SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

pretty cool that we've been saying this coming out of every Takeover special.

Yeah man, each and every Takeover event seems to get better and better..And I think a big thing that makes them great is the fact that they have simple, well put together feuds, and they're allowed to have some leeway during their matches..It's like Vince only wants dudes on the main roster to do no more than 8 moves a match (other than punches and kicks)..

Survey completed.

A year ago i was a rookie. Since then i've won a title, almost won the damn rumble, ethered you and a few others and didn't make questionable comments about getting aroused when Dog Ziggler is on screen. I think i'm on the right track. The same cannot be said for you bruh.

In all seriousness, I still die laughing at Dog Ziggler. Just because Dolph in a harsh Russian accent = Dog
Nice match. Womans wrestling is still a bathroom break on the main roster though. *Shrug*
So what do you guys think are going to be the major potential things that could happen tomorrow?

I'm going with-
- Rock/HHH setting up a match at WM32
- Lesnar beats Undertaker, leaves ring, Taker is doing his final goodbyes and getting standing ovation from crowd and then lights go out and Sting appears pointing bat at him
- Ambrose turns heel on Reigns
I picked Bellas to win at Summerslam even though they were the last to win on SD. I hope I'm wrong though. Them winning would basically negates the whole point of the feud.

Hope Brock finishes off Taker too. His promos and overall movements and look make me feel bad. It's like when Iverson got crossed in his later couple years in one game and hit the ground like a ton of bricks, or when it took Shaq 29 tries to get a rebound, then crumpled to the floor half court. Taker's finished. No need to wait on Sting to put him out his misery, should just have Brock do it now. One of my longtime faves needs to go.
Just got back from the NXT show and thought it was great for my first time at a WWE event:

- Bayley, Bae, Owens, and Enzo/Cass/Carmella got pretty big pops

- Dana / Eva Marie got the most heat -- Eva Marie can definitely flourish as a heel

- Really nice way to start the entire show with Enzo/Cass (was a taping for next week or something)

- Cass is really cut now -- can see his abs and all (pause)

- I think there was a botch in the Fatal 4 Way with Emma / Dana / Charlotte/ Becky -- Emma won and looked really surprised while Becky looked like she dun goofed when she ate the pin

- I have no idea why there was so much love for Vaudevillains in Brooklyn -- maybe they just got tired of Blake/Murph

- Crowd was awesome -- chanting for the main screen to come on during the ladder match / Full Sail sucks
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guys I need to know how nxt was with out spoilers. I'm out whacked right now. I went to Eagles game. free box. with valet parking included. and all food and beer also. spent 20$ on a tip to our box attendee
Breeze is no where near a bum. Wild gimmick that probably won't "translate to the main roster." But he is very talented. I think this will be his breakout tonight. I expect him to win and put on a show.

Come on now, any wrestler under 35 that is under 220 lbs, looked up to Liger at some point. he will be on his A game for sure.

And people that never saw Liger, don't expect anything special from him. He is 50+

Man. You hit the nail on the head with this one. Awesome match, best of night for me in a sense. That Breeze dude had one of the most money entrances I've seen. Thought he shouldve got the win with how good he was in the ring too, perfect opponent for Liger. Pretty wack he didn't put him over
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