool to see things in a different perspective which can eventually give the edge that you might need in order to move from said position.

But, it's easy to say that you could care less about money and fame especially if you already have both. Something that I think he did have at the time of the interview. 
he is right tho

do what you love ...everything else shall line up once you on top of your A-GAME

i couldn't picture doing a 9-5 or a career i dont like for the rest of my life :x

thats just a step worse from being bummy under a bridge like that lebron ad to me
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I like to play video games sometimes as a release, but the second I HAVE to play them to make money, I'm not looking at video games the same anymore. I'd rather keep my hobbies/things I love just like that and keep work in a seperate area. It doesn't exactly work the way you think it would.
I like to play video games sometimes as a release, but the second I HAVE to play them to make money, I'm not looking at video games the same anymore. I'd rather keep my hobbies/things I love just like that and keep work in a seperate area. It doesn't exactly work the way you think it would.
This. Something u love doing sometjmes isnt the same once it become work
The key thing he said there is hopefully you're good at what you love to do. A lot of people love to rap and find themselves living in their momma's basement at 30 years old bc they weren't very good but chose to follow what they love. Let's face it, you probably won't be the next Jay-z.
Serious food for thought...

Are we actually limiting ourselves and our own growth by aiming for notoriety, success and titles ?

Is true success achieved by doing what you love purely because you love it, not because you have any expectations ?

for some, the drive for those things (notoriety, success, titles, etc.) things are what helps people achieve great things...

i think it really depends of the definition of success, i think a lot of people judge success by other peoples standards, not their own...

I like to play video games sometimes as a release, but the second I HAVE to play them to make money, I'm not looking at video games the same anymore. I'd rather keep my hobbies/things I love just like that and keep work in a seperate area. It doesn't exactly work the way you think it would.

i think it depends on how much passion you have for that thing...doing something you love as a profession definitely changes your relationship to it, but better that than doing something that sucks away your soul everyday...

The key thing he said there is hopefully you're good at what you love to do. A lot of people love to rap and find themselves living in their momma's basement at 30 years old bc they weren't very good but chose to follow what they love. Let's face it, you probably won't be the next Jay-z.

if people don't really love the thing that they do, how will ever they really be able dedicate themselves to becoming good? i think it is SUPER important to at least enjoy the thing that you do for work/career; the caveat to doing what you love, is choosing a thing that you truly enjoy AND isn't super competitive.
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