SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

I think everyone likes complaining just because......Taker has looked the healthiest he has looked and he could not take ANY of this the last three matches he has had. He is taking a beating like a champ
This is semi-true. He still has that washed look in his eyes though. That's what i am basing my statements on.
Yeah not gonna lie this match is solid

Crazy how they did the last ride from the top rope. NO WAY he picking him up from the groundb
@ Taker laughing...

That is SO out of his character.
Taker gone senile.
As usual, I'm tuning in just for the Undertaker, my favorite wrestler when I was growing up.

He definitely looks better than the last few times I've seen him.
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