SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

This is worst than the Kliq MSG incident
You did see the pre match video package where they showed the pic of the 4 horsewomen as well as the fact they all wanted to improve the division right...? And we all know kayfabe is long dead so there is no point in complaining.
They should have Balor only use his "Demon" persona on very important occasions...have it be like his alter ego with a different personality and moves and ****

Other guys have done it before
They should have Balor only use his "Demon" persona on very important occasions...have it be like his alter ego with a different personality and moves and ****

Other guys have done it before

Like some 3 faces of Foley type thing.
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At least my favorite wrestler contributes something to society...
Yeah, he helps improve the winning percentage of the rest of the roster. How is your guy a "comedian" but has promo skills that rival the Bellas...?!? Serious question.
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