SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

Her cutting a promo solo will probably be her undoing. Shes legit pretty and good in ring but that voice... :x :smh:


Just make her a girl who likes eating cornbeef and drinking guinness.

Actually that was kiiiiiinda her gimmick when she first debuted on NXT :lol: she was a stereotypical Irish person that did a jig on her way to the ring :lol:
I wonder if tamina ever washes those pants or she just lets the flavor build like a cast iron pan.
Actually that was kiiiiiinda her gimmick when she first debuted on NXT :lol: she was a stereotypical Irish person that did a jig on her way to the ring :lol:
I was gonna say the same thing about OG NXT Becky. She was basically a female Sheamgief... :smh:
On break man, we got inventory today so I'll be here until like 1 am. :frown: :smh:
I wonder if tamina ever washes those pants or she just lets the flavor build like a cast iron pan.
thats gross man. :lol: :x
when they cut to the back of ppl watching TV standing up it reminds me of those cheap ppl in college who didn't have TVs and they watched the communal ones in the lobby
Why can't the people backstage be stretching or eating fruit while watching matche
I stopped watching mr robot like 4 episodes ago. Would watch again if they showed the swedish guy's pregnant wife the whole episode instead.
I wonder if tamina ever washes those pants or she just lets the flavor build like a cast iron pan.

That's a whole lotta ball sweat to not wash out..Them pants probably smell like Caitlyn Jenner's face..
Becky Lynch's Disarmer looks painful as ****.

Her song is so catchy.

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