Superbowl interrupted by pornographic material on Comcast in Tucson, AZ area

damn i missed that post
I'll take my L
I just watched it too, funny stuff

(it's on one of the comments on the link OP posted)

props to the people that pulled that off
Originally Posted by dyyhard


Sunday, February 01, 2009

I have Comcast...did anybody else have an adult 30 second feature spliced into their 4th quarter? I'm trying to find out how local it was and complain to the proper authorities.

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Sunday, February 01, 2009

I have Comcast and I saw the same thing.

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Sunday, February 01, 2009

Yes, I have comcast also. Right after the cards last touchdown...

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Sunday, February 01, 2009

I want to know if any Cox customers saw it. If not, we know where it came from.

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Sunday, February 01, 2009

Especially bad for the kids that witnessed this. I tried calling Comcast. Their lines were swamped. Media being what it is, I doubt we'll ever know the _real_ truth.

all the kids that saw those images...cmon a parent how do you deal with that shocker?

The kids are going to have sex sometime anyways...
lol i saw the clip

Man, must've been real awkward to see that on screen.

I probably would've missed it since I was too busy celebrating the touchdown
i wonder how they plan on dealing with the angry customers. they'll probably offer a few months free cable. i don't know if any of you realize it, butthis is a BIG mistake on comcast's part, i'd be surprised if a few people didn't lose their job.
anyone else agree that the guy who posted the site is in on it or knows who actually jacked the feed?

who else would make a site dedicated to it?
real talk major ayo there was no female nudity just some stupid dude lol some of yall are outting yourselves
Originally Posted by Cels The YoungGod

Originally Posted by gumbottombandit

i bet janet jackson gets blamed for this.
not for this...but I blame her and that 'J.T.' for me having to watch Bruce Springsteen at halftime

haha yea i blame them for that too

the "interruption" shouldve been during the halftime show EVERYWHERE
thats funny.. do a google search "tucson comcast superbowl" on page one at the bottom, this thread comes up
it was the people they did say they were taking over the world in their commercial but still mad ayoo
I cant believe what i just watched
at the person who did that. if your gonna do it, at least play some good pornographic material, not some nasty *%$ dudesdong swingin around...
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