Sunday Night Football or Monday Night Football?

Oct 27, 2005
Which do you prefer?

Michaels/Collinsworth vs. Tirico/Jaws/Gruden
Faith Hill vs. Hank Williams
Costas/Dungy/Harrison/Olberrman/Patrick vs. Scott/Berman/Johnson/Carter/Jackson
Kraemer vs. Kolber

Personally, I prefer Sunday Night.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Sunday Night turned into the new Monday night.

faith hill in those boots

btw, what happened to jerome bettis? they basically kicked tiki out by sending him to gms
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Sunday Night turned into the new Monday night.

word. i prefer Sunday night.

but i like Gruden's insight. he still stumblin his words tho.
and Faith be lookin
Michaels/Collinsworth vs. Tirico/Jaws/Gruden
Michaels/Collinsworth in an absolute landslide. I don't even care about the rest of that stuff, that alone makes Sunday night FAR better thanMonday night in my opinion.
Is Gruden signed on for longer? And does that jeopardize his ability to find a new coaching job?
^Honestly I don't even know about that.

Michaels/Collinsworth is a much better combination than any of the commentary teams ABC trotted out there. Plus, there isn't much in style of coveragebetween ABC and ESPN (with the whole Disney corporate thing).

I think NBC's SNF coverage last four years has been superb, and in general when it comes to professional sports, NBC is the best out there (see: Olympics,NBA, MLB, NFL). Anything they touch turns to gold.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Sunday Night turned into the new Monday night.
This is actually true.

I'm not such a big fan of Gruden. He's knowledgeable and all that, but he's a bit too "technical" with his game calling and is alwayshyping up every player way too much.
Gruden was a great addition for MNF. I absolutely LOVE listening to Jaws. Dude knows the game inside out from the quarterback perspective.

Personally, I love listening to both crews more than Madden and [insert play by play].

Collinsworth is also great at adding the color for SNF.

I cant decide. Both crews have improved a great bit over the past few years.
NBC HD looks better IMO.

You cant beat Michaels commentating... Collinsworth is good too.

BUT.. the in-studio crowd is WACK. Costas, Dungy and Harrison, are ok but the other two clowns need to go. Not Patrick, but the other guy is a CLOWN.
Football Night in America is terrible. They show less highlights per game than ESPN News. Gimme the old era, with NFL Primetime and football on ESPN and MNF onABC. Mike Patrick > Mike Tirico, dude is comedy
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