Successful Long-Distance Relationships

Jan 4, 2008
What are some keys to making these work.

And please don't tell me they don't work, because they can.

Thanks NT.
did it for 2 years, still together... mad hard but its possible.... if you at least see each other once a month...
the key to long distance relationships is that BOTH people NEED to Want to make it work. If one person is seriously dedicated to making it work while the otherone isn't, then it won't work.
A lot of phone calls.. A Lot of trust.. not much physical interaction. If you're mature and your girl isn't a jump.... it should work.
Smash on the side

Or get that ********/********/reality kings pass

Everybody got needs
No such thing. especially if you are in college. Trust me she is getting it in her.
Originally Posted by chino905

the key to long distance relationships is that BOTH people NEED to Want to make it work. If one person is seriously dedicated to making it work while the other one isn't, then it won't work.
A lot of phone calls.. A Lot of trust.. not much physical interaction. If you're mature and your girl isn't a jump.... it should work.

So OP whose leaving, you or her or both?
Originally Posted by FrankDolla

A lot of phone calls.. A Lot of trust.. not much physical interaction. If you're mature and your girl isn't a jump.... it should work.
She's finishing her senior year in college. I've already graduated and moved back home. She's a state away.

I do plan to make visits.
What defines sucessful? People who see each other everyday. The same as any other relationship x 5.
Originally Posted by eye see soles

She's finishing her senior year in college. I've already graduated and moved back home. She's a state away.

I do plan to make visits.
Oh thats not so bad. How long of a drive?
i tried it once, lasted about 2 years and a half years. it takes a lot of patience and lik some1 said before you both got to want to make it shouldtry to close the distance tho if you could. good luck
Me & my wife started off long distance.
Let me tell you this.... it will be ALOT of BS. not a little A LOT!!!!!
you have to really be patient, and understanding.

My advice, would be to see each other on a consistent basis, couple times a month, and tons of phone and webcam talk.
its gonna come a point when the distance is gonna become too much, and its gonna be decision time, and you gonna have to either move closer or end it.

they work out but only if both of you are commited to the REASON you are long distance, if its for a good reason then see it through till the end, and then gettogether and live your life. if not then just move closer to each other.
I'm moving in November or December and I wanna ask this girl out.

I'm moving to San Antonio and I'll be visiting every weekend. Can I make it work?

(Not visiting for the girl but for family)
See her as much as you can. It was heartwrenching to have the feeling over your head i.e. what is she doing now, where is she doing now, etc. We trusted eachother alot, but she couldn't accept the fact that I wasn't beside her so that ended the relationship. My relationship wasn't states away, it wasmore like oceans apart, therefore the relationship could not have continued. You have to reassure both you and your girl that there is trust on both sides andthat the both of you understand when the next physical interaction will come. Mine came with no reassurances. It didn't even last long but it sure was adeep relationship, I'm not even sure if I am over it even though it ended awhile ago. Good luck OP.
Originally Posted by bkdan1

See her as much as you can. It was heartwrenching to have the feeling over your head i.e. what is she doing now, where is she doing now, etc. We trusted each other alot, but she couldn't accept the fact that I wasn't beside her so that ended the relationship. My relationship wasn't states away, it was more like oceans apart, therefore the relationship could not have continued. You have to reassure both you and your girl that there is trust on both sides and that the both of you understand when the next physical interaction will come. Mine came with no reassurances. Good luck OP.

Sorry things couldn't work.
Originally Posted by eye see soles

She about three hours away.

Thanks for the advice so far. Very helpful.
Oh you good fam.. 3 hours is not long distance imo... I thought you meant like 12 hours 3-4 states away.. u could prob make a visit 2 weekends amonth depending on ur financial situation.
Originally Posted by FrankDolla

Originally Posted by eye see soles

She about three hours away.

Thanks for the advice so far. Very helpful.
Oh you good fam.. 3 hours is not long distance imo... I thought you meant like 12 hours 3-4 states away.. u could prob make a visit 2 weekends a month depending on ur financial situation.

idk to me if u cant drive to see that person everyday if u wanted to its long distance. not that i would wana see some1 everyday but u know wat i mean

45 mins + is long distance to me....
3 hours isn't THAT bad. In my situation, I was the one who went away for college while my girl was the one who stood in the city. But it was only a 1 and ahalf commute from Long Island to NYC so it we made it work.

But my ex, we tried to make the long distance work too but it just didn't. We were like 3 hours away from eachother, and the communication wasn'treally there. We would talk maybe like once a day, and it was my freshman year so i wanted to holla at madd girls.

so it honestly depends on how good the communication is between ya two, how often you see her, and make sure that you and her both want to make this work.

And also, Do NOT let her join a sorority. I have homegirls who joined sororities and they be messing wit madd dudes, especially frat dudes on campus whilestill maintaining their long distance relationship smh.
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