Wow, I see some real inexperienced tokers on NT. About 70% of the THC is absorbed within the first pull after 4-6 secs almost all of it. You're justpolluting your lungs with useless smoke after that and getting light headed from holding your breath.
I ran into this a few weeks ago and it looks corny. Im not dying to watch it at all. Good luck to him though, it might be a hit with smokers?
Originally Posted by Pushak513

Any NTer got a medical card?

i know one
Originally Posted by fittednfresh

anyone know where I can upload this big %@% video it's 876mb or anyone know where i can upload it as a flv it's 492mb then. or
you know he's using a Volcano Vaporizer right?

I fail to see how he can hold the smoke in his mouth w/out inhaling.

and trust, my dude Doug Brenson is a grasshead. I know I stoner when I see one.
No way to hit a volcano without inhaling. Just tried same with a bong. Blunt or joint may be different.
No way to hit a volcano without inhaling. Just tried same with a bong. Blunt or joint may be different.
Yea, a volcano is a vaporizer so it only burns up the thc not all of the weed therefore much less smoke same amount of THC. That's why it's consideredhealthier, trust me I guarantee one hit out of that and any nter will be stoned for 4 hours...especially with that exotic medical marijuana he was smoking.
Ha... ^ I wouldn't quite claim "one hit" would do it to quite ALL of us, but I do know that I basically have lived the premise of that movie forthe past 10 years of my life and splitting two full bags between five people and I was GONE the first time I used a volcano. I promise you he wasn't actingwhen he was gripping the counter for balance after using the Volcano for the first time after 30 days clean... As far as the "fake smoking" claim, hehits multiple bongs throughout the course of the movie, there is no way you can take a huge hit off a bong and not inhale it into your lungs.

Overall the movie was kind of dull though, sure it cements the fact that there is absolutely no evidence of long term cognitive damage as a result ofmarijunana usage, but if I wanted to watch a dude get high all day I'd just set up a video camera in my room. There were a few spots with some of myfavorite comics, but over all it was meh.
dude wasnt inhaling with pipes and blunts and joints, because he didnt want to mess with his lungs...just like smoking a cigar, you can still catch a buzz andyou dont inhale.
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